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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I have always called them flutterbys but I did not know this...and then there are the nighttime flutterbys (moths always seemed like such a dull, heavy word for such delicate creatures,,,) I think that while this will be a lovely scent, because of the floral nature it will probably not be a "me" scent...can't wait to try it anyway! UPDATE! Just out of the mail! In the vial, very floral but not pointy. Something familiar though - like something my mom used to wear? Will test more once it's rested from it's travels....
  2. OHMYGOODNESSYES! Spell Weaver is delicious! Everything in Incandescence is SCREAMING FB! Cannot WAIT to get my mitts on this sample - I sense and order coming before the day is done.... UPDATE! Just out of the mail! In the vial, fruit, hint of citrus, sweet - delish amber/vanilla and that chewy, gooey goodness that the patch in Compromising Positions has/adds! Oh my! And his hasn't even rested from it's travels yet!
  3. I really like the tea scents. I've always been fan of tea - all kinds - eager to sample this one!
  4. Ditto here! Thank you for this - you actually just reduced my anxiety and INCREASED my anticipation 10 fold! :lol UPDATE! Just out of the mail! In the vial, YES! Caramel coffee! I was thinking it's much lighter than Titillating Temptress, but there IS a distinctly caramel scent in with the coffee and in the vial I don't pick up cinnamon at all so I had to put some on. It is there, but barely - like when they sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top for aroma and color contrast to the cream but it doesn't really impact the taste so much as the visual and scent perception. It's also crazy on dry down how it is DISTINCTLY LP -WOW! Full Bottle.
  5. Ooooo!YAY! That's what I was hoping to hear! UPDATE! Just out of the mail! In the vial, yup. That's chocolate alright It kind of reminds me of Velvet Kisses sans mandarin. It's not as dark as I thought it would be but that LP base sure makes it yummy! Oddly I'm on the fence for FB. We'll see as it continues to wear - that and it is fresh from the mail so I should really reserve final judgment for a day or 2...
  6. I was nervous about the lemon in Moon Sugar Candy and needn't have been so I'm very hopeful to adore this one as well! I used to be nervous about patchouli too...then I got Compromising Positions and even my gf who can't stand patch loves that one! UPDATE! Just out of the mail! In the vial, lemon buttery pound cake - just like Mara said! My GOSH this smells like a confectioner's DREAM! I LOOOOVE how cake-y this is! A heavy, dense, buttery, vanilla pound cake Fellow foodies -you will LOVE THIS! Full Bottle!
  7. I am awaiting this one with great anticipation! I want to LOVE and go FB, but the samples cometh...I shall try to restrain myself. Such and interesting mix of ingredients, I just cannot wrap my head around it - but it READS wonderfully!
  8. Those 5 ingredients could smell as complex as a blend with MANY more than that - LP is SOOOO awesome! I'm wondering how the coffe will play nto ths one? Subtle addition, noticeable note?
  9. MYPACKAGEISOUTFORDELIVERY!!!MYPACKAGEISOUTFORDELIVERY!!! SOOOOO stalking the ail right now!!!! Finally glad I'm working 3rd shift temporarily! No "missed delivery" notice today! Squeeeee!
  10. Sorry, just looking to clarify, you use 2 sprays of the scented TMI, yes? I had the Un, but didn't give it proper love and so re-homed it. I'm thinking about getting the sample size of the scented caramel musk TMI, just to have it on hand for those very rare instances when I might find it beneficial. I think it will also be diluted perfectly so that I won't have to worry about not being able to "un-hear" something!
  11. I haven't gotten anything with cops from LP in a spray, except Cougar and I suspect, Lumina...too chicken after hearing that the cops can linger in hair and on clothes. Maybe that's only for cop heavy things, like OCCOs or LAM! & BAM! ? Things like BBM, OCCO Ambrosia and Velvet Kisses, I have them all in oil. Not sure what the "cop count" in TG is. I LOVE Breath of Nirvana and have thought about making one into a spray because it only has 4 drops of cops in the whole bottle...I don't get cops AT ALL from TG so I would be interested to know if anyone got it in a spray as well and how that's behaving for them
  12. Yes, wearing Totem Goat - again! With PP potion scented with LP Pink. Was stoped by a coworked and directly asked what I was wearing - I'm afraid I only confessed LP Pink Then he told me - quite seriously - that he liked it I had a dab behind each ear and on the back of each hand and a lolipop around my belly button, so he probably did smell mainly LP Pink as I had sprayed my clothes and jair with PP, but the hit was ALL cop reaction. Very intensely approving! Did I mention I LOVE this Totem best?!
  13. I found it post "sold out" as well and trolled the trades for it - keep your eyes open - if I got lucky maybe you will to!
  14. I'm with Rose - love the scent, no phero effects yet...not a twitch from hubby either But the fragrance is WONDERFUL!
  15. Hehe - me too hearts! When I was bombing Cougar recently I was using the fragranced oil and then spraying the Un over top to lift and spread the phero love Long stripes of the oil up and down my fore arms, big ol' horse shoe from one side of my neck down across my collarbone and up the other side of my neck and all smooshed with wrists...THEN from a 5ml spray bottle: a spritz of the Un SC to each wrist, and 3 across the chest/collarbone. Practically fogged...always have a great day though..... ^_~
  16. NuTrix

