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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. What about Sugared Amber? Sweet and sugary and layerable? I can't help as my chemistry - or the sample - has acclimated to me/my environment and is behaving well now. Once I get past that initial 10 minute first blast, it's all sugared berries and lavender confection.
  2. hehe- apparently I did open that bottle at some point cuz it was almost half empty, lol. Not any more though! And now it smells YUMMMMMAAAAY!
  3. OK, first up - LOVE OW. This is one of my Uns that I am just tearing through and hope LP carries forever... that being said... River Song is very clean and fresh and floral to me, but I think what I'm registering as floral is the amber? I had discovered before that I love bamboo in a fragrance (like NYMPH! and Mermaids of Atlantis) There's something sweet but it's just barely there - the berries? I LIKE blackberry quite a bit too but this isn't a sweet scent to me. I'm afraid that I quite slathered it on today, and I think it's a bit much out of the gate, lol, but I'm home today, with the exception of a dentist appointment, so I'm not washing ANY of it off
  4. Ohmygosh! I'm absolutely CERTAIN that heating it would have changed the entire experience....imagine...shivering, hot, cold, miserable...someone peels away the blanket you're shivering under, lifts your top and smears stinky COLD jelly all over your chest and then puts your top back down onto the gooey mess...ack - and - GROSS The way YOU describe it actually sounds therapeutic all heated and warm and even soothing... Blackcat, I think you'll like this socially and would def say wear to work for retail
  5. GOODNESS! After hearing how some of you have gotten such odd ends of the spectrum, it's just SO strange how our chemistry behaves SO differently. Was it you, LadyV, who said to keep trying things each couple of weeks, in case it's hormone related? It's not FAIR that we have to deal with monthly fluctuations! Grrr. But on the good side of that - maybe in a week or two it will be divine for those of you that it seems wonky for now???? Edited to add: BUT YIKES - what may that mean for me then!!!?
  6. Blackcat - I have never had selfies from Gotcha! BUT it has ALWAYS been incredibly obvious when it hits someone else Maybe you're the same way? This is a fantastically fun phero to wear around others - I admit - I find a great deal of entertainment in that alone...I want to love this scent - and I have time to keep testing the sample. I only wish that the memories first evoked were as pleasant as those you have Maybe I can try to rethink it that way? Surely vick's was never intended to ACTUALLY be a torture?
  7. Jeeze this literally LEAPS out of the bottle! There is no hiding the scent once it's applied! For those of you unable to smell it - I'm BAFFLED! I wish I was getting the honey but I'm glad I'm not getting "snatchy" either I get this queer sweetness that isn't sugar but I'm wondering now, there are SO many KINDS of honey that maybe it IS honey-like and I just haven't experienced this particular honey scent before? I meant to run this solo today, but it was early and I'm off with hubby today so I instinctively went for Compromising Positions, it's 3 hours later and I've put Aja over it and HOLYMOLY can I just say - WIN! As in like - JOCKPOT! This is flipping ridiculous together. I'm really beginning to wonder if there's anything this won't got with?!
  8. ^^^Agreed! I think it's more difficult to shake a vial - not as much room in there to move around - but the extra day to settle out seemed to make a world of difference! I don't believe I gave it a fair "shake" lol - in every sense of the word, when I first tried it. Vick's rub is a horrid scent memory for me - petroleum - bleck! I totally got the berries and cake that others were raving about and the petroleum smell left so quickly this last time it was just a relief!lol! It didn't come back either. So if all I have to do is get past the first 10 minutes, then the rest of the delicious dry down is totally worth it! I've been wanting something with Gotcha! in it so if this survives to January I will order a bottle
  9. I still have a little 5 ml spray of Un Leather that I haven't opened yet - I'm thinking to empty it enough to add this sample to it! Full strength Leather with Absinthe of Malice - I will have to go lighter on he spraying, lol! This one is still such a surprise to me! I'm so ignorant of scent combinations still - I love this whole new wonderful and fascinating world that LP has introduced me to!
