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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Hubby announced that this was a "good one", that he "liked it" and "I should get a bottle" He has NEVER said that about any other sample - though he has said he liked some I have already purchased bottles of. This is the first time I've been TOLD to get a FB by him. THAT'S saying something right there ladies!
  2. I'm still holding out for the July sampler to make my order, but I want at least 1 FB of LP Latte, (should they survive that long), and my Lace is almost gone - YIKES! I only just realized that. I've had it in oil but want it in spray this time around OH! And Aja, MUST have a bottle of Aja!
  3. Nice report Goddessinjapan! 7 hours! That's great! And on first try with an Un too!
  4. LOL! You wouldn't be "making" me do anything sweetie I LOVE this PE. I use it as a fragrance, I've added it to distilled water to make a spray for the house, I use it in my oil warmer....It has multiple uses for me...one more bottle won't go to waste and who's to say I wouldn't get more from ArtFire eventually anyway? YAY! and Yes! This is meant to build bridges, create safety and be inviting. I've been loving how it's aging too! Like I mentioned above to Maiea, I use it for all manner of things at home too. My husband knows it by name when he smells it (believe me, that's really saying something!) I'm glad there are still plenty extras on ArtFire...I figure since people aren't beating down the doors for it, it will be there for when I cave and swoop some more Always happy to share in magical experiences - glad the potion is working well for you
  5. This is one I found my hubby responds to. It all started with Papal Purple - my first time trying H&S. I've made some of that into a spray as well. To please hubs I've pared it with Scotchies, Unreasonable Pumpkin, Carolyn's Man Nip, Totem: Goat, Cherry Divinity and Orangzipan. Um - you may be able to guess, but so far I love many things best with TG atm...
  6. Hehe. Guys love the foodie smells! MOST women do too. But perfume "likes" are subjective individually. My secret hypothesis is that some people don't like the delicious scents because too many people are obsessed with dieting and these gorgeous gourmand scents remind them of all the things they're supposed to NOT want to indulge in and it makes them crazy in the head. That and when we're getting all these compliments on how great our perfumes are - some people just don't get why because they figure it's just a smell...I think most people are so tired of being bowled over by awful chemical commercial scents that it's novel and refreshing when someone wears something so great that isn't ANYTHING to be confused with those! (was just complimented wonderfully on Coco Honey last evening...) Could be her personality, PMS or the good fortune of catching her on a bad day (or - is it wrong to say - jealous of the attention? Oh yeah - that could be it...petty behavior that has zero to do with cops...) All I'm saying is sometimes it's the pheros influencing/disinhibiting...but people don't do things against their will...sometimes it really IS the person.
  7. That's how some of us are at my work too, most of us have known each other for at least a decade and there's a comfortable camaraderie that good friends have - like siblings, but not quite BANG! does make people quite helpful, even if they don't always know why....I love AM too, and like you mentioned the citrus doesn't hang around for me very long either but what's left is deliciously irresistible! My stomping ground is usually work (because it seems of late I'm ALWAYS there) but because of the nature of my work I have the opportunity to be around diverse groups of people. I tend to be heavy handed, I think, with my pheros - but like you mentioned, I only have to apply once for the day and I'm done. So either slathering works or LP is da BOMB...or of course - both
  8. Hehe...sounds about right! What flavor are you trying? My favorites are the Pink Amber & the Buttercream Peach
  9. LOL! Kitty whisperer phero? Interesting I think after continued testing, to my somewhat surprise, I prefer the heart & Soul to Treasured Hearts. While TH affects those around me, it's H&S that is the one that centers on me. Not that mind my pheros affecting the atmosphere, lol, I just like when people respond to the phero as my signature. (is that terribly narcissistic? ) This one is definitely a keeper
  10. I've never had it in spray and I think it would be VERY complimentary to this blend...could use it like Topper too It really isn't a very "smelly" blend unscented, so I'm thinking of just lightly fragrancing it with Pure Sugar....to wear with oh - EVERYTHING!
