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OMG True Confessions works almost too good

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OK, so today I tried True Confessions....but not around a hot man, sad to say....


I wore it around a female client who is usually very tight-lipped about their business and how it is REALLY going. I mean, I see their books, but things can look a lot different on paper than in real life.


Well, today, she started talking, and talking, and talking (she's usually pretty quiet)......I heard about not only how the business is going, but how her marriage is going, how her grown kids (and their marriages) are doing......I mean, I heard it ALL.....


This stuff IS good......


Oh pleeeeeease let my order get here this week....oh, I can't take much more of this teasing and torture :hello: But you know what, I'm gonna place another order on Wednesday just so I can have plenty of this and plenty of super sexy 4 women :) .

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Oh pleeeeeease let my order get here this week....oh, I can't take much more of this teasing and torture :hello: But you know what, I'm gonna place another order on Wednesday just so I can have plenty of this and plenty of super sexy 4 women :) .


I hear ya djac......I just ordered more True Confessions and more Blatant Invitation.....that stuff is GOLD....I am in love love love with it!

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Hmmmmm.... I could see maybe a combination of 'True Confessions' and 'Treasured Hearts' to really loosen them up. Or maybe 'True Confessions' and 'Popularity Potion'. I may have to try those.

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Hmmmmm.... I could see maybe a combination of 'True Confessions' and 'Treasured Hearts' to really loosen them up. Or maybe 'True Confessions' and 'Popularity Potion'. I may have to try those.


Yeah, for my family party in a couple of weeks, I am going to layer Treasured Hearts with True Confessions.....and I am thinking that I may layer it with Mermaids......oooooh, or Messalina.....oh YEAH!

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He's back from his meetings and guess whose was the first office that he walked into. Mine of course. I'm beginning the payroll process and he wanted to make sure that I had everything I need. These where his words exactly "Do you want me...I'm sorry let me rephrase.that. Do you need something from me". and then he just stands there waiting for my reply. I say "It depends on what you have in mind". He starts blushing. That was a priceless moment. I'll report more as they come.

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Houston we have activity. Yesterday was kindof slow. As for today it's only 9am here and he's already come to talk to me about something trivial (with this funny look on his face) and has also bumped into me...by accident of course. He was walking behind me and I turned around suddenly. Oh my. I just know I'm stirring up raw emotions here and am starting trouble. But this is too good to pass up. He's a FOX do doubt.

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I'm sure that my mix is still working on my CFO. I've been receiving subtle hits from him (as well as others but the focus is mainly him) For example usually on Fridays's I try to leave unnoticed just like everyone else. I'm not in the habit of saying goodbye to my HOT CFO and he usually doesnt say goodbye to me. Well...last Friday I'm trying to be all covert and am about to leave when I hear a voice shouting...literally shouting down the hall. " Hey your just going to leave without saying goodbye". Interesting. I'm calling it a hit because it was so out of character for him.


OK so it's Monday Oh how I love Mondays. Well I run into him first thing this morning and he congratulates me on my promotion. He also lets me know that I'll be working closer with him and asks am I ready for that. Hmm. I'll report more as they come.

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Heeeeey Countess...


Ditto what Therapy girl said....I too am living vicariuosly through your posts...this is better than any lifetime movie...I'd get a bucket of popcorn except I can't afford it with all the LP's that I'm spending my money on...but hey, who needs popcorn right?


Do hurry back and update us, as enquiring minds (nosey ass peeps like me) wanna know details.


My how juicy your post are getting....and hell yeah, that was a hit when he yelled down the hall to say aren't ya going to say goodbye...he definitely is interested in a little office fun... or something (i'll let you fill in the something...hehehe)


too bad about all the extra time your going to have to put in working sooo close with the hottie CFO...but hey, it's a dirty job but someone has got to take one for the team right?


I'm loving it,


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You go, Countess!



My stories aren't nearly as juicy as yours, but I have been road-testing this one too. I wore it last night, to my son's play, layered with PG II.


There happens to be a woman who is in the little theater group that is a real bitch (pardon my French, but she IS). She has rubbed me the wrong way from Day 1. A good friend and I have talked about it, and wondered if we were the only 2 people who had that reaction to her.


