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Please be patient with us! Please! Please! Please!

Le Wizard

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We are working our tails off to get the new releases finished and ready to rock! We have not forgotten the PE orders so please allow a little extra time to get them out to you. We are going as fast as humanly possible! :perfecto::drinking-red-wine:

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WHAT? :hearts09793:

New release coming out so soon?? :)

How do you guys do it!????

Seems like it was yesterday that you released the August collection! :):o:O

You guys are AMAZINGGGGGGGG!!!!



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Don't rush! We aren't going anywhere!!!!


I think we all need to pitch in to get ya'll a group of worker elves as a Christmas present this year!

Edited by Dolly
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Ah Le Wiz, we love you and all at LP Towers. We understand how hard you guys work and appreciate what wonderous things come from your efforts. For the sheer level of quality and personal service the least you can expect from your customers is a little patience.



Good things come to those who wait.


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