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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. This is another one that surprised me Once again I read the notes and thought - hmm, anise, hit or miss - not really ever thinking it will be a hit (just like Flying Potion when I saw licorice - how WRONG I was then too!) This is absolutely fascinating! I think my problem is that I expect things with anise to smell only of anise and that it will be the only thing I register - not that it will compliment and enhance everything else. This one is GREAT! It's earthy and hints at foodie with out being foodie and...and...I actually think I'm loving the anise note in it...and the oud and the musk - I think it's the musk? I don't even WANT to try to pick out everything because it just smells so DARN great all together! I could TOTALLY roll in this like catnip!
  2. ^^^ I got my NR sampler YESTERDAY! But had to wait until today for everything to be acclimated to really check everything out...THAT was incredibly DIFFICULT La Sylphide's notes had me scratching my head because I like Ylang Ylang but was trying to imagine it with the other notes and just couldn't. WOW is this gorgeous! AND it suits LFM perfectly - I mean PERFECTLY. This is so soft and feminine and lady-like. It SO goes hand in hand with the lovely noble vibe of LFM. Spices can amp on me - which I don't mind because I LOVE them, but the nutmeg in this really is a whisper in the background. It's the Ylang and Sandlewood that are most forward...with a fluffy bed of vanilla and hint of nutmeg...like some have written I think - it's like a suggestion rather than a statement. Really, really gorgeous scent. Had to order a FB before it disappears!
  3. Lots of you keep saying it's honey-like and I'm not getting it - or registering it - that way. I can't wrap my brain around it. It's puzzling - in an intriguing way. Wonder if that's what's causing people to stare? It's so incredibly UN average and strange - though not unpleasant. Layering it has been a ridiculous success so far, particularly with sweet scents for me (Luv Truffle, Gianduja, Demimondaine, Garland & Lace v5...) I wouldn't want to wear it solo - my chemistry doesn't seem to want it solo unless it's wearing overtime from the night before
  4. OK. Final addict's - eh...er...- Love Potion enthusiast's order prior to January...I got my monthly sampler and X Appeal isn't quite FB for me, but neither was the scented Sexology version. Unexpectedly LOVED Absinthe of Malice and La Silphide - really REALLY happy about La Sylphide because I ADORE LFM I needed - yeah, I know - some UNs so my stock pile should be perfect now - or at least for now... So final stock pile is as follows - FBs Absinthe of Malice La Sylphide Un Sexology UN Levitation Un Perfect Match Un Lumina (spray/mad scientist) Almost went for Tickle Tickle but I still have Fuzzy Wuzzy and prefer that one. I get a strong vick's type vapor rub thing going on first thing and that brings up horrid memories - by no fault of the perfume though... The way Aja lasts...I think my samples will be good for quite a few miles so I held off on that one. It still needs some experimentation miles anyway! OH - and the Sex & Violins with the cops add in? AWESOME! My hubby isn't terribly fond of the scent but this is one I got for me so I'll just have to wear it when we aren't together Would've thrown in more Allumette but that sucker must've BLOWN off the shelves! I blinked and it was GONE! I got some delicious PE sniffies that I couldn't find - which is good because it saved me some $$$ Darn sniffies!
  5. This is the most wearable rose I've ever smelled that doesn't take me to that horrible place that my mom or grandmom's perfume lived...
  6. I've been eager to get SS4M on my hubby - I hope he likes this enough to try it for me (or I will just hold him down and douse him against his will! and then we will do other things that I'd wager he would be only too willing TO do...)
  7. Heh - so I'm thinking if the man crinkles his nose to this one... I LURV Open Windows...and if I at least like the scent, then it won't go to waste because I'll be only TOO happy to wear it! And I'd be too curious to see what others think of the scent too.
  8. I applied Aja last night and could still smell it this morning - and I didn't bother to try to wash it off. It was light and sweet and, and, something else - yes - I get the dirty, but apparently dirty suits me just like all the rest of you dirty lovin' girls Without reapplying Aja, I layered over it will Balls! and WOW! Is there ANYTHING that this won't pair with? I thought Balls! would drown it out for sure (what without reapplying and all) but Noooooo, Aja just seems to add a unique twist to whatever it touches. Crazy. What do you all think of pairing it with Marsha Mellow or EGG? I'm wondering if they can handle Aja or not???
