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STORE: Copper Wrapped Crystals

Potion Master

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Beautiful!! I emailed you at the address in the 1st post, Mara. If you don't get it, please let me know. I don't know what it is about asking for invoices that triggers my anxiety but it's probably for the best because it keeps me from doing it too often ;) (Oh yeah, it's from the cow last name in case you don't who I am, haha!)

Edited by Memorare
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There is also the lazy way which is to put your crystals next to a large Selenite which cleanses anything near it. I can't be keeping track of moon cycles and shit. I can barely keep track of my children.

Ahaha! Yup. That's what I do. Put them on a ginormous hunk of selenite.

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Hi Eggers!


Here is the Zebra Jasper I picked up at he show - cut and polished hearts, a little larger than a quarter and fat and round. Very nice! These are $6 each, and I have Dalmation Jasper coming in the mail, tumbled so around $1-2 per piece and those should get here in a week.



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Raw natural Amber chunks



Beautiful Rose Quartz disks



Amazonite - for success in all ventures - one of our most popular stones.



Fresh Water Pearls - for marital harmony and prosperity



Lapis Lazuli for communication



Pale Amethyst for creativity, spirituality, dreams - stone of the subconscious mind.



Dark Amethyst - drilled chunks.



Natural Pale Blue Chalcedony - this stone is often dyed in modern jewelry but this is the natural color and I think it's prettiest! Called 'The Milk Stone', a traditional gift for lactating mothers.



Gorgeous Azurite! A very rare find!



Clear Quartz Crystals.



Lemon Quartz - do these attract spirits???



Beautifully crafted hand carved Flint Arrowheads. Perfect gift for boys - they love 'em.



Howlite Fangs.



Howlite Skulls and Slices



Stabilized Turquoise - for attracting friendship!



Serpentine - for Health, Wealth and Longevity - also known as "New Jade".


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Yes, for my forum friends they are $6 each or 4 for $20.

In the shop they are $8 each or 3 for $20.

It's a crazy good price either way - I checked to see what other artists are charging for theirs on Etsy Wholesale, and no one is wholesaling stuff like this for under $12, usually retailing for $20-$36 each! I can only do this price because I am making everything myself. And since I have been doing crystal wraps for over 30 years, I am quite fast at it, and my wraps are very solid and reliable. :)

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Thank you Mara! I appreciate the extra discount - I didn't realize it was a special one for forumites. Double thank you! LOL! I have my eye on about a billion things, and I'm having a tough time making up my mind... as usual. I might have to break it up into a couple of orders. Eeps! :blush:


ETA, I've been looking around different sites the last week or so, while reading up on the different meanings of all the different stones, and you've definitely got the best prices of anyone I've checked out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Do you have one that's for protection while traveling? I'd love to have one for my car...


Moonstone is traditionally the traveler's stone. I have some tumbled pieces that are peach-hued, and I can wrap one for you, no problem. :)


We also got some bigger "palm stones" at the last show - peachy beige, and a few black. Those range from like 12-24$ but I assume you want something to hang from your rear view mirror? and those would be too big.




NOTE to EGGERS - the Dalmation Jasper tumble has arrived but we have not unpacked it yet, we expect to get there by the end of the week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mara, I just wanted to let you know that I WILL be ordering that Dalmatian Jasper soon, (amongst a couple of other pieces). Just didn't want you wondering "WTF Eggers?". :lol:

No worries at all! No stress! Whenever is fine.


I have so many new things to post already, must remember tomorrow. Got some lovely aquamarine bits.

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