Well, last night, we were all sitting around waiting for the production to start, and after being exposed to me for a few minutes (and a couple of them telling me that my perfume smelled SO GOOD) a bunch of other moms started talking about this woman, with no prompting from me. And up until now, nobody has spoken an ill word about her. Well, it was turned loose last night! I was laughing my head off!




I really like this one.....I'll be wearing it tonight, to the second run of the play.....stay tuned.....

Edited by Dolly
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You go, Countess!



My stories aren't nearly as juicy as yours, but I have been road-testing this one too. I wore it last night, to my son's play, layered with PG II.


There happens to be a woman who is in the little theater group that is a real bitch (pardon my French, but she IS). She has rubbed me the wrong way from Day 1. A good friend and I have talked about it, and wondered if we were the only 2 people who had that reaction to her.


Well, last night, we were all sitting around waiting for the production to start, and after being exposed to me for a few minutes (and a couple of them telling me that my perfume smelled SO GOOD) a bunch of other moms started talking about this woman, with no prompting from me. And up until now, nobody has spoken an ill word about her. Well, it was turned loose last night! I was laughing my head off!




I really like this one.....I'll be wearing it tonight, to the second run of the play.....stay tuned.....



Heeeey Dolly,


Just want to chime in that True confessions absolutely works...getting way more info than I need these days, but also some info that is making me soooo very happy (I bet guys hate it when they let out bits of info about how much they really care for you or are starting to fall for you, and without knowing why they are divulging their inner feelings...hehehe, but I know why)...


And, I just thought I would take the time to mention....OMG OMG OMG, I love MX216. Dolly this is the bomb and I am having so much fun wearing it...now you know I am afraid of running out as there is no more...weep weep.


Well, at least MX250 comes very close...still it ain't MX216


Oh silly me...the whole point of my post was to tell ya don't forget that enquiring minds...and nosey people like me want details...do let us know the scoop when ya get back from the second run.



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Heeeey Dolly,


Just want to chime in that True confessions absolutely works...getting way more info than I need these days, but also some info that is making me soooo very happy (I bet guys hate it when they let out bits of info about how much they really care for you or are starting to fall for you, and without knowing why they are divulging their inner feelings...hehehe, but I know why)...


And, I just thought I would take the time to mention....OMG OMG OMG, I love MX216. Dolly this is the bomb and I am having so much fun wearing it...now you know I am afraid of running out as there is no more...weep weep.


Well, at least MX250 comes very close...still it ain't MX216


Oh silly me...the whole point of my post was to tell ya don't forget that enquiring minds...and nosey people like me want details...do let us know the scoop when ya get back from the second run.





Sure will hun.....there are some MAJOR differences between MX250, which is IS/A with 20X cops....216 is quite different from that.....if you want to try to mix your own 216, shoot me an email, and I'll tell you how you can come pretty darn close.

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I got a mx250 sample yesterday and it's chocolatini (barf). Do you cover it? What's your favorite cover?



Well, I don't really use their products anymore, with the excpetion of some unscented leftovers that I have.


BUT, foody type notes like vanilla do a pretty good job. Specifically, valentine's chocolate works pretty well.

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I know what you mean about not using their products anymore. I ADORE the phero blends here, and have amassed an incredible collection, but I am still attached to Instant Shine and Instant Female Magic. The PMS just kicks my butt, and the IFM is superb for making it better. Instant Shine is my security blanket. WIsh we had an equivalent here. Maybe we do and I just don't know it!!! Popularity Potion is the closest i've found, I LOVE it but I think it may be more similar to MX135. I may be wrong, though. Any input?

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Unfortunately ALL chocolate goes yak-city on me! I think I will follow your advice and go for a vanilla cover though. Thanks!


I know what you mean about not using their products anymore. I ADORE the phero blends here, and have amassed an incredible collection, but I am still attached to Instant Shine and Instant Female Magic. The PMS just kicks my butt, and the IFM is superb for making it better. Instant Shine is my security blanket. WIsh we had an equivalent here. Maybe we do and I just don't know it!!! Popularity Potion is the closest i've found, I LOVE it but I think it may be more similar to MX135. I may be wrong, though. Any input?

