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Super for Men... OMFG!

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Ok my first post. Just recieved my bottle of Super for Men.. I LOVE IT... lol Long story short, my SO and I have a great relationship. The bedroom has lacked a bit of spark so I started to experiment with Phero blends, mainly from Androtics to try and jump start and spice up things a bit. Have had some good results from the social mixes but a bit of trouble with the sexual mixes. the -none in them seems to repel my SO a bit.. going the wrong way... lol Anyhow the A314 over there though not really a sexual blend but a repect blend, one that gives the older fatherly/ James Bondish effect seems to work, not drastically but moving in the right direction.


FAST FORWARD to today... I applied one drop of the A314 split behind my ears and down neck.. Then applied 3 dabs of Super for men. One on each side of neck and one on chest about an hour and a half before SO gets home.


While makng dinner she is VERY flirty, rubbing up against me a lot. At one point she announces in a very sexy loud voice that she is ovulating! and giggles smiling at me with a real cute goofy look. (btw she has never really announced this before an usually she is grumpy when she is ovulating) then more rubbing against me and at one point totally flashes me in the kitchen, just points them right up at me! swinging back and forth. THen like she was embarrassed a bit she quickly lowers her shirt. I swear she would had me right there if I didn't have to go to work. As a matter of fact she wanted me to NOT go to work and wanted to open up a bottle of wine..


OK so the testing will continue... if this is any indication then HOT DAMN! : )


It took me a while to get used to the scent.. It is now about 7 hours later and I can still smell it and am liking it. I will have to try it on its own next...

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Heh, I'm glad someone of the XY persuasion chimed in here. I'm waiting for a few of my friends to get their orders so they can tell me how it works for them...and share with everybody here.


One of the things which amazes me about PB SUPER is that it's so incredibly well-blended that everything melds perfectly and it gives me an overwhelming sense of pure male. The pheromones really come out in the drydown, I think, in that I get that "man" smell, as I referred to it elsewhere...I think y'all know what I mean. :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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I am looking forward to your reports from your friends. My SO and I have a date night coming up on Friday. I will be sporting the Super for Men for sure and report back to see if simular reactions are noticed. I would love to see that school girl blushing huge crush look on her face again! It was priceless! I have been using Dom with the phero package and enjoy it but did not get anywhere close the reaction I noted tonight. This is on a totally different plane. And yes it really does have the pure male vibe and yes is very well blended.


I am curious if any women on here have experienced the Super for Men on a guy and could share any insight and reactions to it.




Heh, I'm glad someone of the XY persuasion chimed in here. I'm waiting for a few of my friends to get their orders so they can tell me how it works for them...and share with everybody here.


One of the things which amazes me about PB SUPER is that it's so incredibly well-blended that everything melds perfectly and it gives me an overwhelming sense of pure male. The pheromones really come out in the drydown, I think, in that I get that "man" smell, as I referred to it elsewhere...I think y'all know what I mean. :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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I am looking forward to your reports from your friends. My SO and I have a date night coming up on Friday. I will be sporting the Super for Men for sure and report back to see if simular reactions are noticed. I would love to see that school girl blushing huge crush look on her face again! It was priceless! I have been using Dom with the phero package and enjoy it but did not get anywhere close the reaction I noted tonight. This is on a totally different plane. And yes it really does have the pure male vibe and yes is very well blended.


I am curious if any women on here have experienced the Super for Men on a guy and could share any insight and reactions to it.


Wow! Great report there nwmichael! I am *very* much hoping to try this out Friday w/my sweetie. I already love the Super for Women - last night I wore it and even though he was dead tired and had to leave, I definitely got a reaction. I'm hoping he will indulge me and try some on...he's really cautious (i.e. stingy!) when wearing fragrances - that is to say he barely puts any on. He'll spray the air and let it settle on his clothing not his skin! I'm not sure how to get him to try it on?! For him, scent is a 'bonus' thing...for me? It's a real turn-on. Fingers crossed...

