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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Hahaha! You're too sweet! You needn't worry, particularly at work. Maybe at a bar you may get hit on, but even with pheros - no still means no and people (aside from the occasional or often ogling, LOL) will continue to behave around you.... unless invited to do otherwise ^_~
  2. Welcome! All of your BLAMS! look scrummy! I love LAM & BAM and hope you will too. Your whole list is full of winners! I thought I'd never go for florals or powdery scents and - though I'm still a foodie through and through - LP has converted me with the incredible variety here. I'm sure you'll quickly fall in love too
  3. NuTrix

    Spell Weaver

    What is benzoin? Why it's that something-something throwing my nose off I'd say Benzoin is supposed to smell like "smoky, resinous vanilla". I totally get the blackberry and marshmallow - toasted even! How unique! I think it's the smoky character that my nose is trying to sort out - I'm really starting to fall for smoky scents! On dry down my skin really pulls out the vanilla and it a creamy, yummy vanilla at that! This one is delicious! So many perfumes...so little skin!
  4. NuTrix

    NOX 2009

    A friend sent me this - thank you Loki ^_~ and then I HAD to get a FB! I would never have thought - hmm, berries and resins, bet they would be yumtastic...." But that ARE! They are VERY YUMTASTIC! It starts out all berry sweet and scrumptious (which I admit is my most favorite part!) but in a half hour to an hour they take a back seat to the resins and even the sweetened resins smell fantastic! This one was a completely unexpected SURPRISE WIN. I. Can't. Stop. Huffing...
  5. NuTrix

    Rapturous Reverie

    I made one final sale purchase and snagged this in the sale - foregoing the trial vial I was considering - and I am NOT disappointed! I don't know if the scent for ambergris IS ambergris or just something reminiscent there of, but I like this note. It's incredibly unique and not like anything I've ever smelled before. It gives the fragrance that "Hmm" factor that I love when I smell something I like but for the life of me cannot figure out what it is I'm liking It is definitely a honey scent on me. Most anything with honey my chemistry turns to a clean, powdery sweetness. I remember at first this was a turn off to me because my brain associated it to baby powder but I've found ways to SHMEXY up that powdery scent on the days my skin seems to be amping it by layering and WOWZAH! But I digress... There's something about civet my chemistry goes ga-ga for as well and amber is always a win. I'm not as familiar with the other notes. I only just recently found out oud ROCKS, I seem to like woods, leaves, grasses and such in other scents and I KNOWI like smoke This is just an over all well rounded fragrance and it's going to be a go-to...
  6. Hi Mara! I would like to request the last bottles of Charlene's Blackberry Jasmine, (there are 3?) HUGE thank you s!!!!!
  7. LOL. WE ARE ALL JUST PLAIN HOPELESS LOL! I already have a wish list started.
  8. Welcome to LP! I picked up a Leather with cops added to it in the trade area and it's AMAZING! They had boosted the LP fragrance, Passion and Desire with it. I hope you and your, soon to be adoring, fans loves yours as much as I do mine! It gives me a confident but decidedly feminine feel - and the cops just add to the head turning But a good dose of cops always makes me extra frisky too ^_~ I've always gotten great hits with it. VERY excited to read your thoughts in the future as you experiment
  9. LOL - watch those wish lists....they get LOOOONG fast!
  10. WOW! That's really interesting VG - I would love to know if it's a repeat occurrence in the future. I have a shy, jittery girl - though she's only 65lbs, but certainly I'd be willing to see if this makes a difference with her - fascinating! I have to find a way to test this with her for posterities sake at the very least...
  11. Nix! I scored this as a GGG too- sort of, lol - I lucked out when I ordered a virgin and got a Gotcha enhanced instead. I picked up a virgin from the trades though because I LOOOOVE this one to pieces! Hmm, a circle of adoring gents who might treat you as a princess - I see the temptation!
  12. PP seems to have a profound effect on hubby! After my last entry, when he got home (late shift) I was pounced upon that evening (not normal after a long day for him) and then again the next morning! I WILL have to get another FB of this one...and promise you, Eggers, that I have placed the original PG on that list as well...GrrRuffff!!!!
  13. Vladmyra, what a great post! We're always becoming - it's just becoming what? Moving forward or moving back or even becoming stagnant. It's exciting to see YOU are going to become something great! Look forward to seeing you bloom
  14. That's awesome Cherise! And I look forward to watching your fascination bloom here! OHMYGOSH Molls! I'm the other way around, lol, I DID come here looking for pheros but NOW I have more perfumes I wore perfume sparingly before and when I found out I could wear LP without headaches it was like finding nirvana! Now I'm looking at my stash in the a.m.'s, getting ready for work or play, and thinking, "Hmmm, which scent suits which phero and purpose today???" New adventure everyday!
  15. D'oh! How....I say - HOW????? can I argue with THAT!??? I guess I have another bottle on the wish list already....
  16. I've used this perfume to make a moisturizing hair spritz (the perfume + vegetable glycerin + distilled water + A LOT OF SHAKING - very simple, I'm not talented enough for anything too complex ) and I spritz it on after my showers while my hair is still wet and OHMYWOW! I love how AMAZING this makes my hair smell - and it stays ALL DAY and into the next. I would like to just say...YUM!
  17. NuTrix


