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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Congratulations. No new rank but an actual "me" photo for a change.
  2. When this goes on, the vanilla takes the lead but that always happens with me. Once it dries down though, it is all warm and smooth. I don't know how else to describe it. Just very smooth. Everything blends in so well on my skin that there really is no lead note. You can identify the vanilla and if you concentrate, you can pick out the tobacco and maybe that light touch of dark sweetness is the orchid but it might just be my imagination knowing it is there. This is not the vanilla forward smoothness of Mara's The Sinner and the Saint but rather just a warm, smooth fragrance that blends into my skin with notes of vanilla and tobacco that peek out if you concentrate on it. This is definitely full bottle stuff in my opinion. ETA: As I wore it several more times, I could pick out the orchid note more readily when it was wet.
  3. I wish I had musical talent. All the women in my family have at least some musical talent. My mom & youngest daughter by the bucketfull. What a gift. Just keep working the music angle in groups or public & smile & be friendly.
  4. @Potion Master: One of the reasons I was so taken by the thought of you doing PEs in the store was that I assumed from everything you had said over the years that brewing small batches would be more difficult. I still find it amazing and very cool that you do it! ETA: And by small batches I meant less than the 9 bottles or so that seem to make a normal PE run. The fact that you could make just 1 bottle given the quality of what you make is something else.
  5. This one is just a little too carnationy for me. The note just exploded all over my skin. It looks great but like certain types of coconut or vanilla, that coconut was just too overpowering.
  6. Well, at a certain point in time, a lot of the ladies who are looking for a long term relationship have found them, but you are not there yet. Just a quick look at the ladies here over the years demonstrates that there are a lot of women still looking for Mr Right at a lot of different ages. Women just have to be a lot more careful as they often have the most to lose from the standpoint of running into anyone from a serial killer, to physical abuser to someone who will dump them when they get pregnant or have a kid as the guy is "not ready for a family". The other part of the equation given that most women are more cautious when approaching a relationship is how you present yourself. The "air of desperation" from either sex tends to scare off stable personalities and attract those with agendas. I am not saying that is you by any means so please do not take it that way. It is just an observation. Or another factor ls where you are looking. If you are bar or club hopping and looking for girls, then being shy is tough. Better to find clubs or organizations that involve things you might like - ie. hiking, chess, sky diving, scuba, whatever - and maybe meet someone that way. So even if you are shy, people tend to come out of their shells so to speak when they are doing something they really enjoy and can talk to. Plus you are doing something fun and meeting someone can take a back seat. And that is when you usually meet someone: when you relax and let it happen. And that is easiest in this kind of scenario. Please do not take any of this as criticism or me telling you how to live your life. It is often my job (paid or volunteer) to offer "Dad advice". If you don't want any, just let me know. It won't hurt my feelings. I am much too "self assured" for that to happen haha! 1. Look at the societies where that is the case already. I have been in a few and I as a guy would not want to live there. 2. Well, only as much armed conflict as it takes to reduce the rage filled portion of the population. See, it might not be all that bad then, right?
  7. I have always wondered how you come up with new ideas every month. I know you have a certain number of rebrews but still the vast number of new fragrances every time is astounding. I know just coming up with the ideas and the constant brewing has to take up a lot of time. Haha - I now have a million questions with this move to a more (but obviously not completely) PE-centric brewing emphasis. I now there are usually a lot of PE orders - I hope this move makes things easier on your end. As you are making the PEs you make at the store available online, I take it you plan on making the PEs we order online available there also? I don't know how big a "batch" you brew up for PEs but I take it they are now going to be larger batches so you have some available on both sales fronts? How does that affect your brewing PEs in the store if you are making bigger batches? Just using a bigger "cauldron" so to speak haha?
  8. Ok thanks. Computer went down but I will look today.
  9. Yes - I read where they are developing androids that are more and more realistic. But when we reach the Westworld or Blade Runner level, then we will be in trouble lol.