  10. OHMYGOSH. Funny little tidbit I forgot to share... When I got my order on Saturday, the mail currier was a different one than my usual fella - hehe - who's used to all my crazy orders. She needed me to sign for the package and commented that it must be a pretty important little package if I have to sign for it - to which I answered a bit dubiously that it was "Loooove Potion" - and I admit, I may have been drooling a bit and a little crazy eyed when I saw the package.... Well! By the look on her face I knew she went strait to the gutter and I laughed and quickly added that it was perfume! But before she left she raised and eye brow and smiling, said, "Well - you have fun with that now!" and giggled as she left. You know I DO believe she thought we were up to no good here
  11. ^^^ I know right! This is a GREAT holidays scent! I wear Santa's Little Helper all year long though and I can totally see not just resigning this one to this time of year. This one brings up al kinds of cozy scent memories PLUS people around me tell me how great I smell
  12. OK. I hate to even say it, but first app is a distinct vick's vapor rub type smell. Is that the medicinal that some of you are describing? What was worse was, yesterday, it stayed for quite some time before chilling out. Today, however, it is behaving quite differently. The vick's smell backed off within 10 minutes of dry down and the berries were noticeably sweet and I DO believe THIS is the intended outcome of the perfume! This is NOT like Fuzzy Wuzzy with the brown sugar, sugar and caramel that made it, to my nose, a thick and gooey confection. The berries in Tickle Tickle are sweet and give this a lightness that is definitely different than FW. Maybe some perfumes take longer to get over travel shock than others? This one is actually quite nice and if it survives until January - I may have to get a bottle....
  13. I think I will try this solo tomorrow...apply it VERY early in the day and try my very best to just let it be what it will be...and see how it morphs throughout the day...and no doubt into the evening...and lightly into the following morning I do not get honey...or beeswax ...but much later....after HOURS - like 6+ - it becomes something sweeter than how it started out but the only way to know is to let it play itself out through the day and just see what it becomes. I want to get honey! Heck, I'd even be ok with beeswax, lol, something I can identify and say, "Ah-hah! THAT'S what it reminds me of!"
  14. Ditto! I don't know that I recall seeing NRs fly away o quickly before!!!
  15. I've been slathered in this all day. I completely understand why its gone...I would have ordered boatloads of the stuff!
  16. Oooo! That sounds good, maybe just a dab of OC White though? On me OCW is a heavy foodie vanilla delight and I'd be afraid that too much would be too much...but a dab could just make it delectable - a confectionary surprise perhaps? If you try it let us know!
  17. ^^^ and the people....and the people...HAHAHA! Yeah - I could see how G&L could help "the people" become more tolerable and help us survive the atmosphere at the same time!
  18. ^^^ True! How much has everyone been using? I've been treating it like EoW and just using a swipe of the wand across each wrist. Is Aja just as potent as EO? (the whole 3 drops in a gallon can elicit a reaction type thing) or is it MORE or less?....
  19. This one is great for right out of the shower, soft luxurious towel draped loosely around you, wet hair hanging down with that "come hither" look in your eye for that special someone.... This wouldn't be my choice for scent as a go-to but it certainly is as many have described it. Clean but not soapy, definitely floral, not as much so as Sneaky Clean. I would lean toward preferring the Sexology scent over this, but that is only a matter of tastes. This one is very feminine and lovely. It's no wonder it's such a hit with so many of you
  20. For certain I wouldn't mistake it with fruit-like reg EoW - OR the cheese! My nose may simply not be sophisticated enough to understand what it's smelling either, lol. I've not gotten a "pee" or "urine" type smell from it at all either...just this "something different" that my brain doesn't register - but likes - though my chemistry DOES prefers this under a cover until it's been on for MANY hours. I love it when the cover scent wears of hours later and I'm left with this sweet intangible "something" that's both naughty AND nice all at the same time!
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