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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Welcome back! You could always request a PE along the lines of Boddice Ripper!
  2. When I see lace on women's lingerie, I feel like I am about to go on vacation haha!
  3. quietguy


    Everyone here has pretty much one thing on their mind. We are just a lot more polite about it here lol.
  4. Get some Cry Havoc before it disappears if you have not done so already. Women snort that one up also.
  5. quietguy


    Welcome to the forum! What pheromones/samples did you get? You know everyone is going to ask so you might as well just say so up front haha!
  6. Plus find out why women love sharp dressed men with big beaks haha!
  7. Eggers - I will fly it up there for you. Just have a nice meal of salmon waiting for me
  8. And done! Join our FB page to see the original joke ...
  9. Well, I went with a forum requested rank for a couple months but there were no others so now it is time to do something new ...
  10. Another great write up. I hope it brings in more addicts customers.
  11. If all these virgins keep sneaking around, they are not going to stay that way for long ...
  12. Welcome to the forum and good luck with the meeting.
  13. Wow. I know someplace you should open a second store haha!
  14. What Luna said except I do not get the soapiness on my skin. I always like to wear a fragrance 2-3 times before I post a review on it and I actually wore this one like 4-5 times before coming here to write a review, hence the delay. This is the smell of the field out back that is surrounded by woods when the grass is high. It is outdoors: grass with woods on the edge. I am not saying it is a simple scent - there are certainly layers. But is is simple in the sense that it is ... outdoors. This is a great summer outdoorsy scent. I have a FB.
  15. As has been mentioned above, CK, you need to figure out that fine line between support and enabling when you are dealing with someone who will not treat or follow their treatment plan for whatever mental illness they have. And only you can decide what level of support you can give physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It does not necessarily have to be all or nothing. But again you have to decide how much of the instability that comes from your friend not seeking or following treatment that you can handle. I am not saying you are his "caretaker" but "caretaker burn-out" is a very real issue. It sounds like you are stepping back for a bit and that is okay. Even front line combat troops get pulled back for R&R at times, right? I am not a medical professional but I have certainly dealt with and helped others deal with these questions both with mental illness and addiction issues. There are many parallels between the two and sadly often some overlap with some individuals. I am not implying that it is so with your friend, just that there sometimes is. Just know we support you and you have our best wishes.
  16. I really like mine. A very masculine scent. This one may have even gotten a compliment from Mrs. QG. I say may have as we were in the car when the compliment was given but there were three scents going on - a custom leather scent for the car, Cry Havoc on a piece of thick black felt tucked into a car vent as the "usual" car scent, and this on me. I was not sure which one she was talking about or if it was the combination of the three.
  17. If he is bipolar, then he really does need to seek treatment. The percent of people who are bipolar and end up killing themselves during those troughs is sadly very high.
  18. Haha - you can! Turn it into a spray and go to it!
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