  10. What with the problem with Mara being sent the wrong caps, I just wanted to say how well wrapped and packaged my LPs were and have always been. The purple wrapping paper, the nice bag, the way the items are very professionally wrapped, everything in the box is nice and tight so there is no movement & breakage is almost impossible shy of jumping on the box. When I opened my package today I was thinking about what a professional job it was and it was so pretty that if I were a girl I would probably ooh and ahh.
  11. quietguy


    Hello & welcome! You caught your ex with them and now you have them?
  12. Ok - what you need to do is email Halo at the LP customer service email (front page of the LP site) and ask for an email exchange with me. I will do the same. ETA: BlackWolf: I ran on a big assumption here - are you in the US? If not where are you - I will need to look at shipping costs if you are outside the US.
  13. There is a social aspect to Heart Throb but obviously the emphasis is sexual.
  14. I think Luna put it well with her first sentence: This is an interesting scent. On me it start all green musk and vanilla. I am not surprised about the vanilla because vanilla always explodes a little on my skin. But it is not a bad explosion. Once this dries down, it remains a green musk scent but there is that darker, deeper sense to it that the ladies have mentioned above. In time, the dark chocolate and sugar become more identifiable although the black orchid is right there on the edge. I think the frankincense and birch are blending with the green musk. This is certainly far enough into the "unisex" realm that is is masculine even if the ladies like to wear it. And it is the type of scent you can wear anywhere, anytime. If you like green or a vanilla/chocolate, then this is the scent for you. I am certainly glad I tried it. I am hoping the wife feels like dessert tonight lol. ETA: As I wear this more, I think I can pull out the black orchid note a little more, though that is a function of identifying it, not the note becoming more pronounced. Like NuTrix says below, this is a very smooth green/vanilla/dark chocolate scent as opposed to those "green" colognes that have a certain bite to them.
  15. Once again my apologies - Mondays are super long days for me and today I was pretty busy too. BlackWolf: Forget most of what you may have read elsewhere about needing to be an "Alpha". People make a lot of money out of convincing you that you need to turn into this mythological creature. Be yourself but always want to make you into a better you. Look at where you think you can improve and work on that. I still do it. I am learning a lot about Wordpress but the subliminals have yet to improve my hairline. Win some, lose some haha! Next, do not confuse confident with cocky or aggressive. You can be confident without being either of the other two and it is probably for the best. I little bit of aggressive is OK, but even that is situation dependent. So you can be shy and still be confident in yourself. My wife is a prime example of this. She is very shy and does not like huge crowds. Certainly does not like being in a city environment. But she is very confident in who she is, what she does, and what she knows. Her job requires her to work with people all day, often meeting new people and advising them. And she gets a little miffed when people do not take her advice because she is right 99.9% of the time and knows it. Miffed to the point she can be like "If you are not going to take my advice, maybe you should go elsewhere because you are wasting both our time and your money." But again on a personal level she is shy and will tell you so. So you can be shy but confident and confident is not a dirty word. It is not the same as being an "Alpha" - that is a term that has been turned into I don't know what anymore. And you can learn to be a little less shy just like my wife has. And that involved going over to say hello to someone in social settings. And Bella had an interesting point. NuTrix: Yes - there are two threads going on here and in the other I also mentioned that "the scent of a woman" pushes up a guy's testosterone levels so that boost can certainly affect your confidence, mood, etc. BB: I also thought Charisma as a next order would be very versatile for him. BlackWolf: I made an offer to you in your other thread. Check it out and let me know.
  16. It is definitely a two-edged sword as I have said before. I really seems to be able to go either way from my experience and from what I have read. Mrs. QG is already convinced women throw themselves at me (I don't see it lol but she swears it is so) so I am careful not to create the impression I have taken one up on the offer.
