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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. My husband recognized it immediately when I had it on the other night. He kept circling back to me with hit and run comments...."Yes, I definitely like it on you"...."That's potent, I can smell it where ever you've been in the house" hehe...but he quickly added that he liked it and he kept tilting his head and looking at me throughout the evening like he was still sorting something about it out This was all phero free mind you....he seemed utterly fascinated...over my perfume!?!?!?! Now if that don't beat all
  2. That's what I got...then Invi popped up so maaaaaybe 12?
  3. Wheeeee! I'm about to ravage my monthly samples...must know what this one is like! Update: Wore this today! In the vial last night I thought, mmm, not sure....It didn't smell like apple, it didn't smell floral. Not sure what cactus fruit smells like but I think, first, I got the ginger and pepper. BUT. When I slathered it on today it was delicious and fruity and...zingy? It stayed a bright but light and yet distinctly fruity sweet scent. I'm somewhat fearful of fruits because when they go bad with me, it's a pointy headache, a kind of piercing in my eye type headache. When they go right - OH MY - this one has gone right! I was a little afraid last night sniffing only the vial b/c of the whole 2 bottles unsniffed purchase, but this is going to be GREAT! It's such an awesome pairing with the season! It's crisp but not pointy, bright but not slap you in the face...it feels very happy to me, makes me feel bubbly and in a good mood...could be the PM too I suppose...
  4. Yes! Open Windows was one of the easiest phero blends for me to figure out. Doesn't seem how little or much I wear, it does cause people to flock to me PP feels different, but OW could be a great substitute!
  5. OH YAY! Glad it's making such a good first impression! It's mellowed and gotten sweeter since it first arrived. Still very much in LUB! Maybe it's spring fever, with everything beginning to come into bloom, and I'm just itchy to be back out and about in the green woods after what seems like a long winter but there is something about this scent that makes me want to get out of the house and away from everything - the cell phones, radios, tvs, human noise, industry in general... Sounds like spring fever alright! I want to get my shoes off and walk bare foot in the sun warmed grass and smell the bark and moss of the trees...It's like wearing this makes me want to seek out the things that balance me. It's crazy the emotions it evokes...still investigating that part of the mystery....
  6. Hi Potion Master! Please put me on the reserve list for 2 bottles Thank you!
  7. What wonderful news! So glad this "tail" found a happy end! Blackcat! Hubby picked up my parcel today and, of course, BCM was the very first thing I opened when I got in After promptly applying I am now investigating with much snuffling! I don't know black musk when I smell it I don't think, but I know leather and coffee and I get a wee bit of smoke so the "something else" must be black musk. Is it sweet? I suppose it could be the creamy coffee? You're right, it's more playful than Kat Suit but I am GUSHING over that leather note...AND the coffee - how PURRfect together, Mmmmmmm.......... off to reserve another bottle...or 2! Update: Put in for 2...this is just fantastic and smells just as good dry as it did wet. It's a bit softer now and absolutely delish!
  8. NuTrix

    Budding Romance

    Medicinal? I'm not familiar with cassis, champa or frangipani. I wonder if it could be one of those? Or the sandalwood maybe? Travel shock? I hope it settles out for you - it's really lovely....maybe try it again in another day or 2?
  9. Doesn't the sweetness of this invoke how if these flowers were a sugared sweet water for drinking, then this indeed is what it would smell like?! I big happy glass of glistening sunshine, spring and joy!
  10. NuTrix

    Cherry Divinity

    I used my CD sample and made a BANG! spray with it and used it up quickly (it wasn't very much and I AM a fogger with those little 5ml spritzers). My Un BANG! was in oil and only in x1 strength. I didn't have trouble with CD covering it - but that's at x1. I've slathered CD over Sexpionage so far and not had a problem with cover...but we're talking COATING the Cherry Divinity A couple circles of Sexpionage around the belly button and a line up between the girls and then smooshed with wrists, followed by CD all over my collarbone, neck, torso and wrists to cover. When I decant, I'm going to leave it in the oil form and decant it to a 5ml roller and add the Sexpionage to the CD. Probably at 1/3 Sexpionage, if it can take that much. We'll see what it seems like to my nose, but I think it will be alright Will update... one way or the other
  11. It's got to be epic! With the Sugareds coming out and our usual clamor for NRs...don't forget the labels! For EVERYTHING!....OH, OH, and the descriptions...and, and.....!!!!!
  12. Makes me glad I have pets. I can relate it to my brother's daughters on occasion though I think....
  13. Well. DAYUM! There's a review and a half! SNAP.
  14. NuTrix

