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Coquin w/ Aja & Copulins

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Parfum #9: Coquin - Phero Enhanced w Copulins + AJA

Like a trek through the untamed rainforest, this freshly sexy spin on summer fruits may make you feel positively savage...barely-ripe banana and juicy papaya blended with green grass and leafy accords then layered with feral notes of civit-like honey and animalic musks, enhanced by dragon’s blood and amber EO plus a hint of vanilla. And to keep your pursuits on the wild side we’ve boosted this baby with Essence of Woman Copulins and our exclusive AJA Copulin analog, derived from a natural plant hormone which, when concentrated, gives off a honey-like scent which is incredibly evocative of sexual arousal.


I will share a secret with you, ma cheres...sometimes I wish my beau Basier la Grenouille had a bit more of the...how you say...derring-do about him. But he is a darling man and when I want to encourage him to allow his passion to turn sauvage, well, this is the scent which provides l’inspiration! Try it, my lovelies, and see if you can’t experience a bit of primitive passion too...


Scent: Green Fruity, Banana.
Mood: Playful Sexy. 



BANANA ~ Fertility, potency, prosperity; lightens emotional burdens.
PAPAYA ~ Love, protection. Health of body and mind, clarity. Magnification of devotion.
HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
GRASSES ~ Wishes granted, enhances psychic powers, protection.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
DRAGON’S BLOOD ~ Entices errant lovers to return, increases power of other ingredients. Love, protection, exorcism, potency.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.

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  • luna65 locked this topic
  • luna65 unlocked this topic

This one was really calling to me - I love green bananas, for one thing, and I do get that exact smell, OMG!  The fruitiness of this one takes center stage, but I feel like the other notes are a backdrop to the whole thing.  It does have sort of a jungle-type evocation to me.  But it's also very potent, so maybe be careful how much you put on at first.

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 I wanted to review love potion pumpkin but it’s closed for reviews. I really love it!


I was hoping for the fruitiness to come through more, but this one I get what scents like Honey, grasses, musk to me. 

I feel it’s definitely a sexy scent. 

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I have been curious about this one. When testing I didn't double check the notes. I just want to get what comes at me.

On my skin this is quite different than sniffing the trial.

I get a summertime warm grassey scent, with something very sultry in the air. Aja.

 The fruit is subtle, unripened, green with a touch of grounded earthyness (resin). 

Very sensual, au naturel.

Its at its best after well dried down. 

The warm musk is devine weaving through the scent. Ooh lala.. 


This is the type of LPMP fragrance I love. So totally unique.

Full bottle. 



*wow. I did not know this contained cops! I dont smell them, yet. 

@Potion Master 10 drops in this? 

Well done.



Holy musky smutty in the long... dry down. 

Edited by StacyK
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I love this one! My man loathes bananas, but he's been asleep for at least two hours, so he'll never know! This is absolutely the first "green grasses & leafy accord" that I've ever wanted to roll around in. I know that it's the honey and the fruit that are making it work for me, but the first impression is a fresh, wet jungle green. So somewhere between rolling around in it and swimming in it, that's where I want to be.

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  • 1 year later...

To use another French word, the first word that came to mind when I smelled this was “piquant”. There’s that bright sharpness of the... green banana, I think? I normally don’t like green scents, but this is more “bright, fruity green” instead of “leafy green”. A great summer scent!

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  • 1 year later...

I'm wearing this one again, and I'm not sure if this has settled with time, or if my skin chemistry is different, but as it dries down, the brightness and greenness softens and the Aja really comes out and steals the show. Aja sometimes goes a bit TOO sweet on me and then goes completely dirrrty. But the freshness and tartness of the green banana in Coquin cuts the sweetness so the Aja is sweet honeyed powder on top, instead of smelling like sex in a vat of powdered sugar. The end result is that for a scent that has both cops AND Aja, it smells surprisingly innocent and is just delightful. 


I can't smell the cops at all! And it dries down really quickly too!


Also the drydown reminds me a lot of Enivrant - I wonder if it's the same musk? It's a soft powdery musk that for some reason also reads a bit "fizzy" to my nose. Not sure why. 

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