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My new PE's

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Mara and Danna - are you listening?


Ok - in Honey Cherry - the red musk, honey and whatever amber you used - is so much like HAM - I know you think you can't make it again - but without the cherry - Honey Cherry is almost HAM...I've been wearing HAM for days - I know....The red musk with the honey? To DIE for....


So - of my new PE's Honey Cherry is my hands down favorite. It starts out smelling like a Ludden's - but give it 10 minutes and NOM NOM NOM.


My next favorite is Sex Bomb - where the berry isn't prevalent - but it's more a honey/vanilla like LAM but with a big burst of musk. The berry flashes in and out - but it's elusive.


Spring Fling is not my favorite- the peach just get's eaten and I'm all HYACINTH. And don't get me wrong - I like hyacinth or I wouldn't have asked for it. But it's more hyacinth and honey than anything. I'd wear this to work. It's a nice floral that no one would complain is toooooooo SEXAY for the office.


Sex Bomb is warm and nummy and - not sex bombish - comforting - almost like a big cotton blanket or a hug.


But Honey Cherry is VA VA Voooommmmm. Lurvs the Honey Cherry - it's HAM with a great big Marachino on top! I'd like to lick that arm but I won't...

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an hour later -


still thinking Spring Fling is the least fave.


still think Sex Bomb is LAM with a big burst of musk....cuddly and fun like a pair of Nick and Nora Jammas...


and Honey Cherry - OMG _ I'm huffing myself. I'd do me.

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Yeah but you'd always do you! ;)

(Just teasin' missy!)


I was wondering that about Spring Fling as well because of the way I amped the hyacinth on HMS Kimberley, but who knows, it might turn out different on me...

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....cuddly and fun like a pair of Nick and Nora Jammas...

Thin Man shout out!! :>

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Yup Honey cherry is mah fave...I think it smells like a yummy marachino cherry. All I'll have to do is make a trail for TT to follow, lol. Verry sexay.

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Yeah but you'd always do you! ;)

(Just teasin' missy!)


I was wondering that about Spring Fling as well because of the way I amped the hyacinth on HMS Kimberley, but who knows, it might turn out different on me...


did you get a sniffie of the Honey Cherry? It's so concentrated it has the weight of HAM. Swear. :-)

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I think I told you I'd ordered all three bottles, didn't I? Don't have them just yet but I'm excited!

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Package of Squee has arrived...


So...Honey Cherry.


In my estimation, Honeyed Amber & Musk (SLF), Honey Cherry and Claudia's Honeyed Vanilla Musk are all sisters (and Jouir De is their cousin from the Isle of Wild) - they evoke the same response from me when I smell them - but not identical, of course. SLF is just that: warm skin and need, raw unadulterated come-on. Honey Cherry is warm skin tempered by a specific fruit-based sweetness (both from the cherry note and the red musk), like foreplay with sticky cherry filling. HVM is warm skin with vanilla cream of some sort - maybe food, maybe lotion or massage oil - but not specifically that, just the suggestion of a vanilla-flavored sexual aid slathered upon willing bodies.


BTW for the uninitated: the "warm skin" impression is what happens when you combine musk, amber and honey together. But a specific type of warm skin, flushed by arousal. Although HVM is able to achieve this effect without amber, probably due to the character of the honey.


So they do all have the same weight with permutations of the ultimate message. The red musk, however, doesn't "stick" as long to me as the musks in the other two. And the first five minutes are very medicinal cherry before it evolves, so don't be afeared of the initial cherry impression. But it is indeed very sexy fruit, in the tradition of Lascivious Peach (although not the same thing, just the trope of combining musk and fruit and honey).

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Sex Berry Blast (look Shel, that's what it says on the label!):

There's some interesting associations for me with this one...I think of Lorien's Blueberry Bomb because I get a berry sugar that's somewhat candy-like (but doesn't smell like LBB, it just makes me think of it), and I also think of Sugared (Dark) Berries (and again, there's not a true comparison but I am reminded of that one). The berry is, as you say, somewhat elusive, in the background. I'm not sure I get a LAM impression so much as a sugar-y one, like a sweetened skin musk with flashes of berry. I think it's good for summer in that it's light and you could layer it with something else if you wanted or just let it be a second skin in the scented sense (did I mention I love alliteration? :D).


But I am confused because according to the description the Sex Berry Blast is supposed to have red musk but to me Honey Cherry definitely smells more like red musk; the musk is much lighter in SBB for me, anyway.

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Package of Squee has arrived...



So they do all have the same weight with permutations of the ultimate message. The red musk, however, doesn't "stick" as long to me as the musks in the other two. And the first five minutes are very medicinal cherry before it evolves, so don't be afeared of the initial cherry impression. But it is indeed very sexy fruit, in the tradition of Lascivious Peach (although not the same thing, just the trope of combining musk and fruit and honey).


Luna - I love your reviews. Both of them...


I wore the Sex Berry Blast last night to bed and it was very comforting. Just all snuggly and sweet.


But I am love, love loving Honey Cherry. And since I love HVM and SLF - for all the reasons you so elegantly wrote of - I continue you to think of you as a sniffie genius.

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D'awwww! *gropes Shelly, runs away*


Wow Twin, U HAZ FOOLED ME! It must be the musk and the cherry together because that's a classic red musk aura for me. The musk in SBB doesn't remind me of red musk at all, but I like it!

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Sex Berry Blast has Red Musk from India. Honey Cherry has African Musk.


Well the African Musk is my new favorite since the nummy civit is has gone the way of the dodo. This musk totally ROCKS! I have it on again and I smell AWESOME!

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Sex Berry Blast is just that--an intoxicating BLAST of berries swirled with ridiculously thick, sexy honey and red musk, and I get that creamy vanilla in the drydown which is the perfect touch. This is in no way cloying or cough-syrupy like many of those cheap berry body sprays; the berries in this scream for a certain someone to take a big bite out of you! :)


Spring Fling is very springy; not the sharp type of hyacinth that hates me, thankfully, but the type that behaves on my skin and continues to smell like the flowers outside, very dreamy and even sexy. The peaches add to the juicy springtime feel and the green musk gives it an outdoorsy (but not grass clippings) touch. Though this is completely different from LP Green it remindss me of it in some way.


Cherry Honey is a delicious tart cherry dripping with sensual honey and amber and musk. It's just HOT.

Edited by Invidiana
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I've only tried Spring Fling but I found it so CHIPPER. The hyacinth is very sweet and beautifully blended with a very ripe peach. I actually perceived no overt green from it at all, although maybe it is to be credited for the general impression of FRESHNESS that I get from the blend.

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Spring Fling!


I'm sorry you like this one the least, Shel, because it's so PRETTY! Very girly-twirly and definitely Spring-y. It's actually perfectly balanced with my chemistry: equal amounts of peach and hyacinth honey with the freshness of the green musk. I feel like a delicate flower, heh, which in my case is rather the opposite of my actual self. So this one gets three twirls from me!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Sex Berry Blast goes on very sweet and fruity on me, but as it dries, the berries become less assertive. The honey is wonderfully thick. Add to that the fact that the musk becomes quite prevalent upon drydown, and you have a heady, intoxicating, just-on-this-side-of-gourmand kind of scent.

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I like your Spring Fling, Shelly! To me, it's a well balanced mix of floral and fruity. On my skin, it remains soft and sweet for many hours. I like the sweet peach scent, softened by lovely spring flowers. Goes very well with Heart and Soul :)


I have Sex Berry Blast boosted with EoW. Makes a very good cover scent! Very fruity, gives an impression of young and happy mood. :10_small16:

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