  11. I've only ever used the oil, I like controlling where and how much. Saw it offered as spray and may try both...for science sake of course... Thank you Mara and MissD, you make the dropper bottle sound adorably irresistible! So a "dipper" stick? Not like a dropper? Kind of like the wand in the trial vials? Interesting! And glass - that DOES sound exotic!
  12. OH! How exciting! I've just realized that my Lace is nearly gone! I've been wanting to get it in spray Looks like my next order is growing! I want to hold out until next months NRs. Not sure if I will want x1 or x2???
  13. NuTrix

    Coconut Breeze

    And, for me, it's got some staying power too! Very huffable!
  14. I think it's more of a shining example of your guy pals lack of character than that a flirty phero was involved. You can't fix stupid
  15. Aja performed again - along side OW and Flying Potion Going to take it (FINALLY) for a spin around my guy and hope he's a responder! Been wanting to wear it with Lace I decided to get a bottle in my next order. Is there a reason this one is in 1/4 oz bottle instead of 1/3? No biggie, just curious. And has anyone gottten this in spray? I'm wondering if it lightens the smell of Aja or if it's pretty well the same?
  16. That's what I figured/hoped. Particularly with the smaller spray bottle - it won't be so much like a fogging
  17. I'm in StacyK's boat on this one. I think the oil is all I'll ever need as a little bit does magnificently. I haven't gotten it in spray, though I've thought of creating one with the La Sylphide scent. LFM works magic, truly! But a heavy hand can go completely incongruent with me, sending off a way too serious vibe for my bubbly self. I'm not sure IF I could find a sweet spot at x3...unless I decanted it into a to-go spray where I could use less spray to start with...hmm....
  18. Slathered this on last night and first on the chocolate was yummilicious! Silky and definitely chocolate - not really bitter to my nose at all. But then later, for whatever reason, all the chocolate flitted away and I amped the patchouli to distraction. It wasn't the horrible commercial patch, which I find can be heavy and nauseating, this was much softer but still very prominent. I will have to try it again because I'm still very surprised by the 180 it did on me!
  19. You inspired me to do the same I'm not planning really to use a higher dose - but it will be my first super phero. I'm thinking that because I decant into a smaller spray, I will have to use less sprays now - $$$ wise - it should save in the long run I'm sure it will take some tweaking to "refind" my sweet spot at that potency!
  20. I don't know if it's the honey that lightens and sweetens it - or the lack of woods and resins? On me it's a sweet honey that has oh-so the slightest powderiness, like a bare hint. Sometimes honey goes very powdery on me but this one is very tame. If I had to compare I would say it addd to the sweetness of the whole, like LP P&D, Persuasion Potion, Carolyn's Man Nip...
  21. D-oh! You're absolutely right! I had wanted to get 2 birds by wearing/trialing Incandescence to figure out if I needed a FB. All the positive results from yesterday/this morning are now skewed....You know what THIS means? DO OVER! Hahaha - it played great with PP...now I'm thinking OW or Lace for today And true about picking the right cover - Aja will out last anything,! I usually go with foodie scents only because that's my thing, but I pick sticky scents that will give Aja a good sparing partner
  22. Welcome! Sounds like your stockpile is almost gone ~ time for a new sampler!
  23. So it's been about 6 hours and I'm getting the sugary, amber, patch finish. I like how fruity this is first on and it's not obnoxiously in your face, just really nommy cup cake and pink frosting. That was my favorite part actaully I will surely love my sample and use it all up, lol, but I think I will pass on the FB of this one this time.
  24. ooo! I'll have to keep that in mind, as I decant my cougar to 5ml to-go all the time! Just to see if it was the Aja - I wore a different phero and fragrance tonight (Incandescence w/BANG!) and a little less of the Aja - trying to find that sweet spot for me. I just LOVE what this brings to a fragrance! Still getting tons of eye contact, people trying to make me laugh, some "peacocking". Fun stuff here for sure! So glad to be re-discovering it in this new way
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