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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Oooo...loving the Lady Lavender label! Intrigued to see the notes
  2. Oh yeah, that's right...Levetation was a phero enhanced perfume with OW & DHEAS..it was never an unscented blend.... I REALLY like OW A LOT! It's my favorite topper ...next to Topper I'm excited to try it! (Flying Potion I mean...AND the OW/DHEAS blend)
  3. Ok. Put on Blue after my shower and granted, the red tide only ended yesterday - OR - maybe not having it on the boobs under the nose really helps - but it doesn't seem as pointy today. I did smoosh the lollipop with my wrists and if, I smell Blue directly on my wrist, I read that note but it isn't so sharp today UNLESS I have it right under my nose. I don't notice the cops anymore but I've been wearing it now for an hour or so...I'll keep checking...I REALLY like how light this wears for something so heavily copped! EDIT: This has some serious staying power! It's still here but very much more sugary. It has been well received by hubby, who has chased me around the house today every chance he's gotten (I've let him catch me twice so far ^_~ I think it must be the oak moss that was pointy yesterday, but keeping Blue to my torso and wrists and away from my cleavage seemed to do the trick. I still can't get over how clean and fresh this smells for something so loaded with cops - it's crazy - but in a good way
  4. I'm going to have to wear it again today...maybe just the lollipop and keep it out of the cleavage so the pointy start off won't be right under my nose. I really love the sugary finish it has and the scent itself is very sheer to me. I think I'll wear it solo so I get the full "flavor". I didn't think I could smell the cops after the dry down either but I DID cover it with LOC so I need to give it a fair shot on it's own. I want to LOVE it...maybe it's like some of my other favorites and I just need to give it that first 45 minutes to and hour to settle down into it's prettiness. AND I'm curious if I will smell cops later or not...hmm.
  5. LOC complimented Blue well in that it wasn't overpowering the Blue completely but took out whatever it was that was causing that pointiness for me. There's nothing to be done for the first 5-10 minutes of funk though BUT my husband noticed the cops in Pink and I don't so maybe it's my nose? The crazy thing is - I don't get it sniffing the bottle - the funk I mean. In the bottle it isn't there, only upon application Now I'm going through my list of scents looking for other thing to compliment Blue and tone down the pointedness without overpowering the scent because it IS very pretty!. I didn't know exactly what to expect but I DO like the lightness of it quite a bit - like you mentioned - there's something clean about it but not like shower clean...sheer and sugary light...
  6. Dolly - I have had things go wonky (like ghosting) like you mention when I've layered things right over on top of each other - the exception so far being cops. I can be on board totally with that For instance - PERFECT example!: When I first got Perfect Match and Stone Cougar I thought it would be a great idea to take some of each and combine them - half and half - into a 5ml spray. I got BLECK from them...it was like they cancelled each other out in the bottle. That mix was washed down the drain...bye-bye Baaaaaad idea....AND costly! SS4W (which is in the version of my MRF) is definitely a complex blend with LOTS of goodies in it - and with MRF it smells fantastic as well! Practically pheromonal on its own! I have had consistent results with OW ( or Topper or DHEAS - maybe consistent because it's something less complex?) sprayed to my blouse or hair and the more shmexy oil based blend MRF + cops on my body and under my clothes. I can also definitely agree that MRF is da shiznet all on its own Angelica - I think the main controversy in this recent conversation is that phero "mixing" is a science and I'm no scientist - by a long shot, lol. Lots of ladies on the forum layer their perfumes and experiment in that department. But it's a good question and I'll watch for their thoughts too
  7. Took Blue for a run today and layered with A Lick of Cream. I'm looking at the notes: Oak Moss, Pipe Tobacco, Powdered, White, Maple and "Blue" Sugars. I'm not sure what oak moss smells like but when I first apply, besides the cops smell - which is very up front until a good 10 minute dry down - there is something - eh - pointy? Layered with the Lick of Cream it became delicious sweet sugary goodness. I don't know what "blue" sugars are either??? And I don't think I got the tobacco at all. I think I will have to wear this a few more times to pick out the nuances. It's a bit sharp when I first apply, like some florals can be - is that the oak moss? I'm still deciding about this one, lol, but I was VERY surprised that the cops were so noticeable to me as the other OCCOs mask them to my nose very well I was not going to actually layer the LOC directly over the OCCO, but after an hour that sharpness needed some taming so on went the LOC. I will spin it again solo in a few more days as the red tide may be affecting it? I'm off to go look up more info about oak moss!