    Cherry Divinity

    I'm going to have to decant some CD and Sexpionage....it's just screaming for it! (seriously...woke me out of a sound sleep last night...screaming..."Sexpionage me!")
  15. So was that last one a win or a lose?! I choose WIN. At least he was pleasant
  16. Ooooo! I hope you like it! My first bottle is already just about low enough the PM boost I want to give it, lol. I'm definitely doing another with TH. I slathered in this again last night before bed I'm going through this and Papal Purple at break neck speed! I should be getting your BCM right about the same time! I read about the rebrew OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH! I hope I love it! It reads gloriously....maybe I won't be so afraid of running out of Kat Suit once I've got a back up purfume
  17. I know what you mean sadly The way deliveries have been arriving since their move, if hubby is here to pick it up Monday - that's when is should arrive, otherwise I may have to go to the post the following day if they miss him - Actually, I will beg husband to pick up, as I would never make it there within the hours they are open Tues. How nerve wracking! LOL! Request bottles in March PE thread. Got it! (notice how it's automatically bottle"s" should I need more (it's always about need here...)
  18. It's on its way! It's on its way! Just got my shipping email! Maybe by Monday or Tuesday!!!??? It's on its way! It's on its way! Soooooo excited!!!
  19. The musings all started here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8958 And here is the final outcome... Myrrh, Sandalwood, Carnation and Marshmallow root....and a ton of willful projection of intent for protection, spiritual grounding and bonding and for the qualities to both be received inward and extended outward toward others. It's hugely intent driven, even the notes were chosen specifically for their meanings: Myrrh - Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil. Sandalwood-sweet/smooth - Love exotic sensual atmospheric: aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism. Carnation - Power, energy, protection. Fascination, admiration. Marshmallow root - Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading. I wanted something that felt strong and commanding but supportive and uplifting...a kind of yin and yang. Something that felt like an "and/also" not an "either/or". Although at first sniff I didn't find this uber feminine, in nearly the same breath...I DO. There is something about this that is comforting, grounded and serene and that is also sultry, inviting and warm. GOOSEBUMPS! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These were some of my first observations after HAVING to put it on the night I came home to it in the mail: The carnation is spicy, almost peppery like. It's incredibly complimentary to the sandalwood and Myrrh. This morning what's left is an ever so slightly peppery marshmallow sweetness with hints of the myrrh and sandalwood barely there. I MUST wear it today to see how it plays throughout it's dry down. It doesn't strike me as uber feminine but I wouldn't say it's masculine either - especially now with the sweet marshmallow coming through. As I was lying there in bed last night right after applying, I couldn't HELP thinking about the smell at first But then my mind drifted to the feeling of it. It feels grounded, strong and powerful. The word shaman came to mind, someone you go to for healing or understanding, who presents and/or possesses an inner and/or other worldly strength and wisdom. I can see how these attributes would be beneficial to bonding So there it is. Protective, deeply spiritual feeling - to me at least - and the receptive/giving nature of those 2 things lending to bonding. This is some potent shiznet! For myself, maybe because of all the intent I was willing from the moment I requested the PE, the feelings it garnered were pretty intense last night. I'm going to wear it today solo. I may have to think about the perfect phero combo a bit more before making that decision. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now it's been here for a little more than a week and has had a chance to mellow out. It is so well balanced it's ridiculous! I can read everything, the myrrh, sandalwood, carnation and marshmallow root. It's just this PERFECT sweet, spicy, earthy wonderfulness. No. This is definitely NOT a man scent but I find it utterly huff-able! For reference to man scent, Just Ducky inquired if a man might be able to wear this...Soooo I borrowed my husband to see if it could be complimentary to man flesh. He was none too pleased...see excerpt below: -Upon application, man beast proclaimed "Not a guy scent. It's too sweet." -Five minutes after app, "Def NOT a man scent...if I smelled it on a guy I would think - cream puff" -The longer he wears it..."I think I would ike it on you, but definately don't like it on me, it definately seems like a girl scent. The longer I wear it, the more I want to wash it off." -Funnily enough, even the DOG doesn't approve of it on him...he keeps turning his head away from my husbands app spot...however when I have the pooch sniff my app spot, he's all love-n-kisses and climbing all over me for attention -The carnation IS sweeter on him and less peppery...I think it smells fantastic HAHAHA! But I have to agree - this is definately NOT a guy scent. Mystery solved! ~~~~~~~~ I'm thinking this will definitely be a Treasured Hearts scent, PM (because I love that one so much) and maybe even a Balm Bomb? For more reflective times, something B-nol heavy like TMI or to spin it more intimately - Sexology. Something else very strange about this is that it seems familiar...like a memory I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe as I continue to wear it, it will come to me? I'm going to have to go slather this on again before bed At this rate my PE isn't going to last me very long
  20. Psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst.....
  21. WOW. Thanks Luna! I can't wait to line up CB, Super for men (2) and Un for men and OCCO Blue and just explore them all together to pick out the things that are familiar...YAY! New toy! Edited to add: StacyK! I will try LP Pink & OC Black tomorrow!
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