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children & pheros

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I hope everyone who reads this will understand where my intentions lie..... so anyway, I am a pediatric nurse & I work with the same 3 kids (siblings) all the time. I adore them but they can be beyond a handful & they fight constantly. Violently at times. I've been testing out different scents & pheros lately with some successes.

Today has been a REAL success I believe & I wanted to hear everyone 's feedback & stories along this vein.

I tend to be rather intuitive with my pheromone choices & try to go with my gut even if it doesn't make sense at the time. Today I chosen to wear Darling Catalina, 2 sprays EST in hair, & 2 sprays oxytocin on shirt. Now I know the oxytocin is controversial, but I have found it to be EXTREMELY helpful when I have to perform an invasive procedure on one of my patients. I've never used it in any other circumstance so I can't vouch for it otherwise. I've noticed a slight difference in the kids since I started using EST but today was like a dream.


My temperament was even and smooth, which isn't out of the ordinary, but it just felt... better today.


They didn't fight. Not at all. This has never happened in the year I've been with them. They hugged all over me, told me they loved me, picked every flower in the yard for me & put some in my hair. Did I say they didn't fight? Wow. What a wonderful day with my patients, my 'other' babies ...

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This isn't feedback but more of a question. I've never heard of oxytocin as a spray and don't know the health effects of inhaling it, but I can certainly understand the controversy. Oxytocin stimulates birth when the time comes. There probably isn't much present in two sprays so it's likely it wouldn't harm a healthy, pregnant woman. But what if a woman is having difficulty sustaining a pregnancy? Do you think that being exposed to oxytocin in the air might be an issue?

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I honestly don't know the answer to these questions because there seem to be 2 camps on this issue. One is saying it is dangerous to pregnant women. The other says that oxytocin in this form is so unstable that if it has any effect at all it would be of very short duration.

Honestly, I have big doubts that a pregnant woman would be in danger when situations like being dehydrated set up an oxytocinesque situation in the body as well. There seem to be more folks saying it works, but is just short -lived.


I would certainly never ever want to put anyone or myself in danger that's for sure....


It being short-lived is a blessing! For one, I don't want everyone I encounter to want to bond with me. And certainly to nip any potential risks for any expecting ladies I see..... certainly not a product I will buy again unless there is better research.

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I'm wishing I could delete this thread and start over by asking what successes have been experienced with children & Popularity Potion. That's really what I'm curious about & what I give today's success to.

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im prolly the only one here that disagrees with phero-use around children,p-e-r-i-o-d.



These sprays are concentrated in order to ellicit a strong reliable response, so the potential for neurotransmitter burnout is very real.

Im not going to debate the point, only to say this is my stance on it.


I have kids, they were 4 and 10 at the time ,not knowing in the beginning that there could even be burnout, let alone that pheros even worked, was a problem that I had to experience to be able to speak about it confidently.

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im prolly the only one here that disagrees with phero-use around children,p-e-r-i-o-d.



These sprays are concentrated in order to ellicit a strong reliable response, so the potential for neurotransmitter burnout is very real.

Im not going to debate the point, only to say this is my stance on it.


I have kids, they were 4 and 10 at the time ,not knowing in the beginning that there could even be burnout, let alone that pheros even worked, was a problem that I had to experience to be able to speak about it confidently.


I have 2 young children 1 and 5 years of age.I'd love to buy some of the pheros but Im scared to wear them because of the kids :(..I do dab a bit of a sample behind my neck or ears when Im going out somewhere but not enough to probably get any effects... I guess I can still buy them and wear them when I not around the kids.The question I wanted to always know is..Is it harmful for them to be exposed to any pheros?

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I have 2 young children 1 and 5 years of age.I'd love to buy some of the pheros but Im scared to wear them because of the kids :(..I do dab a bit of a sample behind my neck or ears when Im going out somewhere but not enough to probably get any effects... I guess I can still buy them and wear them when I not around the kids.The question I wanted to always know is..Is it harmful for them to be exposed to any pheros?

I can only say what my personal experience has been since 2004...

back then, all I was told...all I researched....was that they were natural and couldnt be harmful because our bodies made them after all.


well our bodies make ALOT of stuff we wouldnt subject other people to at 100X the strength,lol.


Im pro-phero , but I have experienced my children getting very cranky and unncontrollable crying/sadness (for no reason,mommy). This to me was the same behaviour I see in kids that are way over tired. Over taxxed. On a long trip maybe?


