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Sweet Caramel Apple tart

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Apologies if a thread exists for this but I couldn't find. OK first of all I burned my first, one tart in this flavor, FIVE TIMES!!! with almost no loss of scent - the only difference I noticed was distance/throw. The only reason I popped it out was to try a different scent.

With this one I get a very dark right juicy red delicious apple, and vanilla custard like in a fruit tart. Didn't really pick up brown sugar, but woods, like fresh split wood as I mentioned in the Banana Bread review, or (with subsequent burnings) like that barky-sapp-y tree smell in the forest, and fallen autumn leaves. It was very pleasant and evocative and autumny - new habit is forming!!

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I love this one too. It lasts and lasts! The apple note is just amazing, like you've just taken a bite out of one and juice is running down your chin. The caramel is just right too, not cloying at all. I really need to pare down my wax stash so I can justify ordering more before they run out! I have one drawer in my kitchen exclusively for tarts and when it gets to where I have trouble closing it, that's when I know I need to stop :Emoticons04263:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is excellent, glad to read it has staying power cause I'll be bummed when it's gone. This is phero free but has envigorating outdoor freshness. Not a heavy weighed down scent at all more a bite into a juicy ripe apple that was just plucked from a tree with a hint of carmel wafting in the breeze.

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