  17. Sorry - Mondays are looooong days for me and I was pretty busy most of today too. Yes - like NuTrix said, it can certainly give you a boost of confidence. Both from the standpoint of feeling like you have a secret weapon (which you do but you must learn to use it properly my young Padawan) but also from the stand point that men's testosterone levels shoot way up when they catch the "scent of a woman". So you can have a double whammy going on there. But ultimately, you are going to have to find something inside you that gives you a certain amount of self-worth and confidence enough to feel good about yourself. I say that because right now, you seem kinda down about the no girlfriend situation along with being in between jobs. I know both situations can be trying and make you question yourself but everybody here has been in the same place at one point or another and will tell you that your worth is not measured by your job or your romantic relationships. You matter just because you are you. Period. As you look at future orders, I will recommend the following if I may be so bold: First, Charisma will take you a long way is usually more versatile that Heart Throb. Second, I seldom order fragrances with pheromones mixed in. That way I do not limit myself with either. I will make you an offer: Considering you are a newbie and are in between jobs, I will send you some samples and/or sniffies of some of the current fragrances without asking for even the cost of shipping. I could send you some old ones that are out of stock but what good would that do you lol? If you want to take me up on the offer, say so here, and let me know you are asking Halo (Heather) for an email exchange. Once we do that, you can send me your address and I will send you the samples.
  18. Haha or just remember you gave him those pheromones and don't start accusing him of having a girlfriend on the side!
  19. Haha - be who you are comfortable with by all means. I am not suggesting you pretend to be rich, a banker or anything else you are not. That comment was made in the realm of not doing anything and expecting the pheromone mix to do all the work for you. You can be shy but you still have to be willing to talk to people and in particular women. But you need to remember that most women admire confidence in men as men often admire the same in women. Most people will tell you confidence is sexy. Now that does not mean no woman will ever find you appealing if you are not confident, it just helps. All I am saying is that if you act pained when when talking to women, it can seem equally painful to them. But if you seem at ease talking to them, it puts them more at ease. So you can be shy and work with who you are, but if you do not feel at ease talking to women, then you need to do your best to appear comfortable talking to them until you are more comfortable talking to them.
  20. Mara is very generous with samples and if you have any questions about scents or pheromone mixes they are happy to talk you on the telephone. What you generally want to do is spray a pheromone mix somewhere where your body heat will help diffuse the pheromones. This would be upper chest, lower neck and wrists, especially in winter. The good part about using it on your chest is that it kind mixes with your natural body chemistry and becomes "you" in a way. The cool thing about your wrists is that as you move your arms around, it helps diffuse the scent and pheromone mix around you. You are young and Heart Throb is a pretty strong mix. My advice is always start low with sprays and work you way up. I would start with 1-2 sprays of the fragrance. This pheromone has 'none in it. The 'none is the pheromone that screams man. You are young so you are already producing a lot of 'none. What you do not want to do is OD (overdose) on the 'none. A couple things can happen and neither are good. First, if you add too much 'none (or too many pheromones in general) it overwhelms people's ability to process them and you ghost out. In other words people ignore you because they unconsciously cannot figure you out because your pheromone signal is too strong. Second, too much 'none will actually scare a lot of younger women away and cause very alpha guys to act aggressively towards you, both physically and verbally. The good news is that a stronger 'none signature can attract older women. Be careful where you do spray. This has both 'none and cops in it. The cops give you the "scent of a woman" so to speak. Both can last a long time on your skin. Even worse if you spray them directly on your clothes or in your hair. They will stay there a very long time and in the case of your clothes - you may still catch a whiff after they are washed. So do NOT spray this mix directly on your hair or clothes. Also - some guys say they sometimes feel a little a little irritable after spraying on a 'none heavy mix, so keep that in mind too.
  21. LP # 9 is the kind of fragrance you can wear anywhere. Heart Throb is a great mix but it is a great strong sex mix. So That LP #9 is really no longer work safe lol. Now you can certainly use it in general social situations but you have to remember that heart Throb has cops in it which will give off the (generally) unconscious impression to women that you have either been with a female recently or get around a lot. Now for pheromones to work effectively, you have to act congruently with the pheromones. By that I mean you have to act according to the impression the pheromones give off or your actions will override the subtle impression the pheromones give off. So you cannot just sit there and do or say nothing and expect women to just fall off the tree into your lap. Life generally does not work like that, even with pheromones haha! So if you are a little shy, you are going to have to come out of your shell some to get the pheromones to work for you. Just remember - fake it until you make it. In other words pretend to be that outgoing guy until you become that outgoing guy. Just start taking those first small steps.
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