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Too Much!


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This is a sickness. I swear... it's not even 2 days since I put my first order in, and I'm already trying to pin down what I'd like to try in my next! I'm actually almost looking forward to going back to work, just because I know I'll be in the dough soon, and so will have more money for more perfume. WTF??? I have never, (and I mean *ever* wanted to go back to work - I'd just as soon some rich dude sweep me off my feet and keep me, lol!). There is something seriously wrong with this picture. Me? Excited to go back to work? Wha???


And seriously, someone has *got* to stop putting adorable animals on those labels because I want to buy them all, regardless of whether I think I'll like the smell, (though admittedly, they all sound like they smell pretty damned good). But A Bun Dance? Who can resist a little bunny all dressed up like that? Smoking Bun? Same thing. And Hoyden? I can't resist the lure of a kitten - I have about a million cats - I don't need another, do I? And oh, don't let me forget Lovers in the Clovers - that's just pure evil, right there, that's what that is.


I'd say I should get out before it's too late, but I think I'm already a goner. Pretty sure hell is going to smell wonderful...

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I thought this one was the most diabolically cute kitteh ever. C'mon, it's doing it on purpose!!!




And here's a cute lil puppy too:




Luckily for you, these are looong sold out. Just glad you are enjoying the labels!!! :D

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Awesome first order. I'm realitively new myself, and wow, it is an addiction. I really had a hard time choosing and ended up placing multiple orders. I've promised myself not to place another order until February and then make another large order, but its so hard not to cave! Right now I want to get bottles of UN Sexpioinage, UN TMI, and UN Sexology. I also want to get bottles of Carmel Sutra, LP black, and Loving Drawing potion. It's so hard to control myself when there are soooo many wonderful goodies.

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So frakking cute! That puppy label makes me miss dogs. I grew up with dogs, yet somehow wound up living a very feline life. The kitteh is lying just like my l'il Eggers-cat lies. Imagine that cat's paws twitching constantly - almost as if it were having a seizure or trying to squeeze an invisible ball. Yes, odd, but oddly cute, too. Does it for hours, and there's nothing wrong with him. He's just weird. We call him 'Twitch'.

Evil of you to tease me with these sweetheart labels, BTW! Hitting me in my weakest of weak spots! Makes me want to go to the animal shelter to add another to my collection. Maybe a dog this time...

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Princess Fiona, I know what you mean. I'm on overload myself. I keep trying to imagine which phero blends would resonate best with which perfume blend, (other than the one they're in), just for fun! I've said it before, I'll say it again just in case anyone didn'tn catch it: I am a nerd.

I want to try Caramel Sutra, (is that the right name?), too. God, it sounds good...


I'm presently kickng myself for not having ordered a sample of Velvet Kisses and the LAM sampler, but it just wasn't feasible. But it will be in a couple of weeks, when I've been back to work for a while.


I'm a server in a restaurant, and am seriously considering ordering some Swimming with Sharks to see if it'll help with my crotchety old customers, my even crankier boss, (who also happens to be the chef), and my tips. There was a thread somewhere about someone else who used it in the service industry, and wound up making 30 percent tips fairly regularly. I could use some regular 30 % tips. I could buy more perfume that way! Haha!


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Hi Lady V! I didn't end up gettiing 20. I think I got about 16... but I could have ordered WAY more. I seriously wish that I had! I keep looking at reviews for thinigs I didn't order, and thinkg 'crap, I should have gotten some of that!' But next time. I'm sure there will be a next time. ;-)


Thanks for the welcome. I should tell you: your posts crack me up. You're very sassy and sunshiny.

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Hi Lady V! I didn't end up gettiing 20. I think I got about 16... but I could have ordered WAY more. I seriously wish that I had! I keep looking at reviews for thinigs I didn't order, and thinkg 'crap, I should have gotten some of that!' But next time. I'm sure there will be a next time. ;-)


Thanks for the welcome. I should tell you: your posts crack me up. You're very sassy and sunshiny.


16 will keep you very busy! Thank you, sometimes I feel like a raging asshole bitch, so it's always nice to hear that someone thinks I am daisies and bunny clouds: )

One tip I can give you that will probably give you anxiety but I feel like it is my duty to let you know - if there is one that you are like.. ooh I really want that one but will order it next time.. make sure you order it next time. I missed out on Hotness Personified and some others because I waited and didn't even get a sample because it sold out. Luckily I grabbed some on the trading post- but I seriously was sad and gained about 5 pounds because it was sold out.


Yes I am a dedicated LP addict. : )

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Lady V - I've already come up against that situation! When I first started looking here there were still samples of Girly Twirly & I regret not getting it, even though I never would have been able to get a large one! Haha! I think I'm just naturally greedy: I want it all, and lots of it! HeeHee!


Halo! Hiya! I'm mostly just bummed because I know I'm impatient, and to have to wait for another order will agitate me! Lol! But I guess I'll have to get used to the waiting, 'cause I have a feeling I'll be ordering a lot. ;-)

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I thought this one was the most diabolically cute kitteh ever. C'mon, it's doing it on purpose!!!



Ohhhhhh...this is heartmelting :hearts09793:


...also want to point out to anyone new,please be sure to read the shipping & handling FAQ's !

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Calii, it took me a bit to realize what you meant by your shipping FAQ reminder. I just realized I sound like I'm going to be ordering little bits here and there. I won't! I promise! I like that the shipping and taxes are incorporated here, and I don't want to mess that perk up for anyone. It's nice to know before you put something in your cart, exactly what it's going to cost. It makes shopping that much easier. Plus, I'm too impatient to wait for a lot of little orders to make their way to me. Lol! I'm much more likely to make bigger orders to cut down on my wait time, and capitalize on the 'big gift' sensation I get when I recieve a box FULL of goodies in the mail! Then I feel like I really feel like I treated myself.



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just wanted to add my "Welcome" in - and I agree about the "big gift" orders, I love those!... I make a list throughout the month, and make myself stick to a firm One-Order-a-Month rule, lol

(of course that doesn't apply to Trading Post orders) ;)

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Hi Molls! Thanks for the welcome! That's what I hope to do - the monthly order. I'm just way, way too impatient to do it any other way. Plus, it gives me time to save up for what I want, so that I don't overspend. Although I'm sure getting an order from LPMP will be even more overwhelming than even my biggest Sephora orders!

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OMG. There just isnt anything like seeing that LPMP package in the mailbox.

Most of the time I get a text from Michael though (my ex...I get my mail at his house). He usually gets it before me and inevitably sends a text about a box that came and he's not sure what it was but Abby (his beloved dog) smells so lovely and there is empty vials all over his house.

He never gets tired of this foolishness. :wacko:

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Ha! That's funny MDC! I keep worrying about my unneutered male cat. (He will be neutered soon, but not before all my goodies get here. He's pretty good, doesn't spray or anything, but I'm not looking forward to pulling him outta the box when it arrives! He responds to my cycles, (which is weird, weird, weird), so I can't even imagine what he's going to do with a box full of sexy-smellin' stuff! Ha!

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Great! The 'real' Eggers will spend all his time trying to hump the other two cats, Sunny & Nuts. Not like he doesn't do it now, but with cops in the house... Yikes! I'll have to get some kitty chastity belts!

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