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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix


    Took a chance on this one in the sale and really LOVE it! Every since getting Storemy's, Spring's Jasmine Rain I have been befuddled by fragrances with water scents and have gotten a few. I am loving this. It's light and clean and watery and the lily is there making it all just SO ridiculously beautiful. THIS IS JUST GORGEOUS! The lettuce and cucumber add to the clean watery smell/feel. Aloe is just a healing scent to me and evokes all manner of childhood memories. The bamboo? It's another addition that I have liked in other fragrances. This is just an overall clean, green, watery scent to my nose and I love it - WIN!
  2. NuTrix

    Lava Rain

    Got my full bottle.... Testing this one. This went on strange so I had to look at the notes again. I'm thinking it's got to be the water accords/patch/smoke combo? It's strange and unusual to my nose. It reminds me of something that I can't quite put my finger on. It's partly the choice of smoke in combination with the water....is IS like what is smells like when you through water on a hot fire...in a bottle. I don't know what rain on lava would smell like, lol, but this has got to be something close! I'm actually thinking this might be better used in my oil warmer to permeate the house and create a cleansing environment rather than just for wearing. Hmm. I'll have to ponder that idea some more....I'm not really getting "sweet" this time...my skin seems to be "smokin'" today lol. Chemistry - go figure.
  3. First of....Welcome Vladmyra! Yes. Also normal. Very true as well - we are here for one another in this community. A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y. Our goal is to help you be satisfied with who you are...we are not interested in changing you or aiding in denial. We want you to embrace the beautiful person that you are and the LPs that will help you to accentuate those lovely things about you. We are a community of enablement and collection er, eh, CollecTIVE growth here
  4. NuTrix

    Wax Poetic

    Yes, the chrysanthemum is such a pretty floral, to me, and the honey is powdery with a touch of sweetness with my chemistry. Very clean, not the "stepped out of the shower" soapy clean, just fresh, and the chrysanthemum didn't beat me over the head. It's really nice!
  5. I only have 3 lil' sample vials (actually, a little more than 2 & 1/2 now....) and I LOVE THIS...but hubby says it just smells like fake chocolate. I say: "Throweth not pearls before SWINE!" Humph! WELL! I chose to not hear him and drool anyway I will love this when "that man" be not around and I can indulge without his undesirable commentary.... This is CHOCOLATE, undeniable fact, and I'm loving the hazelnut and coffee too - and that something earthy? (truffle?) I barely get peppermint. I'll have to wear it a bit more...as much as my samples will allow, to enjoy it while I can EDIT: SQUEAL! Got more LT from the trading area so I can stop lamenting over the littleness of my trail vials, lol, that is until I've nearly exhausted the bottle...then I'll be back here whining just a little...I can see how easy it is to fall in love with something you know you will HAVE to eventually let go of HAHAHA!
  6. Oooooh-hohooooo....I get that coconut berried rum right off the top. This one is going to be go-to nommiliciousnous for me. As time went on the berriness settled and the creaminess of the vanilla was more noticeable. I'm a foodie and this one is a definite winner right out of the bottle! Definitely slather worthy
  7. NuTrix

    Wax Poetic

    BUMP! Nabbed this in the $10 bin sale. Was on the fence about this and decided to go for it and SO lad I did! Not sure what dragon's blood smells like but the honey is powdery sweet and I like the chrysanthemum. I love honey and this is SO honey, like comb honey, to my nose. This is floral and powdery and feminine and clean. This will be a nice scent for work and family. Maybe not completely sexy but potentially...the longer I have it on, the more I'm loving it!
  8. NuTrix

    Elan Vitale

    Hmm. On the fence about this straight out of the bottle. This reminds me of Butterbeer. I like the idea of the champagne and the bright bubbliness that it has, I'm just not sure I like it. I want to put my finger on the ginger but I just don't know. I think I need to wait a bit and try it again in a week or so or maybe layer it with something creamy to settle this ginger(?) down. Thoughts, ideas, suggestions?
  9. NuTrix


    Hmm. I'm going to have to keep that in mind and start taking notes for some things. I remember I wasn't a fan of Sex & Violins - at first - but a couple/few weeks later when I gave it another go, I couldn't stop huffing it. If something seems off, I'll have to write it down and start checking to see if my chemistry is just being "hormonal"
  10. NuTrix


    LV - did it stay citrus that whole time for you? That's too bad Even though it was BOLD at first, it was so much unpleasant as that I didn't fancy to smell like orange peel. No stabbing though, what a shame....some peach and plum notes do that to me though.... I DO like the idea of pairing it with PP! Stellar!
  11. OK. I SLATHERED this yesterday and after my initial test was VERY surprised by the outcome - but not in a bad way. I got ROSE - lots and lots of beautifully surprising rose an it was GORGEOUS! Initially, when I tested this on a small spot I completely go the spices and fruit and the rose was not forward at all. Now a handful of days later - slathered - ROSE. Lots of rose on a bed of delectable spices just barely there in the back ground. I was outdoors and it was terribly humid and if you stood in the sun you would've been baked...and by the look...some people were (sunburn - ouch!) I am terribly pale and I fan of shade, lol. People like myself don't tan - we burn But my lovely rose sweltered away quickly within several hours...but I think it would be safe to blame that on perspiration...SO upon second application I still had the same delightful rose out come with the spices beneath and got very little fruit at all other than the complimentary undertone to the rose fragrance. Makes me want to wear it again today to see what it does! But I have to give my other LPs a chance, lol, still - such a crazy wonderful surprise and it was a very lovely non granny rose too. It was very fresh and "on the bloom" type of rose. VERY nice indeed!
  12. NuTrix


