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:w00t: What the crazy madness have I stumbled upon?!


This stems from a post I recently made on my welcome thread "I am just starting out all left feet here at LP!" where I posted a bunch of trial vials I mixed with various pheros (Post # 47 if you're curious - it tells the ratios of what I used for blending which may help what's below make more sense).


I have a bunch of questions for anyone and everyone willing to give their 2 cents or $20! I'm COMPLETELY excited because my experiments have had crazy awesome results...but it's only been 2 days...BUT it's STILL exciting ANYWAY! :lol: I would love to hear about others experiences with combining/layering/mixing/blending...


Ok. So - wore the Shen Tao/Stone Cougar/EoW combo yesterday with ridiculous effects. I mean shiny, happy people effects...mine and everyone else around me.


Is the little bit of perfumer's alcohol I added giving it better throw?


Is it unheard of for pheros to have an effect 9 & 10 hrs after initial application w/o reapplying at all throughout the day? I know it's said that oils "stick" longer than sprays but usually the oils settle down on me after 6-8 hours - usually. I remember, rarely, something that seemed like a "residual" phero response after 8 hrs. Has anyone else encountered anything like this? Can the use of layering help the pheros continue to disperse for as long as the cover lasts and can be smelled?


Since I've gotten cover scents I've pretty much been using unscented mones and layering them but I'm wondering if the fact that I've combined the un pheros & covers together and given them time to "mingle" in their own little bottle that somehow they are complimenting each other better than me just layering on my skin?


I wore The Empress of Persica/Audacious/EoW combo today (backs of hands, wrists and both sides of neck & collarbone, approx 3/4 inch strip each spot- smoosh around with backs of hands & wrists) and threw in 2 sprays of DHEAS to my hair. I have been WOUND UP all day! Lots of energy, great mood, people go out of their way to say hi, can I help you, do you need anything, oodles of compliments...did I mention great mood and high energy? 10 hours later I'm home and STILL looking for things to "do". Wondering if I should hop on the elliptical so I can sleep tonight? Found myself huffing my wrist quite a bit today too, good gads!


It just seems like I've stumbled on something great I don't quite understand when all I was trying to do was figure out how to make the most of my trial vials (I had a LOT of near misses, nearly dropping them - imagine the heartache of wasted lovelies spilled all over the floor! :cry: Hence my decision to only buy full bottles from now on :^^: )


IDK, it just seems like I have some great throw AND staying power so far with my little mini roller bottle combos. I'm sure the alcohol throw burns off within a few hours, if it even lasts that long, so is it all psychological & these last couple days were a fluke? I still have other rollers to test drive... Is it that they are hyped up because I added a ridiculous amount of cops as well? Can that kick the other pheros into overdrive...kick other peoples reactions into overdrive?


Thoughts and ponderisms, other experiments & experimenters welcome! :huh:

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No, not just in your head at all. Cougar is one of my favorites for over the top effects & DHEAS gives me a surge of energy as well. I seriously forget how old I am when I wear it, lol.

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I think Dianne was recommending using them everyday to get better results. I tend to fall into the category of people that uses them "especially for..." because I'm afraid I'll stop getting self effects from them, but I think my fear is unfounded. Nobody else that uses much higher dosing then me, on a much more frequent basis has had any problems with that. The only time I stopped getting self effects from alpha-nol was when I was drinking too much, which had nothing to do with using the pheromone. I've gone off topic, sorry.

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No, not just in your head at all. Cougar is one of my favorites for over the top effects & DHEAS gives me a surge of energy as well. I seriously forget how old I am when I wear it, lol.


So it could've just been a lucky mix after all. I didn't add DHEAS the day I had Cougar. I know Audacious gives me the mood boost & tossing on the DHEAS was a last minute decision. Hmm, forget my age? I have a hubby & friends to keep track of it for me (only toooo happy to remind me) so I usually don't worry about that :lol: Besides, I always tell people I'm older (round numbers 30, 35, 40, 45- just easier to remember!) this way - hopefully - I'll always look good "for my age" *snarf* :rolleyes::P


I can get hits well after 6 hours. Some pheros really do stick around. You could be experiencing build up from using them everyday.


