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Please don't send anything


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I'm having a good cry right now. My package is MIA! I got the shipping notice and that site says my package was delievered at 4pm yesterday while I was out with my friend. There is no package here. I'm so upset!!

This isn't the ladies fault, but I am desperately asking them to NOT SHIP anything else I may still have on order. I am //really// hoping I still have stuff on order.

I have no idea what happened to the package. :lol:



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Sweetie, please e-mail the ladies, they will try to help you track your package!! When my package was mis-delivered I went on the USPS site and found the scanned-in copy of the signature, which had the address where it was delivered. They I called the USPS "800" number and filed a report. By the time I got home the next day a supervisor had retrieved and delivered my precious package!


Good luck, there's hope!!

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Step One:

ALWAYS take your shipping numbers to the post office before you freak out.


Step Two:

Confront mega-likely lazy-ass mail carrier.


Step Three:

Threaten violence.


Four? Crying?

Truly, crying is only for expressing futile frustraion - but we're not done yet!

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Well one time they couldn't find mine(two post offices, Mara, Danna, The Postal Bosses, ect, me), and It was a big ass package-Danna reported it to y=the postmaster general-the thing HAD been just SITTING in a detroit post office for over two weeks!

Mara is right about lazy ass carriers-hang in there-you'll figure it out.

May I ask if it was a signature confirmation package? Or just a regular order...

And also, not that it matters much, as theres bastards everywhere, but do you live in a crime laden city like me, or a suburb, or what?


USPS is the bane of my existence-I can't even pick up my stuff from the PO cause I have a westland address. If the trouble continues for me, personally, I'd be happy to pay for shipping and my delivery method switched. They wont even come to my door-in broad daylight cause of where I live..I feel your pain. I bet you find it though hon. Hang in there.

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Postal carrier said she left it on top of the row of mailboxes out front.

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Postal carrier said she left it on top of the row of mailboxes out front.


Oh no!! You still need to file something (affidavit of lost package?) with the postal service, and maybe a police report. Postal theft is a federal crime. Also, send copies to the manager and/or owner of the building where you live. Postal theft is a big deal, I think you may get some support from the postal service.

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Isa- You have to file a report with the Postal Service.


Go to the PO where the carrier is, and file it. They are not supposed to leave mail unsecured. They are liable, they need to replace it.

There is a difference between a "lost package" and unsecured mail delivery.

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Isa- You have to file a report with the Postal Service. Go to the PO where the carrier is, and file it. They are not supposed to leave mail unsecured. They are liable, they need to replace it. There is a difference between a "lost package" and unsecured mail delivery.

I know, right?! Stupid carrier. Might as well have left it on the sidewalk! She's done this before but I guess that box was small enough and light enough that no one bothered to take it. (And/or I got to it first.) This was a substitute carrier. My other carrier comes up the stairs and leaves things by my door. Still not secure, but at least not obvious from the street or as convient to steal. I'm going to file a claim today and tell them not to leave anything that can't fit inside the mailbox ever again. Would have filed earlier but it has been a crazy bad week.


*sigh* I hope out of all of this the thief will give the perfume to someone who will become an instant addict. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

O M G.

I absolutely can not believe this. After filing reports, putting that note inside my mailbox, and personally talking to my carrier about not leaving packages I came home today, during the big WET snowstorm to find...a package stuffed HALF into my mailbox. A very large manilla shipping envelope, to be specific. Because it was narrow enough to fit into the mailbox the carrier stuffed it into the mailbox. But because it is twice as long as the mailbox half of it was sticking completely out of the box. Again in full view of the entire neighborhood and anyone wandering down the street. And because the thing wasn't /in/ the mailbox it was SOAKED.

This was a christmas present sent from a friend in England. Very clearly and distinctly marked on the front with "PRINTED PAPER". Inside are souvenier programs and lord knows what other valuable and irreplaceable items that were my /gift/. SOAKED.

I'm completely beside myself. I need a gun.

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O M G.

I absolutely can not believe this. After filing reports, putting that note inside my mailbox, and personally talking to my carrier about not leaving packages I came home today, during the big WET snowstorm to find...a package stuffed HALF into my mailbox. A very large manilla shipping envelope, to be specific. Because it was narrow enough to fit into the mailbox the carrier stuffed it into the mailbox. But because it is twice as long as the mailbox half of it was sticking completely out of the box. Again in full view of the entire neighborhood and anyone wandering down the street. And because the thing wasn't /in/ the mailbox it was SOAKED.

This was a christmas present sent from a friend in England. Very clearly and distinctly marked on the front with "PRINTED PAPER". Inside are souvenier programs and lord knows what other valuable and irreplaceable items that were my /gift/. SOAKED.

I'm completely beside myself. I need a gun.


that :funny_ladybird: son of a :dreadlocksnaner: , big stupid :woohoonaner2gy: , mother :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co 'g idiot !! my "fill in" mail carrier is not too bright either, my door bell doesn't work but I have a sign on the door asking to have my pkgs be set by the back door, one rainy day, while I was home, he had the time to fill out a claim slip but not go to back door to deliver my pkg, muchless knock on the door, HELLO...car in the driveway !!, I ran out in the rain, got soaking wet and asked him WTF ? also asked why he insisted on jaming tw magazines and 10 pieces of mail in a 2" slot ? he looked at me like I had 10 heads :PolarChristmas: , some are just lazy and inconsiderate, but most take pride in their service (my regular mail carrier I've had for 20 +yrs, he's the best).


I have bullets !? heh !

Edited by liz
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So sorry about what happened to your package, Isa! That is just awful :PolarChristmas:

To keep them from stuffing things like that in the mailbox again and possibly having them stick half out in the rain, I realized that anything with a DO NOT BEND sticker on it won't get stuffed--they bring it to your door. I know this because I make my own labels for some stuff and order special adhesive film which comes in an envelope like that with a very obvious bold DO NOT BEND sticker, and they always, always bring it to my doorstep no matter what. Even if the stuff inside the package a friend might be sending you is bendable, just tell them to put a huge sticker like that on it--the post office won't know the difference. Hope this helps!

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O M G.

I absolutely can not believe this. After filing reports, putting that note inside my mailbox, and personally talking to my carrier about not leaving packages I came home today, during the big WET snowstorm to find...a package stuffed HALF into my mailbox. A very large manilla shipping envelope, to be specific. Because it was narrow enough to fit into the mailbox the carrier stuffed it into the mailbox. But because it is twice as long as the mailbox half of it was sticking completely out of the box. Again in full view of the entire neighborhood and anyone wandering down the street. And because the thing wasn't /in/ the mailbox it was SOAKED.

This was a christmas present sent from a friend in England. Very clearly and distinctly marked on the front with "PRINTED PAPER". Inside are souvenier programs and lord knows what other valuable and irreplaceable items that were my /gift/. SOAKED.

I'm completely beside myself. I need a gun.


This kind of crap is unacceptable. I don't know how you keep from going down the the post office and going postal on their asses.


And yet the rate of postage keeps increasing every six months. Apparently that money is NOT being spent on training seminars as to what you should NOT stuff in a mailbox. Not sure what it is being spent on though.

Edited by starlitegirl
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Sorry Isa! That just sucks. Call and complain
Just as soon as *ring ring* sounds better to me than *bang bang*

JOKING! I'm going to be hitting the websites and filling in more complaints and eventually wander by my post office and talk to the manager again.

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