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Unfortunately ALL chocolate goes yak-city on me! I think I will follow your advice and go for a vanilla cover though. Thanks!


I know what you mean about not using their products anymore. I ADORE the phero blends here, and have amassed an incredible collection, but I am still attached to Instant Shine and Instant Female Magic. The PMS just kicks my butt, and the IFM is superb for making it better. Instant Shine is my security blanket. WIsh we had an equivalent here. Maybe we do and I just don't know it!!! Popularity Potion is the closest i've found, I LOVE it but I think it may be more similar to MX135. I may be wrong, though. Any input?


Well, I have never tried IFM. Instant Shine is good.....I like Cougar from here......it puts a spring in my step. Treasured Hearts made me feel good also.....more of a peaceful calm feeling though.....

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I have three bottles of Cougar Scented and three bottles of Cougar unscented. It is GOOD stuff!! I sometimes put on the scented before bed if I am feeling bad about myself and lonely. I end up feeling more confident and valuable. If I am feeling like I need to be taken care of and loved on I put on Cuddle Bunny scented before bed. Crazy but with the EST and the cops I feel more secure and hopeful and coddled. Not so alone.Crazy to waste these pheros on myself? I think not because these attitudes follow me into the next day. They REALLY help boost my self confidence at a time in my life where it isn't just low around other people. The self effects are as good as a direct hit!!!

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If you're looking for something that makes you feel good, I noticed that the BOY/BOY blend made me really happy when I was pouring it. I added it to one of my bottles and find it a real mood elevator. :lol:

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I will get some in my next order!! I find the self effects are as important as the hits, don't know if it's because I am trying to reassemble myself post marriage ending or what. I guess I should try a plain bottle instead of an add in. They both have their purposes! Does the boy-boy have any smell? I know it's unscented, and I never smell any pheros except cops (which aren't really pheros but I digress). People talk about the cat pee smell of some guy pheros and I just dont ever get it. All of the LP unscented phero blends don't have a smell to me. But I think I must be an exception. Your opinion?

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To me, it smells like soft sweet musk and alcohol (the solvent). No pee smell in that one. It's a specific phero that smells like that, (I think it's Androstenone - and BOY/BOY doesn't contain any of that).


Dr. Stone said Androstenone gets an unfair bad rap, because it's really a byproduct of the manufacturing process that creates the pee smell. He said the higher the quality of the phero solution, the less it will smell like that. He said the cheaper Asian imports have the strongest pee smell.


From what little I understand about the language of pheros, what I can see in the BOY/BOY ingredients is calming, bonding and mood elevating.

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I placed an order this morning! Could you possibly add the boy/boy and send me an invoice? This won't mess up my boy children will it? Confuse them or anything? I worry especially about my 14 year old getting wierd phero messages from me!!!


Well, I have read that one shouldn't wear pheros around kids in general, but the whole point of the BOY/BOY mix is that it doesn't contain the aggressive alpha-male pheros. It's pleasing to both men and women because it doesn't contain any of the 'challenging for supremacy' messages that are in the macho blends. It's a comraderie blend with a (naturally occurring in females) bonding hormone in it as a predominate ingredient.

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OK, I decided I wanted some testing fun this evening. I wore a little bit of blatant invitation and a lot of true confessions, covered with Dark Seductions, and went to my son's play.


First of all, I was sitting betwen 2 moms and it was like being at a tennis match.....they each kept talking to me, and one was going into mega-personal areas....like her sex life with her husband.....and I've only known her for about a month or so. Then, as soon as the mom on the other side of me got up to go to the restroom, I turned to look at her husband, and he gives me this big smile (really BIG), and a big wink. I'm talking one of those winks that is like in slow motion because they want to make sure you see it.


Then, they had a little pizza party for the kids afterwards, and I was just sitting there.....mom #1 STILL chatting me up. So, my cellphone beeped its little message signal. I checked it, and mom #1 said, "Is that your sweetie?", and I said "Yeah, he misses me". One of the dads is sitting there, with his wife, and he says....."I can see why".....big grin.....different guy.....his wife was NOT happy......she snapped a look at him FAST......


