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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. ALMOST (but not quite) Something in scented CB did the same thing to me (headache I mean). I couldn't wear it on my neck or right under my nose (like between the girls). I wore it around my belly button and just a smidge to each wrist to avoid the "stabby to the 3rd eye" feeling. But I really liked it too. So weird. I eventually caved and rehomed it The phero itself is DAH BOMB though! Staple article for me
  2. Thanks QG! Read it there first...scribbled my notes furiously! Very excited to try them
  3. Happy to provide enablement, hehe... I've been told not to drink them, something about it not being quite the same thing ^_~ Yup. Can't imagine not having Topper as a wardrobe option
  4. Running my AM with TH...but I'm cheating a bit as I've combined Scotchies with a bit of Sexology and have that on my belly. I have AM on my neck though, where I can get great whiffs of it! Goodness it's delicious - I smell like a yummy bakery today! I'm taking the AM?TH spray to work with me for later re-app if necessary. All my foodie friends will go bananas! (or should I say mandarins?! )
  5. Thank you! I have a sample of it that I have to get the man to wear again for confirmation. If he approves, then this will be the likely candidate
  6. Just took a peek back - so this lovely is 5 years old?! So I shouldn't use this terribly sparingly as I'm not sure how long it is good for. LP life expectancy? 5, 6, 7 years? longer? I would DIE if it spoiled before using every delicious last drop!
  7. I missed these up-thread... B/B became Teddy BB Teddy BB and B2 both contain: Androstadienone, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate, androstanone, alpha-androstenol, androsterone The difference is that B2 "features 50% of the first ingredient (androstadienone)" where as Teddy BB is intended to be a more balanced blend of the same molecules. When I've worn them, B2 seems to have much more of chill/sedate effect on me and everyone else. Teddy BB, for me, is a great social, very up-beat, happy and fun. It also gets positive attention from both men and women I actually keep Teddy BB stocked now that I know the differences between them (used to think they were the same - which they almost but not quite kind of are lol) ***Edited to add to Cougarrific - I think B2 would be the more chill of the 2 since there's more androstadienone in the over all blend.
  8. Of course, then I was concerned that it only smelled good to hubby and I and was haunted by thoughts of, "What if it smells like "funk" to others?! And I'm just living in the delusion?!!!" That's AWESOME that the 2 of you love it as well - add you to the few and the proud
  9. Leather is Dom with Est, so maybe try that one first I honestly used to think Dom would make me too hard but it has never worn on me that way. Mostly behaves as confident, focused, get things done kind of blend And maybe they were at the post before 10:21? Or before they had the chance to sort it for delivery/pick up? What ever happened to the benefit of the doubt? But we all know how hard it is to wait for LPs!
  10. So did I after reading all the hub-bub! Are you ready for this? Here are the notes: (Um - prepare to drool) A WIDE ARRAY OF SINFUL MUSKS, A BEVY OF EARTHY AMBERS FROM AROUND THE GLOBE, THICK and RICH HONEY and HONEYCOMB, ORCHID, VANILLA What about this doesn't sound fantastic? I got this in the Sept sale in 2012 thinking it read gorgeous....then, in kindness, was "warned" by several LPers about how awful it would be...then I read all the reviews before it arrived and thought "uh-oh" Then it came. And I was even MORE afraid! NOT because of the stench but because I liked it. Not only that, but my persnickety husband liked it ON me. I was terrified! What the what?!?!?! It's all glorious chewy, dripping honeyed amber on a bed of orchid and musk with the sweetest, slightest hint of vanilla adding a creaminess to it. So OBVIOUSLY I assumed there must be something wrong with our sniffers! That was before I understood about LPs and how chemistry plays a large part on how a scent is on each individual. Now I wear it fearlessly and with pride I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to know there are others who feel the same
  11. Not that PM doesn't work well on it's own, but I've used Topper to boost it's mood. To be honest, there isn't anything I haven't "Topped" at some point or another. Sometimes it's as little as 1 spray to my hair or blouse for a little lift That's how I've used it with PM. My hubs responds well to bonding blends like that one and Gotcha! But like mentioned above, if you went crazy on adding sprays it could be a step in the opposite direction of cuddling, lol, it could be too giddy for your intent since both PM and Gotcha! already have a-nol & DHEAS in them. I don't mind the playful vibe either though. A couple/few sprays have been really good with Cuddle Bunny & Sexology for me too. Lots of blends already have a-nol, so I got the single DHEAS for when I want to add some sparkle with less of the giddy/happy a-nol response. It's all part of the learning curve and finding what works for you
  12. Can't even guess what to think of this...woods, spice and...and...beaver musk?
  13. Want to love! Want OW scent...Bamboo, Oak, Oud!!!!!!
  14. Sounds like a great definitely maybe ...hurry samples...hurry....
  15. Want. WANT. Sticking to my "samples first", but if I were plunging for FBs - this would be one of them!
  16. NuTrix

    Totem: Raccoon

    I think I wants it....
  17. NuTrix

    Totem: Bunny

    Notes. I have no idea. I will have to wait for my samples
  18. NuTrix

    Totem: Bear

    Peanut. What will peanut do....stuff with peanut smells a lot like peanut more than anything else...I doubt it will be that dominant...but I'm scurd...
  19. NuTrix

    Totem: Chick

    Notes that make me say, "What?" Can't wrap my head around it...
  20. NuTrix

    Egg 2014

    At least 1 bottle...easy....even though I have hoarded the 2011s. Doesn't matter. Must have. Resistance is futile.
  21. I've been looking at this and another scent to get boosted with Charisma for hubby. Thoughts of this being a good carrier for a boost?
  22. Oh! Oh! I DO! I DO! Yes, since Lucero wasn't his cup of tea I'm going to have to look into other options. He is very happy with Voracious as a scent and he's warming up to Super. Now I need to find something for Charisma I have Brother Brimstone, which I thought would be a hit - but he totally crinkled his nose to it. Cocked and Loaded may be an option. I will find something for him! Some of you fellas can be so difficult...it's so hard to tell the grunt of approval from the grunt of disapproval sometimes
  23. Sadly I have not been able to trial this as I would like. Got a sample of Lucero and the man disliked the scent and hasn't worn it but once. The coconut was very forward on him but he said it was too sweet for him. I thought it was very much like real coconut meat...I actually liked it a lot I would like him in it too. I've made my little trial vial into a spray, so maybe he'll give it another shot in a week or so?
  24. Sadly I have not been able to trial this as I would like. Got the sample Lucero and the man disliked the scent and hasn't worn it but once. I may have to splurge for the full bottle of unscented to give it a proper go... He was too distracted by the scent to think of much else Things I noticed in others: While we were out and about, people were extra helpful. My guy has "resting angry face" so sometimes people won't approach him let alone go out of their way to strike up conversation. With Charisma, that didn't seem to be a deterrent Personally, I think these things are good for him ^_~ Things I noticed about myself: It seemed to put me in a good mood. It wasn't overtly sexual so much as light and happy and social...that's ok, I have plenty of things of my own to steer things in a more sexual direction This could be a great first date blend for a guy just meeting someone for the first time. I think I would definitely remember you if I first met you and you were wearing this
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