  9. Squeee! Squeeeee! My pheromas are here! My pheromas are here! I can't believe they managed to fit all those vials into 1 wrapper but they did - all 13! I want to snuffle all of them but so far I only tried Allumette - and I smelled very little soooooo...since I just came in the door with them I will HAVE to let them sit until tomorrow to acclimate - but it's SO HARD TO WAIT!!! All the labels are SO freaking fantastic! I can't wait to try Tickle Tickle - and I'm dying to enjoy Allumette (of course!) Phero Charged Money Potion is a SPRAY - how did I miss that?! I'm totally hooking hubby up with Sorcerer v2 and Valhalla - if he'll let me get close enough to him with them...STINGE! UG - why do they have to be so DIFFICULT sometimes? He's tagged everything with patchouli in it as "It smells Christmasy" - and it comes with a crinkled nose and uncontrollable (or so he acts) desire to run away....so I guess it isn't the "good" Christmasy that he gets with Santa's Little helper and some others....not that these will necessarily elicit that reaction buuuuut...If I have to put it on the BACK of his shirts - then I will...he will SUFFER ME! - End rant...Back on topic - I anticipate enjoying each offering from this month's line up myself at least and all those naughty little samples they send along to keep my wish list growing
  10. It IS blending beautifully with Gianduja. It's like a brand new perfume! I'm wondering what happens as I'm sure the Aja will out last the Gianduja and how it will continue to morph... OHMYWHAT? With Katerina Suit?! I have GOT to try that! I will have to pull out Luv Truffle on this baby too! This has added a whole new level of fascination for me! And what about a foodie floral - like Demimondaine? Ack! I must know!
  11. I dove off the deep end and ordered FBs before even having had a chance to sniffle Allumette after reading the above offered review thread for the original. I cannot - CANNOT - imagine NOT loving this...and may need to hoard more in January. Living vicariously through your descriptions until the lil' beauties arrive! PM is one of my favorite blends so this is just doubly AWESOME!!! ------------------------------------ EDIT: HOLYWHAT?! Looks like I won't be ordering more - it's SOLD OUT already!!! WOW! THAT was SUPAH fast!!!
  12. LFM is one of my favorite blends...I hope I love this when I get my samples....or maybe I should hope I don't - because by then it will be too late to order a full bottle until January
  13. This is SO pungent, lol. I'm trying it out again tonight under Gianduja and I can tell it's there underneath - the real test will be if the man picks up on it, maybe I should set this aside for a few more days in case being so close to my cycle is effecting how it's wearing. Anybody with more experience than I finding it's "aroma" varies throughout the month?
  14. SS4W is one of the first blends I got and I shelved it for quite some time - thinking it didn't work for me as I just couldn't find my sweet spot with it. I did the same thing as StacyK - adding CB or LAM! and THEN I'd get hits consistently. I seem to need to wear quite a bit solo to get the kinds of hits I've come to expect but I still don't get very much in the way of selfies with it solo. I have it in oil and use a total of 6, 5 inch stripes in various places - usually 1 each to wrist and forearms, 1 along collarbone and 1 split between each side of my neck. I notice the hits more regularly now though I think it could be just because I recognize them generally now that I've been wearing pheros daily for over a year now So maybe it was ME starting out and not SS4W that failed to see the results...
  15. I've used Lace to chill out Sexpionage and lighten it up. Like MissD, I've worn it along side PM too...just wanted PM to be a little more flirty and girly instead of unisex. Also with BAM! too on the man
  16. Hi greenergal - did you notice any selfies out side of the confidence? SS4W isn't one I notice a lot of selfies with. Kind of the same with LFM/LFN...there is a bit more self assertion but nothing over the top - more like "just right". I love wearing these blends to work because I can't always read just what they're doing because I seem unaffected until I get into exchanges with others. Glad SS4W is coming out of her shell for you!