The hits that come later are usually the close contact kind where I have to be near to others for 10-15 minutes to see an effect and it's not everyday that I notice, hmm. I was wondering if it was more common with oils because they stay closer and disperse more slowly? :huh: Build up? Really? I thought they scrubbed off in the shower?! But now that you mention it I have a friend that I phero'd up and the next day she was told by someone who had smelled her "perfume" the day before that he could still smell it - but she and I couldn't at all and she hadn't reapplied anything (no pheros, no pefume) the next day and, of course, she had showered that morning. He should've smelled her cleansing lotion if anything, lol. You said some pheros really stick around. Did you mean certain LPs or certain molecules in the LPs - like a-nol or nones or, geeze, maybe both? :blink:

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I think Dianne was recommending using them everyday to get better results. I tend to fall into the category of people that uses them "especially for..." because I'm afraid I'll stop getting self effects from them, but I think my fear is unfounded. Nobody else that uses much higher dosing then me, on a much more frequent basis has had any problems with that. The only time I stopped getting self effects from alpha-nol was when I was drinking too much, which had nothing to do with using the pheromone. I've gone off topic, sorry.


I posted before seeing this, sorry! No! I don't consider it off topic really. I would like to know if my experiments should be held back! Since I've discovered the effectiveness ( and really- just plain FUN) of pheros, I've been using them just about every day. I don't know if the amount I use is considered great or timid...I think I'm in the middle but how can I know? I never use the same blends every day and self effects wax and wane (or maybe I'm still learning what they are, lol). I've rarely gotten the kind of mood boost others describe from a-nol - which makes me a little sad really - but maybe that only means I need to try a little more? :lol:


Edit* OH! I forgot! Can the amount of coplulins effect both sexes if you are wearing enough of them? I added 10 drops EoW to each 5ml bottle on top of the phero blend. I was wondering if this could have added to the way these have been received by others?

Edited by NuTrix
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I wore The Empress of Persica/Audacious/EoW combo today (backs of hands, wrists and both sides of neck & collarbone, approx 3/4 inch strip each spot- smoosh around with backs of hands & wrists) and threw in 2 sprays of DHEAS to my hair. I have been WOUND UP all day! Lots of energy, great mood, people go out of their way to say hi, can I help you, do you need anything, oodles of compliments...did I mention great mood and high energy? 10 hours later I'm home and STILL looking for things to "do". Wondering if I should hop on the elliptical so I can sleep tonight?


I NEED THIS. Definitely got to get some EOW and DHEAS. Already have Audacious.

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Nu Trix, A-nol makes me sad too. Actually they're a few of us on here that get the sads from it. I can wear A-nol when it's not to heavy in a blend, but I know for sure that LAM affects me, and I can't wear it alone. I have found that if I layer the LAM with Est, it takes the sad away, so if you have Est, you may want to try it. When I applied more LAM it just made me even more sad, but I would love to know if you have the same result.


Keep us updated!

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HAH,yeppers experimenting is the only way,I probably have said that a time or twenty, fun stuff huh :lol: I always wear extra cops with Cougar,and pretty much wear extra cops with everything :P 10 drops in 5ml is a lot,but if it works on you that is all that will ever matter...it is so important to get that what works for one will not work for all,it simply is what it is ... How you feel effects how others react,in my experience at least,hard to be grumpy around someone who is all smiles, I never want to lose my self-effects !

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Yes it has been discussed on PT that certain molecules stick around longer than others. I just can't for the life of me remember which ones.


I'll just have to snoop the site, maybe I can track down some info, thanks for the lead... :)


I NEED THIS. Definitely got to get some EOW and DHEAS. Already have Audacious.


Essence Oil from LP WAAAAAY better than EoW in alcohol with dropper...same base smell but the alcohol base REALLY flings it into the universe with no mercy, lol, just saying. I use DHEAS as my own personal Topper minus the A-nol for now since I don't have it... as yet ..


Nu Trix, A-nol makes me sad too.


