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Liquid Shadow


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COFFEE ~ Focus, stamina, concentration, determination.
CHOCOLATE/COCOA ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
CANNABIS ~ The ceremonial, ritual and medical use of marijuana dates back over 5,000 years. Variously used as a love potion, to deflect the power of witches, for communication with the spiritual realm, divination, luck and protection from evil.
PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming.
OUD (Agarwood) ~ Love, aphrodisia, spirituality, health.
DRAGON'S BLOOD ~ Entices errant lovers to return, increases power of other ingredients. Love, protection, exorcism, potency.
SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. It is also the foremost mode of communication from this world to the realm of spirits and the gods.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is somewhat different from Encens de Cafe to my nose, but they have a similar aura, I suppose. This is really more on the incense tip, it has that smoky resinous quality I associate with incense-type blends. I think anyone who's a fan of LP Exotica would really enjoy this one as well.

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The first day that I opened my trial vial, it smelled like straight up Liquid Smoke, the food seasoning. :lol: (Travel shock) The week that I gave this before trying out yesterday was time well spent. Ensens de Cafe, La Vie de Boheme; Liquid Shadow is a beautiful addition this family of scents. I like it, but I don;t tend to reach for coffee type scents, so no full bottle but this sample will be a treasured addition to my hoard for reference.

Edited by Beccah
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This is man pretty. And the "cannabis" is not ugly on my skin. It rarely agrees with me.

The Oud is not amping insanely as it tends to do either. This one may be balanced just right for my chemistry, given the issues I've had with those notes.

On my skin, this is foodie with big poofs of smoke. It's very masculine on my skin. Oud always smells like men's cologne on me. It just goes, hello I'm "cologne". This smells like a delicious men's fragrance on my skin.

Edited by StacyK
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This is a very strong coffee and cocoa forward scent on my skin. Wet the coffee just explodes, dry the coffee and coca meld and you can manage to catch the patchouli, oud and some of the smoke in the background. Not a bad scent but I am not a coffee guy and this is just a little too strong on my skin.


That being said, I may still need a full bottle. Mrs. QG is one of those "DO not talk to me until I have had a cup of coffee in the morning" kind of persons. So I am hoping if I wear this first thing in the morning she will love me as much as her little black cup of morning sunshine haha! I will let you know how that experiment works lol.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

If someone were to spike this with a phero, what might compliment the vibe of this scent? Charisma? my goal is for my man to feel good.

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Well it's kind of dark so I would say SS4M or Hunter Trapper, but if you want it to be more social then I guess Charisma or Open Windows.

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Well it's kind of dark so I would say SS4M or Hunter Trapper, but if you want it to be more social then I guess Charisma or Open Windows.


Thanks Luna! I'm not sure if I'm ready to let my man roam with sexy pheromones, told him he could only wear Mark's Girl Nip around me. I gave him three SWS samples (Totem: Beaver, Money Multiplier, and Mean Business) and he wasn't into any of them. We both seem to do good with Open Windows. I'm not sure a lot of the phero mixes are working on him as intended, I put a few swipes of Beautiful Dreamer on him this am to see what would happen. (I knew he would shower before work.) He got slightly agro (for him) and furiously cleaned my yoga studio. Even cleaned the tops of the ceiling fans. I'm not complaining, just wasn't what I was expecting. He's normally very mellow, trying to find a good work "push" phero for him, or just an all-around energy boost or self-esteem lifter, that's why I'm wondering about Charisma.

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He might have been having a reaction to the A1. Its emitted by alpha males so maybe that read as threatening or something to make him flip aggressive. It definitely brings out wildly different results with different men.


Oh that's important info for me to know. Thanks Halo! He's not an alpha male, not at all. So passive in fact, that my 300 lb. angry aggressive alpha male tattooer ex-husband is extra kind and smiley around him because he knows he's terrified of him. (Most men are afraid of him, he looks like he's angry even if he's just daydreaming about chocolate cake.)

I'll try to keep an eye on A1 blends and how he reacts. Yesterday he was kind of arguing "at me," I didn't actually feel as though I was participating. I had on MLH in am, can't remember what exactly I put on last night, but I think it was Balm Bomb OCCO white. I'll keep that one away from him for a bit. That's the androstadienone, right? Is it very different from androsterone? And is androsterone sometimes called alpha-none? I'm not expecting a huge explanation, just vibe/effect curious. I think this is what I'm currently working with:


Androstadienone: MLH, Teddy BB


Androstenone: MLH, SS4W, PP, Sexpionage, Bang, Lumina


Has neither: TH, H&S, Open Windows, True Confessions, Gotcha, Levitation, Sexology


Not sure: SWS, Stone Cougar


I'm keeping notes, but of course it's all subjective. But he's responded well to Bang and all the ones that have neither androstadienone or androsterone. He needs intimacy to feel like sexy time.

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