  17. NuTrix


    OHMYSMOGGLEDYSMUMPHTHISISSOWONDEFUL! This is violet for sure! Sweet but not foodie to me at all really, at least not after dry down. The cocoa is milk chocolate to my nose and I don't really smell it after first application right out of the bottle. It's all beautiful violet complimented by musk and amber. The violet seems almost candy like - almost - at first. I read that sassafras is supposed to have a sweet smell and I'm wondering if that's what I'm smelling when I first apply, because I'm not really sure what sassafras smells like. It has good staying power too and GREAT throw! This is just SO pretty - I'm glad it likes my chemistry! Another woman passed me in the restroom, just after I had added 2 more dots behind my ears, and gave me "sexy eyes" as she said "Mmmmm..." I felt like the m&m in the commercials because I KNEW it was the cocoa that got her!LOL!
  18. BWAHAHAAAA! True! We welcome you to the fold of passionate LP hoarders THIS is EXACTLY how you SHOULD see it!
  19. OK. I've actually got this on all for myself at the moment and if anything comes of the hubs, then it's all just bonus This could become my new night time scent for bed. This is gorgeous (I do have a bit of LP Black on too and they are AMAZING together) and I will be only too pleased to have wafts of this caressing me in my dreams - HOLY GORGEOUS! Oh, I said that already, lol, but I really mean it! This is woodsy on me - I don't know how else to describe it - earthy? No. Not like dirt earth definitely more woodsy, like bark on a tree - but not just that. It's a strange kind of sweet too and yet it works amazingly together. Are the OCCOs permanent? I can see becoming addicted to this one
  20. Hehe...I've been saving them - they're perfect for storing jewelry and other little trinkets that might easily be lost ----------------------------------------------------- Edit: Alright. I couldn't wait for the Nov NR samples to arrive...too eager to get in an order of FBs before the 25th deadline: Had to get Allumette plus a back up - SURE I will love after all the reviews! AND I LOVE PM for work and home and, well, anywhere really! Only realized today that this is a V2... LP Black! Sex & Violins w/a boost of cops - just seemed natural Back ups of: Wink at the Moon Nox Rocket Fuel - love it with the SS4W! Compromising Positions
  21. AH! So technically it's really LP P&D that reminds me of LP Black, not the other way around Oooooo! I bet this WOULD be fantastic with Red - I thought of OCCO Red right away because it plays sweeter on me than LP Red. I CANNOT stop huffy my arm where I applied this and the OCCO version is DEFINATELY not the same animal. I honestly don't remember this being so sweet when I tried it a whopping year ago and yet it's not exactly foodie but I can't seem to tear my nose away from it! Would anyone be willing to hazard a guess at what it is my nose is picking out as a sweet fruit smell? What is chypre? Could it be that? It's in the description, but not in the notes listed. Could be my untrained nose playing games with me too Wouldn't be the first time!
  22. Ok. It's more than 12 hours since my last post on this...and it's outlasted G&L AND a smidge of OCCO White! I was sitting here relaxing after a long work night and suddenly - "Whaaaa? Is that? Noooo, it couldn't be...but YES! It IS!" Aja is distinct smelling and I haven't decided if I like it yet or not but I'm VERY surprised to be able to pick it out under OC White! That's some POTENT little liquid there! WOW! It's very distinctly honey now. Some kind of honey anyway. With the G&L and OC White, it's sweet honey, like Sugared Honeycomb to me. What an unexpected surprise! This is going to need a lot more experimentation!
  23. NuTrix


    Hehe...that would be almost everything in it Violet, cocoa, sandalwood and the musk. It's fantastic!
  24. In the vial, LP Black smells...sweet. Vanilla and spicy brown sugar on a bed of sweet patchouli...is there such a thing as sweet patchouli? I could swear there's something sweet and fruity, but there's no fruit in the notes. I think if I was looking for something resiny to my nose, this could be it. I love that it's so sweet too, how wonderfully strange! I know that LP has changed my thinking about patchouli over this past year. It reminds me a tinge of LP P&D. I bet this would layer ridiculously with OCCO Red! I will have to get a FB of LP Black in my next order!
  25. HOLYCRAP! OCCO Black is R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S! I was fearful when some of the comparisons of OC Black were saying the patch was more prominent but it turns out I totally LOVE that about it. Yes. I said it. Patch and love. In the same sentence. I want to roll in this like catnip...and I probably will later tonight when it's just myself and the man This is just scrumilicious! There is something weird about it that makes me think of birch beer...yeah, my nose is retarded, but as long as I'm loving it - who cares!? Snarfelumpigousliciousness. That's all I've got to say about that.
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