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Maybe if you used that angle, you know? About how excited you would be if he tried it for you.


indeed...honesty the best policy here... :angelstar-kaos058: he's super-sensitive to smells but I think he will find wearing LP's very nice indeed!

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That's always how I've approached it with the men in my life, although some were open to wearing scent but for those who were reluctant I pitched it like a quid pro quo situation: "If you do this for me, I'll do that for you." And if my reaction was good (which it usually was) then they became less reluctant to wear the scents I wanted them to later on. ^_^

Edited by luna65
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Ok my first post. Just recieved my bottle of Super for Men.. I LOVE IT... lol Long story short, my SO and I have a great relationship. The bedroom has lacked a bit of spark so I started to experiment with Phero blends, mainly from Androtics to try and jump start and spice up things a bit. Have had some good results from the social mixes but a bit of trouble with the sexual mixes. the -none in them seems to repel my SO a bit.. going the wrong way... lol Anyhow the A314 over there though not really a sexual blend but a repect blend, one that gives the older fatherly/ James Bondish effect seems to work, not drastically but moving in the right direction.


FAST FORWARD to today... I applied one drop of the A314 split behind my ears and down neck.. Then applied 3 dabs of Super for men. One on each side of neck and one on chest about an hour and a half before SO gets home.


While makng dinner she is VERY flirty, rubbing up against me a lot. At one point she announces in a very sexy loud voice that she is ovulating! and giggles smiling at me with a real cute goofy look. (btw she has never really announced this before an usually she is grumpy when she is ovulating) then more rubbing against me and at one point totally flashes me in the kitchen, just points them right up at me! swinging back and forth. THen like she was embarrassed a bit she quickly lowers her shirt. I swear she would had me right there if I didn't have to go to work. As a matter of fact she wanted me to NOT go to work and wanted to open up a bottle of wine..


OK so the testing will continue... if this is any indication then HOT DAMN! : )


It took me a while to get used to the scent.. It is now about 7 hours later and I can still smell it and am liking it. I will have to try it on its own next...


WOW! OMFG, INDEED! SOOOOO glad to get a review from a man, BTW.

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Well, well well... Last night got to try out SFM again with my SO. I used it alone. Applied 2 dabs. 1 split on neck pulse points and 1 to chest about hour and half before going out. Went to a cocktail lounge to start off the evening.


The place was packed early and there really wasn't any place to sit. We walked around a bit looking and this couple noticed us and invited us to sit with them.. We ordered a coulple Margs.. During the time spent there, problly about an hour I keep noticing that look again from my SO. Sorta blushy, lie she has this school girl crush on me look... hehe so cute and adorable, and something I have now noticed twice while wearing SFM.. On top of that the girlthat was sitting with us had almost the same look, but seemed like she was restraining.. she kept looking at me but didn't want to hold eye contact and had this cute liitle silly grin and looked flushed too!


We leave and head to a nother bar for more drinks. I know alcheehol is invoved but my SO is extremely touchy and when standing in front of me would just throw her arms around me and kiss me.. This happened quite a few times. Startled me actually. We end up somehow at a table full of women, poor me the only guy... haha I am getting quite a bit of attention, the AFOG keeps totally checking me out. Before we leave (this is probally about three hours later) I found my sample of Dominance... I apply a generous dab of that to my neck. This definatley increased SO's attention to me.. Kind of like stoking the fire... Anyhow... end up back at home and OMG... sex was incredible...

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Thank you so much, Michael, for giving us a man's perspective.....I have a sample of super for men coming for my fiancee.....I am sure I will have to be sure not to let him out of my sight when he is wearing it.....

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Thank you so much, Michael, for giving us a man's perspective.....I have a sample of super for men coming for my fiancee.....I am sure I will have to be sure not to let him out of my sight when he is wearing it.....