Oh! So sorry! I didn't word that very well. I meant that I felt sad that I don't get the mood boost that others do. I seemed to be indifferent to it for the most part ever since I've started playing with pheros :( Maybe even mellow? Not quite actually sad though. I will keep it in mind during my experimentation in case mellow might go to sad. Good to know! Thanks for sharing that. And I'm glad that you've found that Est off sets that sad feeling as well. That's all valuable information in case something goes wonky! :wacko:


HAH,yeppers experimenting is the only way,I probably have said that a time or twenty, fun stuff huh :lol: I always wear extra cops with Cougar,and pretty much wear extra cops with everything :P 10 drops in 5ml is a lot,but if it works on you that is all that will ever matter...it is so important to get that what works for one will not work for all,it simply is what it is ... How you feel effects how others react,in my experience at least,hard to be grumpy around someone who is all smiles, I never want to lose my self-effects !


Hehehe! Yes, I'm beginning to use at least some cops with everything too. The cops that I used weren't LPs. I don't know if there are different strength cops or not but everything from LP seems to be such high quality that I wonder if it's possible that the ones I used are less concentrated? Quantity doesn't always equal quality. I only put as much in as would not compromise the perfume oil's smell (with the exception of the LP Winter Varient 2011 which I seemed able to pick up a hint of sweetness from the EoW). Maybe when I switch to Essence Oil I will have to lighten my dose because the quality of the cops will be better. IDK. But it wouldn't surprise me if that were the case. So are you an avid experimenter or does that just come with the territory here? :^^:

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Yeah I think all blends are better with cops! Actually FOR ME all blends are better with LAM added. Topper is my everyday favorite now but I haven't tried DHEAS alone. I'm wondering about that one but I get such great self effects from A nol that I don't want to buy a bottle of straight DHEAS and find it doesn't work for me without Anol.

Perfect Match is the new one I am experimenting with and Shelley said somewhere that it is much better withe straight DHEAS and cops added so I am tempted.

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I also think that many blends are better with cops. But when I want to add cops, I usually add OCCO or even better, LAM. I'm a bit scared of pure copuline, so I prefer LAM because it's very safe and the A-nol in it helps to create a happy mood. I've never experienced any sadness from A-nol.

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I also think that many blends are better with cops. But when I want to add cops, I usually add OCCO or even better, LAM. I'm a bit scared of pure copuline, so I prefer LAM because it's very safe and the A-nol in it helps to create a happy mood. I've never experienced any sadness from A-nol.

Yeah, I forget to specify that when I say cops I am referring to an Occo or perfume with cops. I have so many of those I don't think I will ever try to learn how to deal with straight EOW. BUT. You never know...maybe SOMEDAY.

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So are you an avid experimenter or does that just come with the territory here? :^^:


I enjoy experimenting letting my inner child,evil twin,mistress,master,Goddess,out to play...but heck did that long before pheros :666:


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@ MrsC I guess my thinking is, we're creating cops anyway, what's a few more :666: Fear no cops! :^^: Besides who doesn't love a man in uniform? Oh wait, we were talking pheros...almost forgot...so easily distracted...must really consider that Focus Potion :lol2:


@ Missdarly I WANT so many things! lol Topper IS one of them. There are quite a few great blends that already have A-nol & DHEAS. I noticed I was pretty happy when I combined LAM with DHEAS so maybe I do get the mood lift from A-nol with the right amount in the mix? I will definitely have to experiment with THAT idea some more. Thanks for jogging my memory!


@ Calii Teehehe! Alter egos are fun! There's Natasha, Gretchen, some chick form the UK; Scotland; Australia; Ireland and then there's just that very naughty girl who is always lurking just below the surface....and like you, I've always left them free to roam, pheros are just an added dementia...Oops, I mean dimension :lol2:

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Phero bombed the man yesterday - SUPER MAD MIX - Are you ready?


My Sugared Honeycomb w/Le Femme Mystere w/cops mix - 3/4 inch strip @ wrists, backs if hands & collarbone PLUS Like A Magnet Sugared Vanilla & Honey (dabs on hands and wrists only) and smooshed around...PLUS 2 sprays Perfect Match to chest and neck, PLUS 3 sprays DHEAS to hair & 1 to chest AND (from a travel 5ml spray bottle) 3 sprays my Love Potion PINK spiked with cops mix- 1 to neck, and 1 to each wrist.


