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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Ssup! That sounds like LOADS of fun! I hope your LPs arrive before you go - but I have no doubt you'll have a blast regardless
  2. I rest my case. Boys are weird....but entertaining
  3. NuTrix

    Coco Honey

    Agreed! I had a bottle and thought, "This won't be around forever, I better get another bottle b/c I know I will kick myself it if I don't..."
  4. Good to have you here! You picked LOTS of great samples. Loads of us adore Cougar, that's always a sure fire for me too. You will LOVE the smell of LAM Buttercream Peach - truly YUM!. Also a big fan of BANG! here too...You have lots of goodies You're going to have tons of fun trialing everything. Just a thought, for your area, try looking up meetup.com to see if there are any singles groups meeting near where you live. It could be a way to meet new people in a group/public setting if there's anything of interest close by. Happy experimenting - look forward to reading what you think of all your goodies
  5. HOLYMOLY! Dying over all the descriptions...I already ordered the sampler but everything sounds so good...I'm tempted to go all bottles...just drooling over so many of them! They all sound fantastically irresistible and I think I want them all! CANNOT WAIT to get my greedy mitts on that sampler... *whimpers* I shall never be able to save up for the sale at this rate
  6. NuTrix

    Coco Honey

    My bottles aren't cop'd, but I have used it to cover. I haven't had any bleed through...just yummy cocoa & honey. It's funny to come across this today as I'm actually wearing it right now with a blend that has cops in it and all I'm getting is the delightful fragrance It isn't an over bearing scent, but it did perk up a fellow at work who said it reminded him of a perfume his wife wears (hmm, another LP'er?) - I get lots of compliments on it! You could always trial a vial, I don't think you'll regret it
  7. Un Lumina, 3-4 sprays here too. PP - more even. Most sprays are usually golden at 3-4 though. Got the idea to up my sprays of PP from Dolphindolls2 and that did the trick for me - you'll see as you read through the thread there
  8. Hmmph So far Latte is one of the few my skin hasn't made incensey in any stage of dry down. Fascinating, this whole chemistry thing is SO bizarre....
  9. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    Just piped half and half into a trial vial to marinate. I love UNE on it's own and when I wear it there are other people who react just like me - "OHMYWOWTHATSMELLSGREAT!!" but both my husband and a gf snarf at it and I'm thinking the MSC will change it just enough to make them reconsider since they both like MSC (my problem is that I LOVE SO MANY LPs!) But, right now, I have both scents all over my hands from mixing and I smell glorious! Once it's sat for several hours, I'll wear it for today and see how it goes. since I will be with BOTH of them! Both UNE and MSC have some serious staying power on me so I suspect they will last and last! I first feared the lemon when I ordered MSC and while I could pick it out as a note, it never over took the whole. It was just kind of brightening it, not overpowering it, I'm a sucker for maple-y scents and this one is at the top of the list
  10. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    OOOOOOO! What an interesting thought to combine! I have UNE, the unphreo'd version of Pherogirl, will have to try this! Thanks for the tip I don't amp anything in MSC but I DO sometimes amp the honey in UNE...I would love to see how deliciously they play together!
  11. Amen sistah! That's awesome that it made it all the way to your mom's! She's probably happy to be reminded of you, being so far away
  12. Just ordered July samples and FBs of Aja and LP Latte & Coco Honey. Will save lace for next month...or, well, next order anyway
  13. Hehe,.. thought the same thing..... What "attractive" labels As always - AMAZING!
  14. Any honey LP with cops (like Pherogirl or OCCO Gold) or a vanilla (like OCCO White or Beth's Blushing Milk Maid) could be put on with, or beneath, MRF. They cover cops perfectly and you wouldn't have to worry about "cop bleed through". SS4W took me a while to find my sweet spot so maybe that's where you are too? I tend to wear cops just about all the time but I've had hits with and w/o adding cops to MRF - and my favorite is RF w Comp P - but that's a whole other story There's something about the addition of a bit of copulins that gives SS4W a bit more Umph, in my experiences.
  15. Never let the scunchi face steal your joy! He's not a coffee guy per se. The caffeine actually gives him headaches but, like your guy, he will occasionally indulge. I on the other hand SWOON at a good cappuccino, espresso or latte...I never saw that coming from him! And yes, if there are any left for the July releases, I will happily home a small handful
  16. LS - Have you been pairing it with cops or wearing it solo?
  17. I was just snoffling this one again today too...this one is so pink and sweet to me. I'll have to compare with CP, didn't make the connection but I DO love CP. This is like flossy cotton cany goodness! ;heart:
  18. You give me WAAAAAY too much credit. Mara's the one who makes the notes into magick For all my uneducated nose knows, it's Mara that brings everything together. I DO like that the hubby is so fond of it, I can slather without concern or fear of the dredded "scunchi-face" he sometimes gives me when he disapproves
  19. Something else that seems to be going on with this scent is that guys REALLY like it. A coworker inquired of me what I was wearing and when I told him he responded that he really likes "this" one a lot. My new crew have been adjusting to me and my LP scents and all seem very curious about them...thy aren't interested in buying any as yet, but I've been presenting nightly fascination for them Sanctuary seems to grab the attention of men ad they ask about it...It's been, "Hmm! What do you have on today?! That smells really good!" I will have to try to remember to ask what it is they think they are linking abut it. The sweet, the spicy, the earthy or just all of it???
  20. On me, the carnation comes out first, then the marshmallow. It plays on me like the it's the myrrh and sandalwood beneath grounding everything. Right now, 6 hours after applying, I have sugary marshmallow goodness but the carnation, myrrh and sandalwood are still there underneath adding a hint of spice and earth... It's sweet from the start with the marshmallow and it just continues forward over time. Everything else is blended in such a complimentary way - I love it! (guess I'm supposed to though huh? LOL)
  21. Wait a minute...you mean we don't all do that? I do that - you do that - lots of us, if not all, do that....no. You must be mistaken. Perfectly normal behavior around here sweetie
  22. Save your pennies 'til the Sept sale an then use it the purchase to advantage
  23. Glad everything went so well! It's awesome to connect with someone like that I have x1 sprays that my norm, (with the exception of PP which I truly tend to fog), is 3-4 sprays. I would love to get the same desired effects on1 or 2!
  24. For me, I have a 4oz spray bottle that I decant about 1ml of fragrance oil, or a trial size vial (1.5ml), then fill the bottle the rest of the way with distilled water. I've used it as a body spray after showers and to spray on bed sheets, covers, furniture, pillows....Veloute Levande is my favorite for my comforter or after evening showers, just helps me off to sleep beautifully I think it's the carnation sharing I wish I had thought more of intent with my first PE. It certainly has it's own feel, but this is so much different. Synergetic. It makes me happy to know the elements and their energy are flowing as intended for others as it is for me
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