No problem Dolly. I look forward to your perspective on it when it arrives.. The scent and phero reaction. I am liking the Merlins blend ( I have a few samples of others) but am gravitating towards Merlins. I may look into getting some with the SS phero package. I also need to give the others a try as well... And yes, SFM seems very potent, scent wise and phero wise. Your honey will getting attention from the ladies while wearing it! Better shorten that leash a bit ; )

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No problem Dolly. I look forward to your perspective on it when it arrives.. The scent and phero reaction. I am liking the Merlins blend ( I have a few samples of others) but am gravitating towards Merlins. I may look into getting some with the SS phero package. I also need to give the others a try as well... And yes, SFM seems very potent, scent wise and phero wise. Your honey will getting attention from the ladies while wearing it!


Well, Michael, you had better keep posting over here, giving us your (and your SO's ) reactions to the scents and the pheros.....most of us over here have men that we purchase for (or would like to), but would rather get a male reaction first!! Stay and "play" with us!!!

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indeed...honesty the best policy here... :angelstar-kaos058: he's super-sensitive to smells but I think he will find wearing LP's very nice indeed!


I know I am growing quite fond of them. I know if my baby said hey spray some of this on or dab a little of this on , it gets me excited, I would want to bathe in it...

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The DH tried this one last week - I'd briefly swiped some on him when it arrived and I thought it smelled fabulous! So one morning before I could protest he decided to splash some on to see if he got any reactions from his networking group....Oops. I told him it really wasn't a workplace scent....too late.


He thinks it's a little too sweet - he doesn't like the foody scents much.


MAN OH MAN is that smell distracting! I followed him all over the house like a lost puppy, wuffling his neck. By the time he returned that afternoon, it had settled down to a still-scrumptious smell.


He didn't report any excitement or comments from the ladies he encountered that day, but then he was only working briefly after a week's absence so he was busy in his office alone most of the time.


This one is wonderful, from my viewpoint. And DH is happy if I like it...

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I just received a sample of this and all I can say is....O! M! G! My man isn't here to try it yet, but I just swiped a bit on the back of my own hand......DAMN.....I am sure it will smell so much better on him.....I am sooooooo buying a full bottle of this!

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Grrr- this weekend never got a test-sniff in, and now it looks like I might have to wait 'till the weekend! I'm *so* dying to sniff this on something other than my own wrist! :)

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Well, so yesterday after I sniffed this one, I decided to buy a full bottle. Last night, we tried it on my darlin' and he not only liked the scent, but how I reacted to it. So much so that when he found out that this one will not re-brewed, he told me to order two.

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I am so aggravated at myself that I didn't save any of the perfume aside before I added the pheros, because I would LOVE to wear this scent myself. I adore it beyond words, but the SS4M phero formula makes me ultra-mega-crabby. Do you think I could spray it on my pillow and sleep with it without having crabby dreams?

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I am so aggravated at myself that I didn't save any of the perfume aside before I added the pheros, because I would LOVE to wear this scent myself. I adore it beyond words, but the SS4M phero formula makes me ultra-mega-crabby. Do you think I could spray it on my pillow and sleep with it without having crabby dreams?


Well, I don't have an androstenone intolerance.....but then, I am already a little bitchy, so maybe that's it......BUT, some of the ladies that I know say that, even if they can't wear it during waking hours, their dreams are ultra-sexual when they sleep wearing a-none......

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A couple of other things to be said about this scent......it has a LOT of throw! Your men will definitely leave a scent trail when wearing this. After I applied it to my man last night.....3 or 4 SMALL dabs, we both went to the kitchen, and when I walked back past the living room a half hour later, I could still smell it.....YUM...... :)


It is also extremely looooooong-lasting! I could still smell it on him this morning.....wish we didn't have to work today!!!

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Do you think I could spray it on my pillow and sleep with it without having crabby dreams?

Having field tested this very thing, I can say that the dreams in question were definitely not crabby.


