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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix

    Voodoo Fondue

    Wore (slathered actually) this one today and was complimented by several men about how good I smelled. I had been going over something with a co-worker and was heading to my desk when another worker who walked up asked me not to leave - that I smelled so good he just wanted me to stay by him while he was there because I smelled so great And he wasn't the only one who had trouble leaving me be today LOL! It didn't hurt that I was decked out in a hefty dose of alpha-nol and cops! I know...no fair huh? MUHAHAAAAAA!!!! This one is SO crazy! Crazy, fruity, chocolatey, spicy goodness! It's all gooey chocolate covered fruit - sweet, ripe fruit - and then spicy WOWNESS! And there I was snoffling up the air with delectable goodness...I was a distraction even to myself - in a good way
  2. OK...just a few more things... Rapturous Reverie Blessing oil Nox 2009 Spell Weaver Love Potion Original Unreasonable Pumpkin This is it...seriously...until October...I hope....
  3. Well that's no good! Who was standing close to you that smelled like sour milk cuz it couldn't have been you! OR it could've been spilled milk on your kid's shirt from their breakfast cereal that they spilled on it? Refuse to believe it was the Sweet Chic - it has to be the farthest thing from sour milk I EVER smelled
  4. This is just ONE of the reasons I love you! I only need someone to echo the voice(s) in my head to make the correct rationalization...I appreciate your enablement and promise that I always will
  5. Can you all believe I'm thinking about more? Seriously. This sale is just so hard to resist....I keep thinking - "meh...I'll just get the others later if they still have them then great - if not then it wasn't meant to be". And then THAT OTHER SIDE SAYS... "but you could get 2 and 1 free NAAAOW......" What should I do...What should I do...
  6. Ooooooo....cozy Cougar...what a concept! I agree, SMD is wonderful! Glad you like it so much
  7. With my chemistry it's definitely violet but the berry makes it sweet and a little tart - not to be confused with sharp or bitter. It's very bright and pleasant but definitely violet - so pretty! Edited to add: I loved it enough that I snagged a back up in the sale!
  8. Crossing my fingers for you too, lol! Looking forward to you future posts/findings
  9. That's interesting about your husband's reaction - in a good way! Maybe he just needed something to buffer the Est (there is Est in G2 also) and the other molecules in G2 just clicked for him Certainly makes everyday an adventure ^_~
  10. NuTrix

    Naked Twilight

    Nope haven't tried Shadow Dance either....but still going to get that sample of RR
  11. LOL! What she said! This is one of the few that I'm going to keep in oil & spray form until it's all gone! This has got to be one of my most favorite fruity, feminine fragrances to date. I finally got PP in unscented in oil so I can give my spray a boost but I just LOVE this fragrance and get LOTS of compliments on it when ever I wear it
  12. lyrical.poetess - That's too bad about the hubby - and stepdaughter too It really is a lovely scent and I'm fortunate in that my hubby is a great responder to all things Est. Hmm, maybe this means your hubby secretly has a hankering for the sultry, feminine, lil' bit domme/dangerous naughty girl - there are plenty of pheromones/fragrances for THAT too ^_~ Might keep SD from being catty too. Try a sample of Sex and Violins for kicks.... Isn't the Sweet Chic fragrance delicious! Glad you got good results from both with that. Great review
  13. NuTrix

    Naked Twilight

    No, I haven't tried either of those. I have been on the fence a time or 2 with Rapturous Reverie and I'm glad you brought it up here because I now know that I like oud (which was foreign to me) and I'm quite fond of smoke too. I may go a sample route with it, but will have it in my wish list for Oct!
  14. NuTrix

    Blood on Snow

    I tend to slather...but yes, it lasts, oh I'd say ,4-6 hours and then becomes super light & sugary for another hour or so before disappearing completely Edited to add that I LOVE those sugary finishes too!
  15. NuTrix

    Naked Twilight

    This one is just perfect! Since there are so few notes I'm going to presume I like opium and amber together. I think the coconut adds a sweetness and the mystery scent of the ambergris? Is that giving it the scent that is reminiscent of the see or is that just my mind playing tricks on me because of the label?lol During the dry down there's even something slightly - spicy? It's a very interesting scent indeed. I like this one very much and always have. I had gotten side tracked by the myriad of amazing goodies and almost missed out on this one! Glad I finally got a full bottle before it disappeared forever...
  16. This is incredibly light on me for all the floral notes in it! I like this. It's lightly floral and fruity. The fruit isn't piercing but sweet, light and juicy and compliments the floral notes beautifully. My chemistry is loving the floral notes and not amping any one thing. This is lovely & light - not bad for purchasing unsniffed at all! I love having all of these goodies to choose from!
  17. NuTrix


    I had ZERO idea what to expect from this one. Will it be sweet? Green? Spicy? There are so many notes in this that are foreign to me that I do not know what I am smelling. It IS sweet, but not very, just a hint. It IS green, but kind of a lush, mature green not a new buds kind of green. AND it IS spicy but not any spices I'm familiar with. So. This review may not be very helpful, lol. I CAN say it's wearing light on me, it smells fresh and airy and slightly yummy. I very much like it It seems "clean", not soapy clean, just fresh. WIN!
  18. NuTrix

    Marigold & Amaranth

    This is floral and sweet to me. I get the green apple off the top. My chemistry LOVES lily, lol and I can totally pick that out but it's lightly sweet and the earth note is a really cool twist. This is another sniffie that got me. This fragrance is so absolutely unique that I knew I had to have a bottle. I LOVE the scents that make you say - "I am not sure what it is exactly that I am smelling, but it is REALLY nice whatever it is" LOL This scent did that to me. On dry down it becomes distinctly floral with that bit of earth and sweetness still in there. Very happy
  19. NuTrix

    Blood on Snow

    Took a chance on this one in the sale. There are no flowers in this and yet it smells very lovely and floral to me. I am totally picking up the frankincense, which I LOVE. On the long lovely dry down this is just a very feminine scent. Not quite sultry, not quite girlie, but ALL around pretty.
  20. FB! Good girl! Looking forward to your review!
  21. Welcome Dreamer! Here's to hoping all your LP dreams come true! Your "passion" is perfectly accepted here with open arms, lol! Looking forward to reading what you think of your new goodies
  22. And don't forget layering! Even more delightful scent options with layering possibilities!!! You'll be rolling in delight indefinitely!!!
  23. I would say get it....to almost everything....LOL BBM is: VANILLA, BUTTER, EGG, SUGAR, COCONUT OCCO White is: A yummy Triple Vanilla scent So while OCCO White is a fantastic, gooey delicious vanilla - BBM has a creamy, buttery, hint of coconut cakey kind of complexity that White does not
  24. Out of the bottle this smell like YUM and my first thought is FULL BOTTLE YES! It comes out all sweet and delicious but then quickly settles down on me and I get the anise and what I can only figure is the benzoin? It's not as sweet as I first thought it was going to be out of the bottle and for someone who is not (or did not think I was) fond of licorice, I have found anise to be quite pleasant in several fragrances from LP - Thank you Mara for expanding my knowledge, appreciation - and - addiction LOL! It's very interesting how this is distinctly marshmallow and yet the licorice does not ruin it (sorry, still working past old perceptions...) I shall have to slather this to really see how I feel about the addition of licorice to marshmallow but after a half hour or so the anise backs off - but doesn't disappear - and leaves the marshmallow goodness I adore in the forefront LURV!
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