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Starting to notice effects--heart & soul!

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So, for a while I've been enjoying the delicious fragrances I've purchased (BF calls treasure of silver my signature scent hehe) and been somewhat skeptical of whether or not the pheromones work. I have noticed some self-effects from a few phero blends but I always have a hard time saying that it's not a placebo type of thing. Also, I'd like to preface the post by explaining that not only am I crazy about my BF, but he is absolutely crazy crazy crazy about me. It's ideal in nearly every way. He calls me his "special one" or "the one," we're discussing getting married and having kids et c. Even his parents love me. So I definitely don't have much in the way of specific things I need for my pheromones to do between us or between his parents and myself. The only notable thing I might really benefit from is something that would make us both more easygoing in terms of not getting upset during an argument. But I guess I can eventually figure that out. Ha! Also, people who get to know me describe me as friendly and warm, I'm naturally flirty and have a naturally strong sex appeal. (It's not all its cracked up to be, ugh!!) I also have been told several times that I intimidate other women, but I'm pretty good at being friendly enough to break down the walls caused by the perception of me as an aloof ice queen. ANYWAYS! Back to the point of my post.


I have been wearing flutterby w/ H&S quite a bit for the past few days, and it totally makes me feel super lovey-dovey with the BF. I'd actually say it's the first one that has legitimately made me feel so different that I can't write it off as a self fulfilling type of thing, a la "I wanted to feel lovey so I put this on and felt that way"... (I'm such a skeptic about everything.) So, I guess this is starting to convince me and I'm excited! I put it on while going through my trials and samples, trying to decide if I really liked the fragrance... and I do! So soft and powdery/sweet. I wish it wasn't discontinued because it smells sooooo good! But I really really love the self effects.


My BF is also very lovey and sweet when I wear it, but he says he doesn't feel any differently. BUT he's also not the most eloquent when talking about his feelings! Haha. I'm not sure if his reaction is just a reaction to me being snuggly and sweet or if the pheros are working on him, as well. How can I figure out? What should I do to test the efficacy of my pheros?


The ones I own now are gotcha!, levitation, PM, heart & soul (I SO wish I had more!), pouncing potion, and unfortunately I used up my trial size of balm bomb (I ordered more). I also have a scent with lace in it but I can't deal with the scent, I tried mixing it with something else but ugh! It smells way too strong for me to wear.


I've tried gotcha! once or twice but haven't really gotten a response that I can notice. I definitely don't feel any differently myself when wearing it. What should I look for when wearing it around the BF? He is already very touchy-feely and we're very close. I love wearing blush w/PM. It makes me feel more sexual! The scent is spicy and delicious.


So! TL;DR: After a long while of skepticism, heart & soul has made me start to realize that pheros really do work and now I want to keep testing and see what else they can do! I own several but have no idea how to start empirically testing them out!!


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Ahhhh yes! I loved when I got my first hits. They definitely work. I love Heart and Soul too. It's one of my favorites!

My experience with Gotcha, is it makes people wayyyy more chatty and intimate - like we've known each other forever. It makes people almost giddy to be spilling their feelings to me.

Definitely sample pheros though! I looove Cougar as a popularity type of phero. SS4W, PM and Levitation are some other ones i can't live without.

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I think one of my problems is that I'm scared to use sexual pheros outside the house since I'm already usually construed by men as sexual... when I did my initial research on my first order I had a specific goal in mind to get the jerk I was seeing to take me seriously. Since then, I kicked his behind to the curb and met my current BF and things are just going along so nicely that I haven't been paying much mind to the pheros. So I guess I'll have to re-investigate the pheros... *off to do some homework*


So, any advice as to how can I figure out if my bf is responding to the pheros or responding to my actions?

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I'm definitely no phero expert- I still feel like a newbie myself after a few years here. I would just look for any responses that are exaggerated or out of the ordinary.

LFM is also a great one for getting that respectful but in awe vibe. I used to have a guy that was such an ass, just really rude and a smart mouth. After wearing LFM, he was very respectful and trying to do things to make me like him. Ever since then, it must have resonated, because he's been totally nice to me ever since. Not sure if you still have a need for this type of phero... But I love it. It's a great one to try out.

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Nope! That turd is HISTORY! Lol! I think I'm going to try levitation again at work tonight and be more on the look-out for responses. I just think I'm having a hard time because even without pheros I am friendly and generally have a nice time, even at work. Maybe I need to pay a little more attention to the few people who are total crabs to me??