BUT, some of the ladies that I know say that, even if they can't wear it during waking hours, their dreams are ultra-sexual when they sleep wearing a-none......

I can confirm this! :)

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Well, I don't have an androstenone intolerance.....but then, I am already a little bitchy, so maybe that's it......BUT, some of the ladies that I know say that, even if they can't wear it during waking hours, their dreams are ultra-sexual when they sleep wearing a-none......


:) ...oh my...this explains the dream I had the other night! Wow! I was WONDERING where on earth that came from! Lol...shoot, this is interesting stuff! It was a dream I couldn't even share w/my sweetie...he'd freak and run!

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Having field tested this very thing, I can say that the dreams in question were definitely not crabby.

I put some on my pillow, and dreamed that I was a 6 foot tall man in an action movie shoot-em-up, battling ninjas and ducking gunfire. Ahem.

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Wow Mara, you don't mess around! :)


So I don't run the risk of TMI, let me just say if my dreams on PB SUPER were porno, they would have definitely been of the XXX variety!

(I think this calls for Dom Banana! :) )


One other thing I wanted to say is that this isn't merely what a man should smell like, it's the scent of an actual man. I've referred to it as Man-In-A-Bottle to my friends as a selling point, heh.

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Well, I don't have an androstenone intolerance.....but then, I am already a little bitchy, so maybe that's it......BUT, some of the ladies that I know say that, even if they can't wear it during waking hours, their dreams are ultra-sexual when they sleep wearing a-none......


I'm one of those ladies... it has to be very subtle not much A none and a touch of dilute cops, but it gives me very erotic dreams. :rockon:


I could cope well with a-none while I was not on the contraceptive pill, it would be interesting to see if that had changed now I am...




Experiment soon I think.. :blue_dancing_banana:



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I put some on my pillow, and dreamed that I was a 6 foot tall man in an action movie shoot-em-up, battling ninjas and ducking gunfire. Ahem.



Now, THAT is a dream......veddy veddy interesting....

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I'm one of those ladies... it has to be very subtle not much A none and a touch of dilute cops, but it gives me very erotic dreams. :blue_dancing_banana:


I could cope well with a-none while I was not on the contraceptive pill, it would be interesting to see if that had changed now I am...




Experiment soon I think.. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:




I'm almost afraid to go near the stuff again...I don't usually have explicit dreams...(and I have NO idea who the other "character" in it was!) :rockon:

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A couple of other things to be said about this scent......it has a LOT of throw! Your men will definitely leave a scent trail when wearing this. After I applied it to my man last night.....3 or 4 SMALL dabs, we both went to the kitchen, and when I walked back past the living room a half hour later, I could still smell it.....YUM...... ;)


It is also extremely looooooong-lasting! I could still smell it on him this morning.....wish we didn't have to work today!!!



So I take it you enjoy the scent? :happybirthday: LOL


I am curious to how the pheros made you feel? did it take awhile or was the onset pretty quick? and in the morning since you could still smell it on him did the pheros effect you?

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So I take it you enjoy the scent? ;) LOL


I am curious to how the pheros made you feel? did it take awhile or was the onset pretty quick? and in the morning since you could still smell it on him did the pheros effect you?


Oh yeah, the pheros affected me.....and it was pretty quick. I told Mara that when I tried on the back of my hand before my man got home, I wanted to take MYSELF to bed.....when I put it on him, I was like...."Is it bedtime yet?".....I guess it was more intense when he was wearing it since there was a "target" of my affections.....


In the morning, I could still smell a bit of the scent on him, but I didn't feel any phero effects......by then, the pheros had probably lost their effectiveness......that was after about 9 hours, after all......


The scent is the nicest men's scent I think I have ever smelled.....

