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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. YAY! Glad it's a hit for BOTH of you That's always nice This is such a yummy blend it's too easy to fog and become a walking cloud of marshmallow delight!
  2. Rose! You're a hoot! Glad BB had such immediate and dramatic affect! Halo - ! Thanks for sharing that bit of info! Would've never thought it - just like tyvey, would've thought it would HELP with that, not the other way around Glad I rotate so many things...
  3. Hmm, I remember the sniffie being sweet and candy like too and while there's still something decidedly sugary (honey/carnation?) it's definitely got a bit more "slinky" to it now than I first remember...I still like it though I DO believe it's the civet being naughty....There's this vague Jouir De recollection without being actually anything alike....honey....civet....
  4. I'm already working on another list of sugared for the future....
  5. NuTrix


    OHMYGOSH LS! Sorry I didn't see this sooner. If it's still relevant, I got it in the oil, but have decanted some to spray. I go "scent blind" on this when I wear it When I first apply the oil I get that yummy splash of orange then as it fades I seem to lose track of it myself. I thought it didn't last on me but - literally - everyone else, including hubby, raves about how great it smells! So I stocked up - as any smart girl would do, teheee.... When I made a little traveler of spray it did what most spray do - big wafting huffs of deliciousness that settled into creamy, sugary spiced goodness. Have you experimented since your last post?
  6. I believe she may have been referring to the nutmeg in both, but that CP has patch, which can be a win or deal breaker for fragrances for some of us.
  7. OK, I may have splurged a bit... Sugareds 15ml Birthday Cake Chia Spices English Toffee Honeydew Grapefruit Honeysuckle Jasmine Lilac Warm Milk and Sugar Myrrh Oud Wisteria From ArtFire - I saw1 of my PEs still floating around so I had to snatch it up - Demimondaine Charlene's Blackberry Jasmine Rebecca's Hot Milk and Honey Freebees from sale - FBs - Orangzipan Hungry Heart Unreasonable Pumpkin Trial sizes - Pot Of Gold Regal Confection I think that should hold me over ...until the next NRs
  8. NuTrix

    Sweet Surrender

    Had been trying to restrain for the sale and only got 1 bottle of this, but I STILL love it. Plan on converting some to spray, but I do kind of like how using the oils make my perfumes seem to last longer, over time and on my skin Sometimes I get spray happy (read fog) and - hard to believe - I can go a little overboard with sprays...
  9. Just seeing this - DD sending LOTS of love to you :heart:
  10. OHMYGOSH!!! I LOVE Sailor Moon! *swoons* AND I agree, there must be enough Est in CB to make it manageable for work or something - it's the awesome-est, sweetest mix. Some closer male friends may express naughty statements, but that's any day, lol. All my co-workers and friends know I'm happily married and anything sexual brought about by CB is always in playful banter, not inappropriate behavior. I really like the effect it has on WOMEN at work too - they become even sweeter, more thoughtful and helpful. Um - win...win...and WIN! BTW tyvey - LOVE these reviews!
  11. NuTrix

    Marsha Mellow

    OH! I think you will LOVE this then! It's absolutely DELICIOUS marshmallow, creamy, pillow-y, sticky and soft - YUM! Will watch for your update
  12. Just a thought...Have you taken note to what time in the month it is? Sometimes our cycles can actually effect how these lovelies wear...as our chemistry changes throughout the month so may the way certain fragrances wear. This was a suggestion to me when I had something that seemed wonky and I just couldn't pin it down. Sure enough, for what ever reason, it was more appealing to me during shark week than the rest of the month Crazy, but true. The really queer thing was that no one noticed a difference EXCEPT me. It smelled different to me only??? (I had asked for 2nd and 3rd opinions and was told it smelled nice) Hopefully someone else will have something to offer
  13. Hehee...I love me my scarves...very versatile, good for all seasons...and creating feminine mystery...plus, their are handy for tying things up too...shhhhhhh..... Now I wouldn't have normally thought to have gotten a sugared wisteria scent....but now...wait 'til my husband sees hehehe... MissD your li'l Abby looks so snuggly, what an expressive photo, so loving and soft
  14. WOW! This is like RE-MEETING all of you again LOL How FUN to see so many of you! Such great photos Mara! To think I didn't even know what wisteria was before LP It's also in one of my favorite loves - Papal Purple! They are ALL GORGEOUS Mara! Absolutely amazing! And, yes, that is a ROCKING pic for Sugared Leather! You're ALL lovely and it's just tickling me to pieces to see all of these
  15. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    I love this one for my room at night! It's so calming after any day, but especially the crazy ones. I've diluted it to a spray and use it for both a body and linen spray and I can't say enough about how wonderful it is. So strange, as it's such a potent scent on me in the straight up oil that I can only wear a bare dab as I amp it so badly, but in spray form it's just a dream!
  16. I have diluted my oils with perfumers alcohol many time to make a travel sized spray. My normal is 1/3 oil to 2/3 perfumers alcohol. LP also sells the 1 ounce bottle with perfumers alcohol ready for converting a 10ml bottle of oil on the ArtFire site if you haven't got the perfumers alcohol on hand yourself
  17. The bonus is that everything you listed is permanent, so if you get trial sizes of them - they are guaranteed to still be around if you LOVE them and NEED the FB
  18. ^^^Ditto! But I had to order Sweet Surrender & Pherodise...I tried to wait, Honest!
  19. Welcome! Make yourself at home - as fellow enablers, you will find no judgment here, only encouragement
  20. What a happy "oops"! I think it's aging beautifully Glad that it was a good choice for you
  21. Put the Un CB on first and let it dry, then just go ahead and spray your cover over top
  22. Welcome! I have used a trial size vial of LP Pink to lightly scent my whole bottle of unscented PM. I didn't find it terribly smelly even without a fragrance though, I just liked it better with a little something. Cuddle Bunny in 100% alcohol should dry down quickly but will still need a cover scent of some sort (you could always lightly scent your bottle with your vial of scented CB ) Those are 2 very versatile mixes you ordered, you should enjoy them quite a bit
  23. This would totally be a scent I would spray all over my room at night before bed. Had to come back and revisit. If I were to get a FB I know it would end up WITH me as my guy's only response was "eh" - but don't let that sway you - I have had him try DOZENS of LP scents - and with the help of others - thank you QG! - and my guy is just plain DIFFICULT when it comes to getting him to try things let alone approve...pearls before swine comes to mind for some reason.... This - to my nose - is such a natural scent, as in fresh out of a shower, clean skin scent, not soapy. I think I would go bananas if this were paired with SS4M on a man! To my nose, this is fantastic. Delicious but understated - definitely would want to get closer to a guy wearing this - you know, to investigate the scent...not that the guy on the label wouldn't be enticing enough on his own, but if he were wearing this? VELCRO.
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