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FINALLY tried Amazonia Zee from my set. YUMMY!!! When I first huffed it, I thought , "Oh, this is a nice coconut blend." And then it bloomed. :heart: O YAIS.


I don't perceive the Teak, Goat's Milk, or Lemon Grass as separate notes, but I feel them as a supporting cushion. The Coconut Milk and Butter (two of my favorite foods) and the Musk are the most prominent...and the MANGO!!! THAT is what was giving the fruity feel! So I end up with Coconut Musk with a fruit kick lounging on a lovely, somewhat exotic background that I can't quite define but which gives it a bit of sophistication. Beautiful! It also layers well, which I found out because I have no self control and had to check out a couple June releases. :Emoticons0424:

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I first tried this on, I got something really sharp, which may have been the lemongrass. Now, as I've let it dry down it has rounded nicely to a warm, fruity, exotic scent. This one is really nice! I was really upset when I thought it was sold out but found a sample of it on the GGG pages. It is a warm skin fragrance, very womanly/feminine. It is very well blended and I like that I can't really pick out any one note from it. I'm excited to see what it morphs into over time!

Edited by PhoenixOnFyre
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SO excited to see you over here reviewing! ^_^ Down the rabbit hole she goes....*teheheee*

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:D t was in the fine print of the contract.....that I made up to justify the behavior....

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  • 2 weeks later...

First when applying I get thick yummy cream with a hint of a gross rotten fruit (possibly mango doing that, fruits can go all weird on me). Luckily 20-30 minutes later the fruit is all gone and Amazonia Zee becomes absolutely lovely cream with a hint of coconut and something misty/mossy floral in it. I love that phase, I'd want to wear it forever.

Later it gradually turns into musky sweet coconut, beautiful scent as well.


This one would be a solid candidate for my FB list, if it was not sold out already :)

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hm will have to try - it's been pretty consistent on me but I haven't work it in a week or so - i find it great for layering but mainly because it is VERY SHEER on me with little sillage - so mostly *I* enjoy its mix with other things :)

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