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Oh yeah, the pheros affected me.....and it was pretty quick. I told Mara that when I tried on the back of my hand before my man got home, I wanted to take MYSELF to bed.....when I put it on him, I was like...."Is it bedtime yet?".....


effect on my SO was pretty apparent, thus the random and often arms being thrown around me neck and kissing. So in an earlier post you mentioned no re-brew???

I was going to order Merlins with SSFM but it's out of stock! grrrrrr....



The scent is the nicest men's scent I think I have ever smelled.....

Yes it's a very nice smooth male scent for sure... wearing it is very nice.

Though the first hour is almost too much for me but after that it is really smooth. I likey.

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Hey Michael, so glad to have you here, welcome! I will have Merlin's Blend back in stock in about a week. I am awaiting delivery of a few ingredients and then it will be available again. Sorry to make you wait!


Thanks for the kind words, all! I too, think this blend is ultra dreamy. I was just working on a non-phero variant, with a touch of lavender EO, making it a tad brisker and somewhat classic-barbershop-like - mixes beautifully with the pipe tobacco notes. Very manly. Of course, one can always order additional pheros for it, but I was thinking to share this treat with our non-phero users too.

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I was just working on a non-phero variant, with a touch of lavender EO, making it a tad brisker and somewhat classic-barbershop-like - mixes beautifully with the pipe tobacco notes. Very manly. Of course, one can always order additional pheros for it, but I was thinking to share this treat with our non-phero users too.


From a guys point of view... I like the sounds of this... when do you think you may have it ready?


btw thanks for the welcome... I found you through my interest in Pheromones (thanks Dolly) and am real glad I did. As much as I like some of the more " scientific" blends I have tried.. I find your aesthetic talents very appealing and somewhat more in line with my original intent. I would go as far as saying that some of your creations are not only sensual but inspiring.

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An amusing update...

My friend Bob (who is a major hottie and doesn't really need "help" but has submitted to my influence regarding the joy of perfume) received his order and his first message to me was: "Holy shit, I smell SUPER!" :)

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OK, update on what we are doing with Super......my sweetie wore it again last night.....I love it......he took the vial and applied some this morning, before he went to work.... :rolleyes:


He is probably going to have some of his female co-workers following him around the office before it is over......

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OK, update on what we are doing with Super......my sweetie wore it again last night.....I love it......he took the vial and applied some this morning, before he went to work.... :rainman:


He is probably going to have some of his female co-workers following him around the office before it is over......



How much did he apply and where? Did it hit you the same as before? :(



How about the work enviroment? Any reports?

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Here are more impressions from my friend Bob, via email:

Super smells really good. I like it. It does have a very uplifting quality to it. It reminds me of something but I'm not sure what...however when I first sniffed it, I suddenly thought of running around in Big Bear when I was much younger. Strange. I learned the first application that a little goes a VERY long way.


So far, I have found that people are suddenly very helpful.

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LOL! Cool, thanks for sharing! That was great. :rainman: I hope he gets a lot of enjoyment out of it!


Hey Michael, I'm going to release the non-phero variant this month. No idea what to call it tho, any suggestions? The scent is driving me out of my mind here as I am working on it. Grrr, it's sooooo fabulous!!!!!!!!!! (Now I need a cold shower) :(

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Hey Michael, I'm going to release the non-phero variant this month. No idea what to call it tho, any suggestions?


You know, I'll give it some thought.. I love the scent, looking forward to the new brew. I like the idea of the briskier edge to it. For some men there is nothing like a good close razor shave.. the hot towels, pulling the skin tight with your head cocked in the mirror.. shearing the cream off with a nice sharp blade. Hot water steaming in the sink... A close shave and a stiff drink.


Without any specific names, I do have thoughts on the current scent that may lead to a good name... Might have to send me a sample of the new one.. But with the current scent, I get a feeling of rare and vintage while wearing/huffing it. Not sure if it's the scent or pheromones in it but it also has a very male sexy vibe to it. hmm


Here... this photo reminds me of it somewhat..



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