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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix

    Sweet Surrender

    I haven't changed my mind on this one. This is STILL GORGEOUS. It's so calming and relaxing, like how I feel after a long day at the beach, when you come in for the day but just before you shower off the sand and the sea, relaxed from the sun and the breeze, sitting on the porch swing thinking about what to do with the coming evening... All the notes just come together in this. It's a bright burst of berry first on but quickly settles to perfectly blended sweet ,soft, coconut creaminess on a soft bed of sandalwood - AMAZING!
  2. After wearing this again, I really liked the florals more hahaha! This one is so summery and beachy! It reminds me of somewhere I've been and just can't recall. I, for one, LOVE the cocoa butter but the other notes keep it entirely in the floral realm for me. It's truly beautiful and like I said up thread, I won't let this sample go to waist. I would have loved another scent with Lumina! Who knows? The sample is young - this could age and warrant a future FB yet! Edited for wonky writing that made no sense, lol, must've been excited when I wrote this last one Still considering FB. This one fascinates me when I have it on. I can't get past it for some reason. It's floral but not pointy, soapy or loud (which = wonderful to me) and I LURV the cocoa butter like crazy...some scent memory that is crazy happy apparently but I WISH I could remember it ?!?!?!
  3. NuTrix

    Honey Whip

    Gave this one another spin(s). It starts out really great - perfect - even and then later, though it isn't bad, something changes. I like Flying Potion and there's absolutely a distinction between this and that. I LOVE the honey in this but I'm beginning to realize that I think I would have liked it more w/o the licorice note and yet I still really like this one even though it's not playing as I hoped. The licorice is making it not quite a "me" scent but it's still VERY nommy!
  4. And THIS has always been a true statement! Glad to see you living it! No truer words have ever been spoken Pheros are awesome tools - just remember to use your powers for good, hehe ^_~ Things have changed in my life quite a bit since I started utilizing pheros. THEY haven't done the work for me, but they've given me that extra boost, edge, confidence...whatever you want to call it....to be the person I have always been - only even MORE sparkly and shiny! And accessorizing with Cougar and that delicious LP Pink is a sure winner!
  5. This one never fails to disappoint. I'm not a huge fan of heavily fruity scents but this one is gorgeous, as have been all the predecessors Stand back! Let the stampede begin!
  6. NuTrix

    Kiss of Nectar

    TODAY is HONEYSUCKLE! Softer (creamier?) than Leprechaun Luck, but right up the with that honeysuckle note. This is one of my FAVORITES so far. I could see a FB of this. It's VERY floral and whatever in it that is sweet is coming across like a creamy undercurrent., like coco butter. It's got some throw and it isn't stabby or pointy. I can't WAIT to see how this ages!
  7. NuTrix


    Out of the vile I definitely am getting herbal, slightly sweet. I don't know Bird of Paradise but that must be the floral. It's wearing very sheer on me, I have to have my shnoz right up to the app point to really get everything besides the floral note. I don't think this is something I'd wear often, it stayed very floral on me and there's something weird going on with my third eye but didn't quite become a headache. Strange, because this isn't a beat you over the head scent. Will set aside to age a bit - could be a later love?....
  8. This is definitely something I like the smell of but I'm not sure I would wear it for myself, though I think I could. It's soft and understated, clean and light and something is coming across as sweet without being sugary - if that makes any sense? Since I'm trying it out on me, there's one note sticking out among the rest that I can't quite figure out. The vetiver or the oakmoss maybe? Perhaps if I can get the man to agree to sampling it....The more I wear it and keep huffing, the more I like it. We'll see how it is in another couple of hours, but so far no one note is amping
  9. In the vial, this was all lovely and berries. First on, I didn't get any of the berry I smelled in the vial, it was, astringent? Something smelled masculine and slightly medicinal on me and I thought un-oh this is NOT for me. But that only lasted a couple minutes and it chilled and now it smells like something soapy and old lady?!?!? Something's gone terribly wrong here. I'll definitely have to set this aside for a bit and revisit. Must be my chemistry going wonky...
  10. NuTrix

    Honey Whip

    This one stayed close to the skin the whole time I had it on. And yummy? Oh yes! I haven't really gotten the licorice all up in my face, it's soft and complimentary to everything else. Then it finishes as a soft sugary amber. I had to put my nose right to my skin to smell it though. I wish it had more umph, but I'm ok with huffing my arms as necessary
  11. SO sad/ I loved this in the vile, but on me it was to perfume-y. I wish I could explain better. I really like the gourmand scents and while I like the smell of - oh, I don't know, just about every LP I've ever had the pleasure to enjoy - I still have this reaction to what in my mind of a fragrance that I associate as "perfume-y". It's initially sweet from the pineapple but I also got the orchid. It's not loud or pointy - it's actually very pretty. It's reminding me of something in my memory banks that is making me say, "No, not for me", so I think I'll set it aside and try it again in a few days
  12. NuTrix