So do I think they are harmful? guess that would be both yes and no.

If I didnt witness anxiety attacks, id say no.


If people used them moderately and washed the clothes imediately so that build-up didnt occur, id say have fun.


But thats just me.


I wear them. Im pretty obsessive about the exposure because my experiences dictate that I have to be.


Im sure any health benefits or detrimental effects are probably dose-related as well, as health bennies are usually at the dosage of what would be normal, and headaches and such would be at a dosage of what is unnatural.

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Lor, two quick questions:


1. Do you use cops around your children since EoW is prob multiple times the amount we produce?


2. Is there a need to separate the clothes in the wash so they don't "stain" the kids' clothes?


I'd love to pick your brains on this matter and can we take it offline? IMay I request for a mail exchange?

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Lor, two quick questions:


1. Do you use cops around your children since EoW is prob multiple times the amount we produce?


2. Is there a need to separate the clothes in the wash so they don't "stain" the kids' clothes?


I'd love to pick your brains on this matter and can we take it offline? IMay I request for a mail exchange?

absolutely. Im always happy to talk if I can be useful :)


1. yes, I use cops around the kids. I have never witness anything out of the ordinary with cops, and at one time thats all I used.


I dont wear cops daily, but often, and its not something wear heavily.


2. I dont think the scents/pheros cling like a stain.... but in my experience,if laundry isnt attended to daily and pheros are sprayed on the clothing, its not strange to think they are constantly perfuming the air lol.



anyone can feel free to email me at anytime from LP :)

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im prolly the only one here that disagrees with phero-use around children,p-e-r-i-o-d.



These sprays are concentrated in order to ellicit a strong reliable response, so the potential for neurotransmitter burnout is very real.

Im not going to debate the point, only to say this is my stance on it.


I have kids, they were 4 and 10 at the time ,not knowing in the beginning that there could even be burnout, let alone that pheros even worked, was a problem that I had to experience to be able to speak about it confidently.


It's interesting that you say this, Lor, because I leaned that way as well until I came here and saw blends made that seemed to be ok for kids to be exposed to. I'm glad to have this input, so thank you very much for sharing your experience and perspective.

I had read years ago about None being a nightmare for kids and made sure I never exposed my daughter to my potions that contained it. My daughter has been around when my cops are drying and she'll say "Mom I can smell your perfume and it stinks!" LOLOL!!!

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It's interesting that you say this, Lor, because I leaned that way as well until I came here and saw blends made that seemed to be ok for kids to be exposed to. I'm glad to have this input, so thank you very much for sharing your experience and perspective.

I had read years ago about None being a nightmare for kids and made sure I never exposed my daughter to my potions that contained it. My daughter has been around when my cops are drying and she'll say "Mom I can smell your perfume and it stinks!" LOLOL!!!

you know, at natural levels all this stuff is really alright and helpful.


my youngest smelled them accidentally once and said they smell like vinigar! hahahahaha


I just want to re-iterate that this is just my persective.


Im sure others may have different experiences :)

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you know, at natural levels all this stuff is really alright and helpful.


my youngest smelled them accidentally once and said they smell like vinigar! hahahahaha


I just want to re-iterate that this is just my persective.


Im sure others may have different experiences :)


It's like anything when it comes to our kids, religion, politics, or anything that we tend to be passionate about. In order to be mature, evolved women we must consider and value all points of view. This is my opinion anyway. Hehe. We must also allow ourselves to change our minds abount anything that suits our fancies....when it feels right. I'm hoping others will chime in and give us a grand buffet of experience to consider!


And Lor, you rock, woman.

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If you wear pheros during daily activities, you may encounter children, and I don't think that a person should run and hide if they're wearing some. But personally, I would not wear tons in a small enclosed space with the same kids on a regular basis. I think, if say you are a teacher, and you have a few feet of space between you and your charges...you're not right up their noses with the stuff but it wafts through the area...I personally think that's ok.


Mother's Little Helper...the intent was to effect kids, yes, but also the wearer, the husband, the household in general. The intent of course was NOT to spray it in the face of a child to try to get them to behave. And I certainly hope that the phero users who wear it understand that, and to use it as a special occasion kind of thing and not every single day.