    D'oh! Then it's the TEA note! Ah HA! Gotcha! I thought Tonka was supposed to be sweet! Typo in my notes! I've got tea in other fragrances and that's the one alright! Thank you Luna! Makes perfect sense now....saves me from wondering what Tonka bean tea is now too - is it an extract - what the heck is it?LOL At least that explains why I'd never heard of it before So sad...I know....
  18. I have not gotten Pherogirl as yet - I know! I know! BUT!!! - I LOVE UNE - which IS unphero'd Pherogirl right? And I COMPLETELY LOVE THAT ONE! That should count for something, yes? Well, I got PP finally, and in the bottle I'm totally picking out the cocoa and cream. On, it's still the first thing I pick out. A bonus is that the peach isn't sharp - peach is hit and miss with me that way - and I'm not really noticing it other that maybe the peach is adding to the sweetness? All the WONDERFUL things about UNE are still right there but there's this creamy, sugary deliciousness going on that makes me think I may be needing MORE bottles of this one already! OHMYGOSH I cannot stop huffing myself! All that delicious honey melds into a gooey cocoa, sugared amber YUM! It's CRAZY awesome!
  19. NuTrix


    After getting several trail vials of this I finally got a FB! I've been told I smell like waffles, like maple sausage, maple syrup and like a McGriddle - I find NONE of these offensive I know it's not the advertised fragrance, but those are the things that multiple people have associated this with and I think it's scrummilicious myself so WHO CARES! I smell completely edible while wearing this and that is one of my most FAVORITE ways TO smell so BOOYAH! Full Bottle ladies and gentlemen - get ya some!!!
  20. NuTrix


    Oooooooh...*shivers with delight - convulses - twitches - shakes* This one is GOOOOOOD. I mean reaaaaaaal goooood. This is more...grown up? mature smelling? than I expected it to be. It's NOT old lady - I would have run screaming in horror from that. So help here from the more educated than I - the notes are : TONKA BEAN TEA, HONEY,TOBACCO, TEAKWOOD, VETIVER. I'm not sure what Tonka bean tea, teakwood and vetiver smell like on their own. I have other fragrances with teak in them that I like and the same with vetiver so I'm thinking the new kid on the block I'm trying to figure out is the Tonka bean tea. There's something about it that smells perfumey - or maybe clean? The honey is pairing up with something and they are creating an unfamiliar smell that I can't quite get my head around. It's not a sweet scent but it sure is SHMEXY! It's staying close to my skin for now...maybe with a good slathering I'll be able to sort this out But in the mean time, going FB was NOT a mistake!
  21. NuTrix

    Summer Belle

    Snagged this one in the sale x2 because I love melon and didn't even know this existed! In the bottle I get it all - first the bright burst of melons then the grass and then - deeeeeep breath - the earth too!. This is a total garden scent to me. Like eating melon at a picnic table next to the garden - or one step further - going to the garden to pull the melon, but breaking one open right there when you cut it from the vine and just chow down on the spot! It's very fresh and sweet and the fragrance just perks me right up! At first I wasn't sure I liked the green notes - like melon rinds - and wondered, would this be complimentary? Silly question! Instead of just being another sticky sweet jolly rancher type scent, this is COMPLETELY unique with the earthy notes giving it that "Wow - wait a minute - what IS that?" factor...I love it!
  22. crystalpine! My guys the same! He even has a handful of things that I've gotten for him, that he wears for me when he knows we'll be together. BUT he won't wear them to work because he says he doesn't want the women there chasing after him...BUT he doesn't believe that pheros work either . Hmmm...He's either in denial, fibbing, or just willing to let me have my fun....or maybe all of the above I figure that just makes it all that more fun for me! So you go ahead and play and the two of you can reap the rewards and he can blame it on whatever he likes so long as he associates it with YOU!
  23. Welcome Sweetbeakz! I've not had negative reactions to LAM! from women. Pheros do effect EVERYONE. Part of the fun is watching and participating in the events that unfold - in men and women LOVE all your picks! The only one I'm not familiar with is UYS but it LOOKS delicious and I LURV BI - I'm sure you'll be VERY happy with all your choices. Looking forward to your reviews of what you think of them
  24. For those who don't know me, I'm happily married for - now - over a decade and still loving/liking him/being married I stumbled upon LP looking for new ways to keep things interesting on the home front using pheromones and in the process have found that and SO much more! You know those books and TV infomercials on how to make friends and influence people? WELL. Forget about 'em! Ok, there are still some valuable lessons in self improvement, no doubt, so don't forget everything But I have found phero use to be fun AND favorable in more than just my home environment. I think that's why it's become such a fun hobby for me. And hobby it is. I'm "invested" now (that's how I choose to look at it at least, lol) I've invested time, $$$, study, testing and documentation....this is officially a hobby! And a lucrative hobby it has become. Although not necessarily monetary. I have become more self aware and more aware of my surroundings. I have put more effort into being a catalyst in my daily routines rather than being merely reactionary. In the process, I have been making friends and influencing people on a level that has benefitted me, personally, quite tremendously. Ok. I'm normally a roll-with-it personality. I'm obnoxiously (to some) positive and I never have a bad day - there may be bad moments, but all in all, my days are good ones, even if they can be exhausting I love people and I love my life and I try to be grateful for every moment. I have found that many people seem to be drawn to that alone. Before Pheromones I was reactionary. Meaning I just went about my business, doing what I could, where I could, to the best of my abilities and not really giving much thought to how my behavior effected others. In a way, phero use has helped me to grow as a person, (which may well have happened anyway - I should hope LOL!) since it has made me more aware of myself, my surroundings and how everything interacts together. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have this epiphany...I've read it in plenty of other posts So now I have a blend for any need - or whim...social, familial, work, play, seduction....and often, just for some naughty FUN. The addition of LP's amazing fragrances that, truly, run the gamut have deepened my own personal enjoyment of pheromones & also gave me an appreciation of the pheromone type of power that fragrance can have all on its own! So spill it...how are you finding things these days now that pheromones &/or LP have become part of your adventure?
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