  8. WOW. Thanks for all the thoughtful feedback and advice. Whipper-snapper newb has been appropriately put in her place and will duly note prior to future posts. Particularly after reading the initial post in the link provided above where it says: "I have no issue with a member stating their PERSONAL experience with layering, or even with a blend in general, but when you start throwing around pheromone "facts" like you know what you are talking about, it chaps my ass when those "facts" are WRONG." And reading on down the line through the posts, there are many who agree. I admit I am not exactly sure why I triggered this but it is obvious I've lit a fire - unintended though it may have been. I was sharing what I thought was a great last 3 days but apparently I have offended the sensibilities of other more conscientious members with my obvious recklessness. Apologies to any that I have offended btw - love the new avi Dolly
  9. Absolutely inappropriate! LOL! Never fear though - yesterday was our "safety carnival day" with games and a picnic and even a big top tent, lol. The training was just the beginning for our group but it certainly kicked things off into a jovial mood for rest of the day Disclaimer - At no time were any individuals or business endeavors injured during the testing of these products - with the exception of perhaps suffering from "side stitches".... As a matter of fact -happy people seem to work/want to work better!
  10. It's the one with SS4W...and, no, but wouldn't THAT have been RICH! BWAHAHAAAA!!!
  11. I found Flying Potion in the archives. When something like this happens, does the new version usually smell like the original? I'm thinking not because of how different people think MRF is between the BI brew and the SS4W brew..or how EGG 2009 is similar but different than EGG 2011. OCCO Ambrosia IS FANTASTIC. I only had the trial vile of the original but the re-brew could fool this nose without having them side by side! I want to like it because I like marshmallow...licorice scares me but I think it's unfounded now because there are several perfumes I have that have anise and no running or shrieking followed from exposure...plus I read the review thread and everyone makes it sound totally dreamy!
  12. LOL! I was looking at invi's pic, thinking - seriously - it must have something to do with a species of spider that looks like the pic...awe - cute, fuzzy, neat colors...google...see pic for tara.n.tula...D'OH! Um. Duh. Yeah. I was like that. Sad -but true...
  13. I STILL didn't get it - even with the picture...I googled it and there was your picture - oddly enough - under tara n tula...hmmm....except google put it all in one word....I would have NEVER gotten it on my own...like as in never ...ever...ever.....would'a put that together....
  14. MmmHmm! Fleur - this was a fast hit in our house! Hmm, snuggly scent? Yes! I'd have to totally agree with that statement
  15. Great post Amalthea! Had to giggle reading about your female co-worker - you GLOW gurl!
  16. LOL! That's too funny - but I LOVE it when stuff like that happens....the, "What on EARTH smells SO good?! - OH! It's ME!"
  17. I have wondered this myself! Couple reasons: 1 - I think it must change with our chemistry. If how/what we eat can change the very smell of our perspiration, why wouldn't something as organic as LP change with circumstance? And by organic I mean that LP doesn't have the chemical fixatives that commercial fragrances do to KEEP the scents the same. 2 - It took me some realization and thought to appreciate LP fragrances. All I had known before LP were commercial scents and there's this mental expectation that that brings. LPs morph and change deliciously throughout wear. There are several scents that I love BECAUSE once I get through the first 45 minutes to an hour they are positively heavenly to me and SO worth that wait! And, as mentioned above, depending on how clean I'm eating - and even throughout my cycle - some are consistent but some ARE different. Those two things have made LP an adventure. Add to that layering! WOWZAH! The possibilities are endless! I have wondered how all these things register to others...what if someone has that same reaction I did at first when I was trying to figure out the enigma that is LP? What was that woman thinking in her mind when I was wearing P&D and she asked, "What smells like a candle in here?" How much was me, how much was her and how much was LP? Hmmmm....
  18. So not only did YOU come out smelling like roses (Agent XXX!) but so did everyone else! NICE!
  19. Oooo, really?! I did see someone else wrote they layer it with BBMM. Ok, now I'm COMPLETELY fascinated. I would never have thought it was this versatile. OCCO W is - to me - such a thick vanilla foodie deliciousness. Would that layer along the lines of Black as the main base with just a swipe of OCCO W?
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