    Sweet Surrender

    OK, This one s a winner. I'm really liking the sweet, sugary, pink coconut! And the finish is dreamy! What kind of musk is it? The sandalwood is wonderful and soft and skin like. It finishes a soft sweet skin type scent on me. Not sure if it's the musk or the sandalwood that's clicking so well with my chemistry...that or my body just really likes this one
  13. There was something vaguely reminding me of tootsie rolls without really smelling like a tootsie roll, then I saw the cocoa butter and realized the culprit! Why am I reading "fruity"? I know it's the flowers, or maybe I'm reading the combination of cocoa butter and floral as fruity? It's really pretty and summery. Maybe a touch too floral for me to warrant a FB, but I will use my vial for the rare occasion when too floral is what I'm feeling like
  14. This is a sweet, tart, lightly fruity, kind of floral... This isn't a very good description so far.... When I breathe deeply I smell the marshmallow root beneath everything. Ah HA! Just sprayed it reminds me OF sweet tarts candies. but it's wearing VERY sheer, which is nice because there's something kind of pointy going on. More testing will be necessary....
  15. In the vile this is really berry and I like it quite a bit. I hope my chemistry doesn't amp the patch but I am REALLY liking these berry notes atm, light and sweet...
  16. NuTrix


    Brisk comes to mind. After all the sweet treats this one was on the other end of the scale. It's lightly sweet on top (strawberry & pomegranate?) but I'm not sure what seems slightly astringent...peppermint or tea? This deserves a proper go. Sometimes little patches of skin just don't compare to a good slather Will have to revisit this one in a day or so I think.
  17. When I first smelled this my eyes literally popped - and not just because of the label Reading the notes I never saw this coming as a WOW. I want to give this a proper run to see how it plays over the entire wear. I won't mind if it stays a candied floral
  18. NuTrix

    Kiss of Nectar

    I 'm getting floral and something sweet but not picking out honeysuckle specifically. I'm not giving up yet though, and willing to blame travel shock for the lack of noticeable other notes. I want creamy honeysuckle too!
  19. NuTrix

    Vampire Bait

    You know, I don't usually go for florals and I only had the vial to go on...but I got a bit on my hand by accident and it's been about a half hour now and it smells REALLY nice! It's really clean and obviously floral but the sandalwood and - what? Bamboo? Not sure - but it's grounding it and smoothing it out very nicely. I'm actually excited to try this and I was sure I was going to write it off! Oops...
  20. NuTrix

    Sweet Surrender

    WOW! In the vial this just slapped me! And then immediately followed with a kiss I didn't think much one way or the other reading the notes, I mean, I thought I'd probably like it but again - WOW. Hearts - I'm sure you can spare a bottle from that truck of yours right? If I try to limit myself to just 1? Will have to properly slather this to evaluate and be certain - but this one is delish in the vial!
  21. NuTrix

    Honey Whip

    When I make pancakes, I like them drizzled with honey (instead of syrup) and topped with whipped cream...in the vial - THAT is what THIS is reminding me of. I want to love this one and have high hopes. I don't smell licorice in the vile, but that could be from the trip. I only just pulled it from the mail tonight, so a proper slathering will follow tomorrow
  22. Squeeeee! Delivery! Delivery! Will have to leave them si until tomorrow - but of course snuffled them all. Love Honey Whip in the vial, and was surprised by Midnight Phapsody - that one smells amazing in the vial! Can't wait to take these lovelies for a test drive! @ Luna - Yes! The bag is Sooooo pretty! @ Mara - googled and WOW - How neat! I got mushy when I read the card because the words evoked everything this group is actually trying to convey, so that was surreal. Great organization - thank you for pointing us their way
  23. Thank you MissD! I've always used the mad scientist for scenting pheros. I don't think I've ever asked to have a fragrance boosted but if it's full fragrance, it could be one way or the other I suppose. Just a different method of how you request it. After snooping the site, I see there are drop downs for each fragrance if you wanted to request a phero boost and the price all works out the same that way or with the mad scientist route
  24. Hehehe...a pocket full of attractive men at your disposal, beck and call would certainly not be a bad thing Sounds like you have wonderful goodies already picked out everyone will love you! And not just because of the LPs (though certainly they will be worth gushing over) You will all be sharing in the same joy and excitement as those around you - it's BOUND to be spectacular!
  25. I am trying to find scents right now to cover some stinkier mone blends. I haven't found SS4W that terribly smelly. My UnSS4W is in oil though and I've found that some sprays DO initially pack a wallop stench wise Since NoCos are originally intended to cover cops, I would think lightly fragrancing would be sufficient, then you could still layer with your favorite perfume (white and pink go deliciously with so many things...) Buuuuut, it's only a few dollars more to fully fragrance. I don't think Stone Cougar is any more smelly than SS4W and I did get that one scented fully with Pure Sugar (but I also got it at x3 strength, so I figured better safe than...) Has anyone else fragranced their SS4W? I know a lot of you ladies find a fragrance you love and then boost it with the phero - is that the same thing?
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