    Totem: Bunny

    This is to me a clean AND sweet scent. No, it's not really sugary sweet and it's not a clean like SC or CB 2009, which were just "too" clean for my tastes. This is a fluffy cotton with the hint of something semi sweet - like cotton candy feels, but not, however, as sugary as cotton candy tastes! I found a clean scent that isn't too clean for me! One of my FAVORITE totems
  17. Well, you've come to the right place for distraction and fascination! Welcome to, very possiblly, you newset obsession
  18. Most of the time when I wear pheromones, I apply and forget them and just let things happen. TMI is the only one (besides BAM!) where I make the conscious effort to REMIND myself that I'm wearing it and hold my tongue! It can be done, I promise But the mind does ramble even if the tongue doesn't, I just have to keep reminding myself to stayed "shushed"
  19. Yes - pornfume is a new one...now if he asks if I've learned anything, I can tell him my new word!
  20. Me! It's happened for me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE, I mean ADORE my Flying Potion, the scent is gorgeous! So I got the Un Levitation to try out and it just isn't spot on for me the way OW is. It seems so crazy, because I've worn OW and spritzed DHEAS on my hair or clothes and had fabulous results, so maybe it's too little or too much DHEAS? But I can wear OW solo and it's always awesome, not like Cougar - naughty minx, just happy and...VIBRANT, yes, that's the word! Levitation is a warm fuzzy happy. OW is a vibrant resonating happy to me, much more congruent with me I think.
  21. NuTrix


    Chemistry! Go figure! I don't think your nose is insane though, I think I see - or smell - what you mean about the green scent I DO get the smoke though and think it compliments the rest very well...hopefully it won't remain illusive for you!
  22. YAY! BC, glad it's working it's magic for you and happy that it has a lovely new home. It's mighty powerful stuff and I'm sure you'll continue to find it advantageous to have on hand!
  23. Yes! THIS! So want to LOVE this scent!!!!!!!!
  24. CuR - I can name those that I have in spray - Topper, DHEAS, PP, PM, Stone Cougar, OW, Jubilee (which has Teddy BB) and FP (w/Levitation). I consider all of these "socials". I also have all but Levitation in oil too. Literally EVERYTHING else I have ordered as oils and very few I have made into sprays (little 5ml from LP or 1/2 oz from amazon.com) for myself, Papal Purple (with H&S) being one of them. I prefer oils for 2 reasons: 1. I wear EVERTHING to work - everything. Work IS my testing ground. I can't have things like BI and Sexpionage (in Compromising Positions - gads that smells delish!) just winging out any ol' where! 2. When I wear most of my stash, selfishly, I wouldn't want anyone to mistake the signature I'm projecting to belong to someone else, I like my closely clinging oils My sprays are different because I wear them when I want to effect the most people and don't concern myself if they confuse my signature with those around me....I wear those just to spread happiness where ever the phero cloud goes So, for me, it depends on the goal CuR & OBWiser - Weeell, I haven't got any Totem: Goat on my current order list... atm....
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