    First thoughts upon application..."Uh-Oh". I got a BIG dose of citrus - orange peel and lemon grass - and first thought, this isn't good.....BUT after about 45mins to an hour of releasing the notes from their bottled prison the original blast of orange peel takes to chilling and coconut, honey, vanilla and teak become a noticeably creamy bed for the brighter notes to sit on and this has become VERY nice indeed! I have a handful of LPs that, for me, if I can hold out that first hour (not that it's ever bad, lol) the following HOURS are just gloriously exceptional. THIS is one of those. Not that citrus orange peel or lemongrass are unbearable - because they are fresh and smell good - but the melding and sharing of the spotlight that comes after initial application is worth the wait
  13. NuTrix

    Voodoo Fondue

    OHMYSTUFFINGGOODNESS! This jumps out of the bottle all chocolate snuffleupagous and then the fruit comes forward and it's all chocolate covered fruity delightful scarfalupagous nommy-nom! AND THEN like 45 minutes in the spices start to show up and it becomes something else entirely, something I never experienced fonduing fruit anyway, but it's DELICIOUS none the less! It's the spices that make it familiar and strange (read new) all at the same time. It's not a heat spicy but it isn't fall spicy...think Indian spicy. This is a HUGE win!
  14. NuTrix

    Shen Tao

    DD, I can't wait to read what you think of it
  15. Welcome crystalpine! Most of what I have are in oils and any sprays I've gotten I've asked for 60/40, alcohol/oil...but I wouldn't go by me because I tend to wear the sprays and oils together....some to diffuse right away and some to stay close to the skin for the whole day, lol. These perfumes don't have the chemical fixatives that commercial fragrances do, but there are some that definitely have stayed noticeable on my skin 12+ hours! It's just finding the ones that love you back Sometimes my skin just eats up some scents, even if I use lotion out of the shower before I apply my perfume. Sometimes that helps and sometimes it doesn't. The extra step of applying the silicone first may help as StacyK mentioned You can read more about it here: http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/LovePotion/6009196/pure_cyclopentasiloxane__aka_cps_or_d5_-_1_fl_oz_/indie_supplies/craft_supplies/bath_and_beauty_supplies It's great that your hubby is good/neutral with your new LP interest, lol, mine is quite understanding about my addictio....eh, er, I mean - HOBBY, yes, hobby is what I meant.... Happy experimenting
  16. NuTrix

    My First Order

    But what to wear.....hehehe...Such a delightful dilemma though, yes? Let's see...16 scents...and if you have 2 wrists, 2 forearms, 2 backs of hands...where else can you reach your nose? Maybe both knees and both ankles (if you wear shorts so you don't accidentally expose anything sniffing the spots you're sampling)...OK that's 10 that you could potentially wear in a day.....See? Not SO bad
  17. Welcome! Velvet Kisses appears to be popular!lol I just got it in the sale myself. My SO is HUGE on foodie scents....maybe after yours gets a few whiffs of YOU being absolutely delectable smelling he's change his tune? Dying to hear his reaction to Cougar Potion..... Happy experimenting - you're going to have fun for sure!
  18. Totally BUMP! Slathered this on today and WOWYUMWOW! The staying power is REDONKULOUS! All I get is vanilla, sugar creamy fantasticness. If there's coconut, it's enveloped in the rest of the creamy goodness. Just completely drool worthy
  19. OK THIS is my last order until...October...theoretically... Just pulled the trigger on some necessities (what? did you really expect me to say they were anything else?! ) Katerina Suit Heart Strings BANG! (un in oil) Marsha Mellow (2) 221B - thank you LV! LOL Compromising Positions UNE Pouncing Potion ----------- Sale freebies: Cheeky (I've waffled on this for a year! it's really foodie YUM - I could no longer see the need to try to resist...) Pot of Gold Celestial Body Summer Belle (2) Smoking Bun Did I mention I'm really done...this time...really. Done. For now. Finished....
  20. YAY! As soon as I get home I know hat I'll be doing...reminding myself of how good UN smells! Thank You Luna!
  21. Hehehe...I have both Un for men and UNE for women...and I LIKE them both too....was just wondering which bottles to go snarf around...
  22. Oh! I think I misunderstood from the start...you didn't UN as in the unscented CB, but as in the fragrance UN? (Un for men? or UNE for women?) Like flowers and honey?
  23. Thank you Dolly! And I'm not surprised it could handle so many either - it's a great fragrance! LOL better to stock up now before they disappear!
  24. I saw you mentioned home boosting with EO - how many drops do you boost with? I can get away with 10 in a 5ml spray - just - but I'm thinking a full 1/3 oz bottle could handle at least twice that...? Share your thoughts?
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