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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I'm going to be giving this one a proper slather today so I can decide if it's going on the FB list ) I'm hoping with proper slathering to get more cake to go with the yummy icing I NEED more BANG! in my collection
  2. WELL!!! I HAVE BEEN DOING AJA ALL WRONG! I have been using my little trial vial and using but a dab on each wrist, maybe a bit by the belly button. Then I read a post and I have been trying to find out which thread it was in (and it's making me CRAZY cuz I can't find it/remember!) where the writter said they use 2-3 SPRAYS to get the copulin effects - WAY more than what I've been using! So tonight I slathered quite a bit of oil on, Figuring if I go down, it will be in FLAMING WONDER It even SMELLS different in such a dose - like, even better! Still a strange not quite but honey "something". I layered over a bit of EGG 2011, but really, I've slathered on so much Aja, it's mostly all I'm reading - and it smells FANTASTIC. And I have had distinctive reactions already! I came in to give shift change and one of the guys from the shift prior had come up behind me. I HEARD him inhaling the air behind me and when I asked what he was doing he smiled this huge goofy smile and just said "Smelling YOU" Not creepy or anything - he just looked absolutely euphric...Then he took a seat beside me and stayed glued there until his shift was dismissed. He was just the first of numerous interesting interactions so far Aja has JUST JUMPED TO MY FB LIST!
  3. HAHAHA! No, not currently at least I went with PP today instead - though reading in this thread nearly swayed me! I LOVE the girly bouncy Lace vibe. It isn't always good for work though, lol, I tend to want to chat and play instead of focusing on what needs done - which is better for AFTER hours. Of course I had to trial it a few times to know for sure though...
  4. Maybe all that means is that 1/3 strength isn't a high enough dose in the amount of FP you wear. If you have the opportunity to try the full strength unscented Levitation (which is the phero blend in FP), that may play differently for you than the fragranced perfume. A full strength phero will always be the heavy hitter next to a fragrance spiked with a bit of the same blend. Maybe for you - more is - well - more? Would not, however, be w/o Lace - top 5er - a staple! Edited to add: Re-reading your post to clarify. Any fragrance that is boosted with a phero is boosted with 1/3 the strength of an Unscented pheromone. White Gypsum is also 1/3 the strength of Un Lace (because it's a "phero'd" fragrance). So FP isn't less or more potent that WG. Both fragrances are boosted with 1/3 the strength of their respective unscented blends. So it is possible that you DO respond better to the Lace blend than to the Levitation blend You can go mad scientist and get full phero and full fragrance, but unless LP otherwise specifies, the releases boosted with pheromones are 1/3 strength of the unscented blends. Did that help - or make things more confusing?
  5. A little bit goes a long way. This is some potent, and lasting, fragrance. I don't think it's gong to be a FB for me (seriously, I am trying to curb my compulsions to acquire EVERYTHING in FB) but I will def enjoy my sample. it should last a good while. It's not a "me" scent, but I like it and it can be a "for me" scent for sure - if that makes any sense?
  6. You all put me in the mood for Scotchies, so I've been wearing it today. It's not as, hmm, gooey? and TG, and no raisins, but I see the similarities in yummiliciousness - I didn't hoard this one appropriately so when it runs out I'll have TG to keep me happy...don't know what I'll do when I reach the end of those bottles though! Hate to even think about it! SO I WON"T YAY! Totem: Goat ROCKS!
  7. NuTrix