OD? *snicker* Nope. Should have spritzed the Love Potion PINK w cops first because it SMELLED! Almost an Oops. 10 minutes after application dry down, no cops, just yummy sweet PINK layered with vanilla and honey...I was TOTALLY loving me at that point...who cares about hubs LOL! Sad but true.


Out for errands with hubs. Lots of PDA- without my initiation...HUGE. Wait it gets better...PG 13? Move along...


Later at home...cooking, waiting on oven, another 10 minutes maybe? I'm opening a bottle of bubbly. Suddenly he's behind me, groping hands everywhere...biting neck, biting, trying to get past clothes, very aggressive. Next thing I know I'm seated on the counter getting "serviced" WT? I weakly mention the oven and the time but he's not concerned and to tell you the truth I was thinking "Let it burn" myself LOL This is ATYPICAL behavior. Truly. Do I care? HELL NO. Timer goes off for oven...he's leaves me panting on the counter :in-love:(more than half naked at that!) and calmly takes dinner out of oven and then proceeds to remove me from the counter to the bedroom to finish off what he started. Well, I'm already completely flustered and sopping...well, you know. So I'm squirming for more- yes please! I am your personal chew toy and play thing- please do as you will :smiley-sex023: ....and I kid you not, I am used, happily and thoroughly, by one of his most impressively longest lasting and hardest erections to date. Now, we were "good" all week because, last weekend being our anniversary, we had properly worn each other out and he needed "mend time"...ok, I was walking a lil' funny too lol. BUT I'm laying this one at the feet of mones because this super aggressive take charge just any ol' where in the house (and right before a meal? Come between him and his dinner? Never!) was way outside the box for our house.


Phew! Yup. Good night Fo Sho. Just sayin... :Emoticons0424: Yeah Baby!

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Wowza! I will have to remember this combo once I have LP Pink and Perfect Match. You go Nu Trix ;)


GrrrrRuffff! I pray you be as equally blessed when you do! :^^:


I need a cigarette.......


Whew! Have one for me too :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got BAM! in Pink Amber and put it down as a base for unscented TMI and unscented Cuddle Bunny. Basically a B-nol, Est, Cop bomb with a bare touch of A-nol.


Weeeell...worked GREAT on hubby! Good mood, lovey-dovey, can I get you anything, do anything for you, easy, tender warm...nice. Self effects were super calm, introspective, receptive to all the lovey-ness exuding from hubs :lol: I am POSITIVE the super dose of B-nol buffered the usual cops madness...especially the madness that can come from THAT much cops HAHAHA! Lovin' was gentile and sweet and slow and VERY handsy-feely sensual...VERY HOT. No rushing, slow and beautiful. Will definitely be keeping note of this combo for sure!


All mones were oil based and all equal amounts: 2 inch strip each wrist, 3 inch strip from collarbone down between breasts and used wrists to smoosh around chest and neck. Pink Amber is perfect yummy cover all on it's own!


Do try and share results! Dieing to know if it was just a fluke so will definitely give it another go!

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I'm tellin' ya, you are so brave with your phero mixes! And now, I'm thinking I need to order samples of these pheros, so I can try this combo. Thanks for posting about your combos and experiences! When I get the chance to try this, I will definitely post here to let you know how it turns out :D

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I'm tellin' ya, you are so brave with your phero mixes! And now, I'm thinking I need to order samples of these pheros, so I can try this combo. Thanks for posting about your combos and experiences! When I get the chance to try this, I will definitely post here to let you know how it turns out :D

:wub: Awesome! I would love to know others' ideas/mixes and how they work out, good, bad or bust!

Sexpionage got bumped out by November choices but I can't wait to get my mitts on that thanks to your review :D I'm already plotting about it but am still dieing to try it solo to get a feel for it...in every way possible ^_^ It may be just fine all on it's own!

