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Talk about a threadjack - I love it. Not sure what I am allowed to say in the way of compliments - pretty lady, pretty suit. I like the color too - very aquatic.

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LOL! Thank you Arianna and QG!


I know...an odd way for Pheromans welcome to turn.

I've had a horrible night! (should go to bitching post) so thanks for giving me something to giggle at (that "not sure what I am allowed to say in the way of compliments thing" was funny!) :)

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lol! I swear I saw him recently somewhere...

Thats what they all say...


I sure hope Pheroman doesn't mind I've turned his welcome post into a MDC lovefest... :lol:

I sure am mad as hell sexy lady!!!


But I am sure you will make it up to me.




I haven't seen any posts from PM (Phero Man not Potion Master) perhaps he jumped ship to find more drama?

Just a few few fang wounds, flesh burns and some tittie trauma, I am fine now.



Nice to see you here Phero, I've just joined!

Good to see you too.

And as you can see, warm flashing electrifying and biting welcomes abound here.

Edited by Pheroman
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Welcome back! Out pherobombing bitches I suppose while we've been playing on your thread...


Ya know what is truly funny,to me...someone seeing this who has not read that other thread :rofl222:


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And what exactly would be in your PE Mr Heffner?

Uhmmm besides :censored: , I would say a cross between TeddyMan2 and Homme ~ Summer Solstice 2011.

I wanted to put that SS2011 on my icecream, 2ml in the test vial just wasn't enough so I will have to wear it instead.

Well I have not worn it yet...soon.



And I would say the name is more Spinal Tap influenced.

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If you missed it in the other thread...I do have Sperm Oil. :lol:




Ah yes! Smell the Glove? bwaha!



LOL! That was a great movie. At first I thought that was someone's FOOT in that picture I was scrolling so fast. (EWWWW)

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