    HAHAHA! Maybe.... And YES, drag it out and then report back!
  8. What a beautiful discription! It's true, it's that unity and balanced feeling that it conjures that is the real magick!
  9. It's officially going on the FB list! Maybe it just needed longer to settle than a day or 2. I guess that's not unheard of. I know some of the ladies here have waited a week or more to test and re-test things. I was SO sad when I started amping the cinnamon because I wanted that right out of the vial smell - BADLY. Granted, it isn't as intensely caramel as it is out of the vial and the cinnamon flares up a bit just after dry down - but then once it settles it's been fantastic! I'm soooo happy I didn't give up! This one is actually my favorite of them all
  10. D'oh! He sounds like a handful! Could be your just hat beautiful and need to learn to deal with that super power ^_~ The good, the bad and the "Eeesh!" I've worn Teddy BB with Un CB for a more girly feel just for me. I never wear pretty much anything without adding cops anyway I like it for work and play. I work with mostly guys and having that comaraderie feel is invaluable! Glad it's playing nicely for you...even if you have to suffer an occasional weird fish~n~chip fella here and there...
  11. PM is one of the few that I have in both spray and oil....and in multiple fragrances! It's a staple here and I'm always trolling the NRs for it when they are first released. At first it was JUST because hubby responded SO well to it, but it turns out it's great at work too! It's a really great, no nonsense, break down barriers and be "real" with one another blend. It's "soft" and friendly. LOVE.
  12. I've been unabashed about my obsession And I DID order this in spray with my most recent order. It isn't like Scotchies on me, though I can see the inference. TG is all dough-y, and with a distinctly raisin note in the beginning, cinnamon bread dripping with white icing DROOL!
  13. NuTrix


    Uh-oh! What's wrong? WATM is foodie and nutty - on me - if she layers them I'd be curious about the outcome. I love Nola all on its own though! I get all rich gourmand, thick, dripping vanilla goodness!
  14. Yes! The staying power if phenomenal Don't ask direction from the woman on the bottle, become her - and GIVE direction I like how sexually predatory this makes me feel...then again, it could be that I got mine boosted with cops
  15. NuTrix


    Hmm. Like Sugared Moon Dust or Wink at the Moon?
  16. When you do, let us know how you like it I wear lots of foodie scents so PS is complimentary, but it has worked with florals too....
  17. OK. Sniffing them side by side I see it - er - smell it. Like the Allumette is on top with the undercurrent of LP - but I would have NEVER gotten that on my own...Halo has a sleuth's nose!
  18. Yes, this one is "sticky" (lasts) and is potent. I try not to do more than a dab out side of clothing but I will do the lollipop on my torso so that it will waft up from under my blouse just for me throughout the day Literally, just a dot behind each ear and a dot shared between wrists...but I sure do find it irresistible and will slather when left to myself at home
  19. I did not get that *scurries off to go compare....*
  20. I was lightly scenting my un sprays with LP Pink, but found Pure Sugar to be more neutral for layering. I've been using PS in my uns ever since
  21. Imo, nothing alike. BCM is rich and chewy and robust. Latte is soft creamy caramel latte. Cinnamon pops out n the beginning but upon slathering, it played VERY nicely with me. BCM has a noticeable leather note - OHMYWOWLOVE! Nothing like that in the Latte. BCM also has a stronger coffee scent to it. They are both very lovely in VERY different ways
  22. For me? Purely economic actually. This one is a staple and I know I'll save $$$ in the long run having the x3 aaaand, I'm usually decanting into a 5ml to-go bottle, and THAT will mean less sprays too....instead of the barrage like I use now. From the x1 I usually spray something like 8 spritzes from the 5ml spray bottle! 4 to chest and neck, 1 to each wrist and 1 to each back of hand. Now I will be able to get the same effects with 3, or max, 4 spritzes I would probably buy all my Uns in x3 for that reason, but I like the oils more than sprays for just about everything else. I prefer their longevity, discretion and ease to transport (smaller bottles). Though I can see purchasing more in the future...like Lace and OW... Um, you JUST did!
  23. Miss D! This could be for you! I actually quite slathered it today and WOW did I get compliments! The cinnamon chilled and the creamy latte stayed and stayed! I was Sooooo worried about the cin note, but I'm so glad I kept trialing it. I actually showered about 8 hours ago and then slathered this on over unscented BANG! The guys at work went nuts over it and I have to admit, this is the best wear so far. 8 hours later I'm still smelling creamy, caramel goodness and wondering if I should make another order or just wait until July!
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