I really don't want to use PM or gotcha at work. I have a coworker who seems to have a crush on me already and I don't want to encourage that. I work with sick/preemie babies so I really wish my sample of balm bomb was here! I think I'd wear it all day, every day! Out of curiosity--can these pheros affect the preemies? I would hate for my phero use to get the babies all worked up...??


I will report back on how my progress!

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That's a question for Mara, Halo or Dolly. Personally, I don't wear pheros around my baby... He is 4 months old- I don't want him getting confused if my phero signature keeps changing.

Have fun testing, change up the amount you wear of you don't notice effects. Can't wait to hear your reviews :)

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From what I understand, You aren't supposed to use pheros around small babies(i'm not 100% on that but I have read it)...I know you aren't supposed to use them while pregnant for sure!

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Nope! That turd is HISTORY! Lol! I think I'm going to try levitation again at work tonight and be more on the look-out for responses. I just think I'm having a hard time because even without pheros I am friendly and generally have a nice time, even at work. Maybe I need to pay a little more attention to the few people who are total crabs to me??


I really don't want to use PM or gotcha at work. I have a coworker who seems to have a crush on me already and I don't want to encourage that. I work with sick/preemie babies so I really wish my sample of balm bomb was here! I think I'd wear it all day, every day! Out of curiosity--can these pheros affect the preemies? I would hate for my phero use to get the babies all worked up...??


I will report back on how my progress!

You should not wear pheros around infants and children.

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D: I have totally done this already. So for science here is the deets but I'll just stick to my regular unphero'ed perfumes from now on. I have only worn levitation and balm bomb to work. No noticeable differences in the babies, but for reference, we don't get to hold them very much. Lots of babies in isolettes. I did snuggle one the other day with balm bomb on 5-6 hours after application, she acted completely normal. Haha, ok, way less variables for testing now!

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Well yesterday, the BF and I had a cleaning day, and tensions got a little high. We had a tiff and I got so pissy, I told him that I couldn't speak to him at the moment. He works a lot and got mad that I was "ruining" his day off. I had a nice, long shower, he played some video games, I was still pissy, and decided to put on some flutterby w/H&S and sat on the couch next to him. The ENTIRE fight disappeared without a word within like ten minutes. No apologies were given, no talking about it, just GONE. Suddenly he is talking to me about his video game and then offering to turn it off so he could go snuggle in bed with me (I was falling asleep on the couch.) Yeah, I need to live in this stuff.

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Sounds rough! Ugh men and their mood swings... Which they SWEAR they don't have! Lol. I'm wondering if h&s might work better when I'm in the ovulating phase bc I've been in a rotten mood these past few days and its not helping me at all. :(

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Guest cutie.pie

I do believe there's conection between menstrual cycle and pheros... I can't wear Cougar while ovulating and LFM when I'm PMSing...

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I do believe there's conection between menstrual cycle and pheros... I can't wear Cougar while ovulating and LFM when I'm PMSing...

Well I ended up getting strep throat! I am as sick as a dog, and absolutely miserable for it. I'm sure that's why I was so irritable and h&s couldn't help me!! But menstrual cycle stuff couldn't have been helping either. I'm steering clear of anything scented or phero'd while I'm sick, just in case

Edited by belle-ville
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well yesterday, the BF and I had a cleaning day, and tensions got a little high. We had a tiff and I got so pissy, I told him that I couldn't speak to him at the moment. He works a lot and got mad that I was "ruining" his day off. I had a nice, long shower, he played some video games, I was still pissy, and decided to put on some flutterby w/H&S and sat on the couch next to him. The ENTIRE fight disappeared without a word within like ten minutes. No apologies were given, no talking about it, just GONE. Suddenly he is talking to me about his video game and then offering to turn it off so he could go snuggle in bed with me (I was falling asleep on the couch.) Yeah, I need to live in this stuff.


That's an amazing report, belle-ville! I've never had a significant other, so I am not familiar with the up and downs or arguments that may arise. It sounds like H&S definitely works for you and him, which is wonderful. Just curious how much Flutterby did you apply and where? I know YMMV, but H&S has definitely been one of those pheros I know wore


You can read my other posts...H&S is the ONLY thing that stopped my ex's rages.


I'm going to look for these!

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That's an amazing report, belle-ville! I've never had a significant other, so I am not familiar with the up and downs or arguments that may arise. It sounds like H&S definitely works for you and him, which is wonderful. Just curious how much Flutterby did you apply and where? I know YMMV, but H&S has definitely been one of those pheros I know wore

Veronica, I applied liberally... probably a one inch strip to each wrist, the side of each neck and cleavage. The scent is so delicious and soft that I was generous :) What is YMMV?

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