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P.S.- I just read this thread to my hubby, he loves the stories, and it makes his wallet easier to access :lol:


LOL :D Just glad to know I'm able to contribute to the personal "growth" of others! :Emoticons04263:


Phero blend? $40

Delectable cover scent or delicious OCCO? $25-$30

Innumerable erotic pleasures? Priceless :Emoticons0424:

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Alright! So this one wasn't a super crazy combo but by the way everyone was carrying on you would have thought so!


Accolades and thank yous to Miss Skye for this lovely duet! :heart708:


I wore All Hallows Eve 2011 w/Lumina, 2 inch stripe on wrists and 3 inch @ collarbone and just a tiny 1/2 inch of Woozy Floozy on each wrist and then smooshed wrists together and rubbed each side of neck...just letting All Hallows soak in at collarbone.


The scent is DELICIOUS! It took me immediately, mentally, to hanging out in the fall around the bond fire out back sipping on spiced apple cider with the smell of dried leaves and smoke and spices. This will be worn often! YUM! Even my girlfriend, who crinkles her nose at anything with patchouli, said yum!


Self effects: It had been a good 2-2 1/2 hours since I'd had coffee, so I won't blame it on that. I began to feel SUPER aware. Not hyper. I believe I was even writing a review for All Hallows right before company came! I was completely collected in spite of expecting a home full of guests in a half hour or so. When company arrived I was organized and prepared (I'm one of those clean as you cook types and my husband and I make a pretty good tag team in the kitchen...years of practice lol!) We had a HUGE Italian feast with sausage & cheese layered Lasagna & stuffed cheese manicotti and enough garlic bread to kill a village of vampires- or at least keep them form eating us for a week or so- and of course WINE! (which I actually did NOT partake much of do to my pheros. I find I'm SUPER sensitive to alcohol with some blends and this was the first time trying this one out, so better to be safe, right?)


Everyone was fed, watered and tended to in a orderly fashion and there were few moments of actual quiet when everyone was just enjoying food because there was quite a bit of laughing and carrying on, cracking jokes, silly stories, little side conversations at different areas of the table..basically EVERYONE was HAPPY. ZERO drama or stories about drama...that weren't funny ones at least...Eventually people started to trickle home and it was just down to 4 of us and boy did we carry on and have fun! Granted we would've had fun no matter what, but for all the food we ate (LOL) everyone had unusually high energy. It was a blast!


So all in all: A+++ for All Hallows Eve & Woozy Floozy! Great for fun gatherings of any kind I should think! And it didn't take a whole lot either. About 5 hours after first app, I took a dab of each, literally a dab, to each wrist and rubbed them together and was great to go!


Does anyone know ANYTHING about Lumina? I think of Cougar mainly because it's so mysterious...


Lumina: "a pheromone blend for women, a proprietary formula for accentuating that precious 'glow' of femininity ~ attractiveness, sparkle, happiness, youthful appeal and confidence. Sensual, certainly, but not overtly sexual (just a drop of copulins)"


Stone Cougar: "This blend was specifically designed to evoke the impression of youthful fertility, while being an intensely sexually stimulating MAGNET for drawing young hunks your way. This blend of ingredients is also known to sexually stimulate the wearer."


I will say, that although it's touted as not overtly sexual, it was weird that my husband's buddy thought I was amazingly witty last night, lol! I bet a girl could steer that in a more beneficial direction out with a fella...just sayin :ange: These, Lumina AND Cougar, are really great and I think they should BOTH be staples in our collections! You know...from one addict to another :P:D

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Does A-nol give you focus, chill, happy? I've been waiting for clear cut self effect of some kind form A-nol, lol. I didn't get hyper giddy but I did have laid back happy sociable. I'll have to try woozy by itself to see if it's similar to yesterday but I did feel like I had the Cougar vibe. I could just be assuming hyper giddy with A-nol too. Maybe I won't get that at all? I can't figure out if I'm attributing too much, or not enough, credit to A-nol?