Oxytocin is another issue. Dr Stone told me that no responsible phero manufacturer would ever use it (for exactly the reasons that BlueBear brings up) - he doesn't, and I do not recall Chris ever using it in any of his own blends either. We have never offered it in any fashion. I have been told that MOST of the articles and 'research' on the web touting it as a safe pheromone product were planted by the manufacturer of it, trying to make it look like a bunch of different sources and studies had been done which is not the case.

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If you wear pheros during daily activities, you may encounter children, and I don't think that a person should run and hide if they're wearing some. But personally, I would not wear tons in a small enclosed space with the same kids on a regular basis. I think, if say you are a teacher, and you have a few feet of space between you and your charges...you're not right up their noses with the stuff but it wafts through the area...I personally think that's ok.


Mother's Little Helper...the intent was to effect kids, yes, but also the wearer, the husband, the household in general. The intent of course was NOT to spray it in the face of a child to try to get them to behave. And I certainly hope that the phero users who wear it understand that, and to use it as a special occasion kind of thing and not every single day.



Oxytocin is another issue. Dr Stone told me that no responsible phero manufacturer would ever use it (for exactly the reasons that BlueBear brings up) - he doesn't, and I do not recall Chris ever using it in any of his own blends either. We have never offered it in any fashion. I have been told that MOST of the articles and 'research' on the web touting it as a safe pheromone product were planted by the manufacturer of it, trying to make it look like a bunch of different sources and studies had been done which is not the case.


Thank you for all of this, Mara. I trust both you and Dr. Stone completely!

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A short note on laundry .... I'll have to catch up with the posts this weekend.


My bottle of scented T.M.I broke a couple of weeks ago. I caught most of the liquid in my palms but I threw dumped all onto the floor mat. I mean, obviously, I was very upset and wanted to save some of it ....... I wiped my hands on some clothes and the inner lining of my leather jacket without thinking of the amount of pheros it contains. I've washed all the clothes except the leather jacket but I can still smell T.M.I in my bathroom (for whatever reason).


I noticed that I have headaches quite often recently and my kids also complained about headaches after the incident.


Any suggestion on what I should do? My kids use my bathroom and they sleep in the room adjoining this bathroom so technically they have been exposed to it over a prolonged period.

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A short note on laundry .... I'll have to catch up with the posts this weekend.


My bottle of scented T.M.I broke a couple of weeks ago. I caught most of the liquid in my palms but I threw dumped all onto the floor mat. I mean, obviously, I was very upset and wanted to save some of it ....... I wiped my hands on some clothes and the inner lining of my leather jacket without thinking of the amount of pheros it contains. I've washed all the clothes except the leather jacket but I can still smell T.M.I in my bathroom (for whatever reason).


I noticed that I have headaches quite often recently and my kids also complained about headaches after the incident.


Any suggestion on what I should do? My kids use my bathroom and they sleep in the room adjoining this bathroom so technically they have been exposed to it over a prolonged period.

First off, TMI smells freaking incedible, so I prolly would have done that without thinking too....make sure I salvaged as much as possible!


Cool thing is that although its common for the nols to create/encourage headaches at high levels for many of us , its one of those pheros that most people report relief with fresh air and hydration...nothing more :)

Im sure there exceptions to every rule.


Prolonged exposure exposure to these nols have given people I know headaches too...but again, in wide open spaces and fresh air flow,its all good!

Keep their windows open if your able to.


IMO, id wash any mats/clothes/liner with Oxyclean and detergent again.


I have broken testers, but never a full bottle.... thats alot of nol....TMI has healthy doses if I remember correctly.


Circulate the air in there, and time might take care of it.


Bacteria takes care of the natural pheros, but in perfumes and bases, bacteria doesnt grow, so the nols stay-put.


One time, a bottle of MEN'S pheros (TUTH in the highest potency) only leaked onto the carpet in my old apartment.

After 3 days, anxiety attacks and no one could figure out why (cue the eye-rolling,lol!)


I was *told* to get an ozoneator...which were wicked expensive...to neutralize the air.

As it was not an option for me at the time, I just washed the HECK out of it with Oxyclean, and it seemed to help :)

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I have not really noticed anything unusual wearing pheros around my kids. I also do not wear none heavy mixes around my kids except as I am passing by on the way out the door with my wife.


I have an oxytocin product but really did not notice much in the way of results with it. They are so old know who knows if they are even good anymore.

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