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I always say that I can never be without cougar because it is all things to all people - but so is this. I'm working on a new project with a large group of people, some of whom knew each other before, and they were all total strangers to me until a cocouple weeks ago. I wore ONE SMALL drop from my PYP dropper, split to wrists and rubbed onto my legs just to sort of spread it around. It did wonderful things to so many people....


There is this really stuck up stand off ish woman - around my age, maybe a little younge r- I had tried to be friendly with her and she BARELY responded - but today, I passed her and said something not even funny and she giggled and repeatedly tried to make eye contact...then later she came to me with a huge smile and struck up conversation. This was such a 180, I can't overstate.


One gay dude who had always been friendly and nice, was following me around like a puppy. :) Such a sweetie.


There was another woman, much older, who wasn't openly RUDE to me before but paid no attention whatsoever to me. Today she literally ran across the room to sit and chat with me - sat leaning forward toward me so far I thought she was going tip forward onto her face.


Two different straight dudes - one was previously friendly enough, but sort of in charge so was a little stiff and distant. Today he was FALLING ALL OVER HIMSELF to answer my questions, was almost deferential, was very concerned about me being happy and feeling good. The other kept high fiving me for no reason, lol.


Plus a variety of other previously super cliquey not-overly-friendly women suddenly wanted to strike up conversation and were saying complimentary things and just generally kept trying to kind of hang around in my vicinity.


So it's a combo pied piper and "shiny" making thing for me. With barely a drop! AMAZING.

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Guest cutie.pie

Are g2 and girl/girl the same phero? Because the description for both is basically identical...

girl/girls is the original formula and G2 was created as a replacement for girl/girl. And I think Mara said she won't make G2 anymore, girl/girl will replace it.

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Curious ... how much is everyone using?


I only have it in the Bosom Bows now, but it's probably about 2-3 drops worth. :)


Tyvey - awesome review! This one is really under the radar for a lot of people - especially for work!


I credit Halo for my first love and exploration as it works so well around my mom and MIL :heart:

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  • 7 months later...

I recently tried a TINY smear of this from the end of a pheromas dropper, so not even anything close to even one drop, split to the backs of my hands, which acted like TMI on my usually quite quiet reserved friend - we were with someone she'd never met before and she was like a firehose of very personal and emotional information that she's never even told me, and we've been friends for ten years! Later she said she had a GREAT time. Lol

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  • 5 months later...

Today's episode of WATCH WHERE YOU POINT THAT THING is brought to you by G2. I had a very limited amount of time to go over a whole bunch of things with a woman I don't know well. So I put on a bit of G2. I know from past experience that I only need microscopic amounts for self-effects and effects on others. Well, for no good reason, I got cocky and put on a thin smear that was the size of this letter --> o , instead of the "period at the end of this sentence" amount that I damn well knew was adequate.


The woman was warm and open - definitely more so than I've seen in the past, as she's quite reserved. That is to say, when she was able to get a word in edgewise. I poured out all my guts, scraped for more, and turned myself inside out. I told her everything I have ever heard, learned, or speculated about since birth. I told her every secret I have ever had. I COULD NOT STOP TALKING. I talk fast normally but I was talking so fast I must have seemed insane or coked out of my mind. I could feel myself straining to bring it under control, and it felt like tying a rubber eraser to the back of a runaway train and expecting that to slow it down.


Nonetheless fortunately the positive effects of G2 did not make her run away screaming and calling 911.


So for any fellow lightweights out there, you've been warned.


ETA I just went back and read my previous reviews out of curiosity re my recollection of how much to use. Besides the amount, my fatal error this time appears to have been that I put it on relatively close to my face. Apparently for me it's key to put it as far away from my face as possible. Perhaps I shall start smearing it directly onto my targets :D


Also forgot to mention that it gave me that "my tongue slightly too large for my mouth" feeling (ETA: I always thought this was because of TH-DOC, but looking back I now see that it is probably DHEAS, being the only common ingredient in the things that do this to me) and the feeling that "my head is a slowly inflating balloon that might float away, but that's ok."


ETA It's been about 90 minutes since I put it on and I have now moved on to "please just let me sleep for the next 35 hours" phase. I feel like the youtube video of that kid who took the new "Holy fucking shit" drug, in the 21 Jump Street remake

Edited by tyvey
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The woman was warm and open - definitely more so than I've seen in the past, as she's quite reserved. That is to say, when she was able to get a word in edgewise. I poured out all my guts, scraped for more, and turned myself inside out. I told her everything I have ever heard, learned, or speculated about since birth. I told her every secret I have ever had. I COULD NOT STOP TALKING. I talk fast normally but I was talking so fast I must have seemed insane or coked out of my mind. I could feel myself straining to bring it under control, and it felt like tying a rubber eraser to the back of a runaway train and expecting that to slow it down.



:smiley-laughing024: OMG Tyvey, I'm sorry that happened, but thank you for sharing! :lol:

Hope you're feeling better!

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OMG tyvey! LMAO!!! Other than in wax melts, I really have no experience with G2. YIKES!!!! This is really funny, but I am wary of what this one might do to me! As I recall, in wax melts, it behaves very much like Open Windows for me. It has been a while. Now I will have to break out one of those melts and try this in the safety of my own home with my partner. What the hell? I listen to him being chatty, so turn about is fair play! ;)

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  • 1 year later...
I tested Girl/Girl for the first time last night. I only had an hour or two maximum with it before I washed it off because I realized my goal was to cut back on pheromone usage as it taxes on my immune system. I get sick easier when I wear it frequently, and I've just been getting over a cold and laryngitis...

In retrospect, after jumping back on to pheromones 2 days ago with my usual dose of 4 sprays Perfect Match, I have a sore throat again. I think I'll have to wait a long time before getting to wear any which is proving difficult. It's an actual addiction for me now :( I'll try for 55 days. I need a real reset.

I wore this out to crawfish dinner with my partner with the funny idea that since he's so much more of a fashionista than I am, is generally neater/cleaner than I am, more design-oriented, likes shopping for clothes and makeup more than I do, and pays more attention to instagram and trends than I do, he might enjoy a more girly/bff side to me.

The funny thing is: I think this opened up his snarky side wider than it made me act girly

Selfies were still present, though :) I paid more attention to the waitresses, what they were wearing, their moods, and generally more positive thoughts relating to them, but apparently I'm not a girly-girl. Girl/Girl revealed my highest valley-girl potential to be below-average lol

It did, however, definitely diminish my usually more direct behavior. The sad thing is I don't feel that I evolve with pheromone blends, so Girl/Girl's performance tonight is probably how it's always going to be for me from now on. It's not like I learn to handle blends better as I try them or change how I react to them. The only molecule I've had minutely diverse results with is beta-androstenol.

My partner showed me this 'best friend' side to him, chatting with me as his equal, not as as my mentor. He wasn't as romantic, in fact was a bit more fast-paced, fun-seeking. If I'm ever in creative-project mode, I'm going to wear this I didn't feel a rush of energy, as if DHEAS could be the first ingredient, simply more possibility-oriented. We both appeared pretty centered, but warm enough to think more on bonding. This blend is kind of mental for me, I guess lol

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