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The "happy" part for both you & especially the guests which makes up the majority of your review & impressions, sounds like alpha-nol. The focus and confidence sound like it could be audacious. Right, you can't be sure unless you try blends alone. You were smart to take it easy on the booze-- many of us find that it reduces alcohol tolerance. :)

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Oooo! I love Audacious! Personal fav, but it's all zipped lips about what Lumina is lol. Tried out WF today on its own and may have over done it. I didn't have much on yesterday and today I went with a 4 inch strip on each wrist and felt, well, woozy! Not at all like yesterday so I'm thinking I may have used too much today OR the amount I used yesterday was just right to add to the happy joy joy :lol: Thank goodness the wooziness only lasted for 20 mins or so- whew! But STILL it took me by surprise...in spite of the description. I just realized it's 3000mcg per 10 ml, not 1000mcg! That's A LOT! So much more respect for the single molecule now!

It did put hubby into a good mood today within 15 mins of being in his proximity. Not the super fun silly of yesterday...which surprised me because it effected ME so noticeably today but I've got time to keep experimenting HA!

Hubby's been chatty too...Sooo, I was re-reading up on A-nol and apparently there's a good reason it's in just about all blends!

"The wearer can be perceived as attractive, approachable, youthful and exciting. It can foster chattiness and extroversion" I don't think I was giving it enough credit. I just thought it was a mood elevator but DAY-UM, that's a hefty list of happy joy joy right there!

Thanks for the bump in the right direction!

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In the Unscented Lumina thread Mara mentions that it is almost 25% EST :) ...it is a favorite blend and I love the scent of All Hallow's Eve...total win/win :wub:


... as a note,the only bad effect I ever had from a 'mone was a headache and that was only once from an overdose of just A-nol!

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In the Unscented Lumina thread Mara mentions that it is almost 25% EST :) ...it is a favorite blend and I love the scent of All Hallow's Eve...total win/win :wub:


... as a note,the only bad effect I ever had from a 'mone was a headache and that was only once from an overdose of just A-nol!


Oooo, I like Est or is it that Est likes me? Well, we seem good together. And with the A-nol, no hang over followed from the wooziness but I will still be mindful next time I apply! :lol:


Lol sorry I meant Lumina, not Audacious :) I get them mixed up all the time b/c they came out at the same time (I think)!


Hehe, I still love Audacious but that's a relief because I don't remember Audacious EVER giving me focus, lol, swing maybe but not so much focus...more like fun. crazy, smarty-pants...was already plotting my next wear of it to see if I noticed focus :blushing:

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Lace = EST + A-nol :) goes with everything :D ...and Garland & Lace with added cops is still my favorite scent with intent,since December 2009! :w00t: When I stood in a long and angry line at the PO and had people singing Xmas tunes after 10 mins,I never looked back :rofl222:

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:w00t: When I stood in a long and angry line at the PO and had people singing Xmas tunes after 10 mins,I never looked back :rofl222:


That's awesome! :lol:


I've found Lace is complementary to lots of things too, I dare agree, and I've played with it quite a bit that way...Lace with Cuddle Bunny = cuddle hubby. So simple and quickly becoming a fav! The Garland and Lace reads delicious! You're lucky they didn't eat you in the sour state they started out in! Sounds like you sweetened their day in more than one way :D

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Fantastic! Yeah! Make sure to share what you find...always looking for that next interesting mix, even if it's something simple like a scent working really well with a phero blend, sometimes all it may take is the sensory combo and WHAM!, it's Da Bomb ^_^

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The "happy" part for both you & especially the guests which makes up the majority of your review & impressions, sounds like alpha-nol...You were smart to take it easy on the booze-- many of us find that it reduces alcohol tolerance. :)


Reduced alcohol tolerance in self only or also in those that are in close enough proximity to sniff you on a consistent basis? Might make a difference in my use of a-nol during upcoming business holiday parties.... as I don't imbibe myself (not a values judgement; I just personally don't like the smell nor taste of alcohol), its self-effects regarding alcohol is not as interesting to me as the others-effect.

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Yeah, I've heard some descriptions that sound like hangovers...SO not interested in feeling that possible aspect. Think of how much $$ you can save on alcohol? I prefer pheros 110%! Which is great because I'm always the designated driver anyway :D

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