This combo seems to invoke big goofy grins from men at random....too funny!!

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Ooooh, Dolly - excellent report! You little trouble maker, you! :huh:


Hey Vivica - this is what I see in the GIRL/GIRL blend: happiness, empathy/nurturing, bonding, sexual comfort.


We've had several girls buy it to get along better with other women in work situations, but I haven't gotten any reports back yet.

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Sure will hun.....there are some MAJOR differences between MX250, which is IS/A with 20X cops....216 is quite different from that.....if you want to try to mix your own 216, shoot me an email, and I'll tell you how you can come pretty darn close.


Hey Dolly,

definitely gonna shoot you an email and thaaaaanks too much!



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OK, I decided I wanted some testing fun this evening. I wore a little bit of blatant invitation and a lot of true confessions, covered with Dark Seductions, and went to my son's play.


First of all, I was sitting betwen 2 moms and it was like being at a tennis match.....they each kept talking to me, and one was going into mega-personal areas....like her sex life with her husband.....and I've only known her for about a month or so. Then, as soon as the mom on the other side of me got up to go to the restroom, I turned to look at her husband, and he gives me this big smile (really BIG), and a big wink. I'm talking one of those winks that is like in slow motion because they want to make sure you see it.


Then, they had a little pizza party for the kids afterwards, and I was just sitting there.....mom #1 STILL chatting me up. So, my cellphone beeped its little message signal. I checked it, and mom #1 said, "Is that your sweetie?", and I said "Yeah, he misses me". One of the dads is sitting there, with his wife, and he says....."I can see why".....big grin.....different guy.....his wife was NOT happy......she snapped a look at him FAST......


This combo seems to invoke big goofy grins from men at random....too funny!!



Hey Dolly,

I am soooo loving that true confessions. These potions really freakin work. And the sexy type potions, oh my oh my...it is so hard to not keep purchasing from this site.


Great great report...it is great being a sex goddess isn't it?


And I'm definitely gonna have to get some blatant invitation...been really wanting to try that one.



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Trust me, I have two bottles, and it is worth its weight in gold.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

True Confessions is very potent, and I think my next order is going to include another bottle.....


I wore it today to an appt with a new client, and I heard ALL of the dirt on the other accountant in town....WOW. And, I had just met this woman.....


Want somebody to spill their guts? If you are a hand-talker like me, take some TC and put it on the backs of your hands (I also put it on the topside my forearms).......it dries down to an alomst not there smell, so no cover is needed.....

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Yep Dolly it does work really well. I wear it all the time now. It also makes people giddy and they laugh alot all while their spilling their guts. I never want to be without this precious jewel.

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sigh...oh please mr postman come bring a gift to me!



CC, hasn't your trade pkg gotten there yet? :waiting:

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CC, hasn't your trade pkg gotten there yet? :lol:


No :thumbup: BUT I have not lost faith because one of the packages I sent out JUST arrived at its destination and I sent them all at the same time, so I figure thats just mail for you.

Also I just received a gov't letter yesterday, that was sent in the first week of August so I am thinking there are "special" people working the mail over the summer :thumbup: Summer holidays and all...


All in good time, besides, good things come to those who wait! :choochookris7fo:

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No :lol: BUT I have not lost faith because one of the packages I sent out JUST arrived at its destination and I sent them all at the same time, so I figure thats just mail for you.

Also I just received a gov't letter yesterday, that was sent in the first week of August so I am thinking there are "special" people working the mail over the summer :thumbup: Summer holidays and all...


All in good time, besides, good things come to those who wait! :thumbup:


Well, I mailed yours and Esmeralda's on the same day, and you're both in Canada....she has received hers.....hopefully you will get yours soon.....

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I am sure it will come, I am checking the mail box everyday with great anticipation :lol: I am also on an island so it sometimes adds a day or more since things can get held up in the Vancouver area (this is owhat I have found when tracking packages or fighting with the mail people lol :thumbup: )

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