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Ordered Sexpionage + OCCO Slf Together?

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I am new to this forum. I started reading up on pheromones and it got me really intersted. I have been married for 5 years and was hoping to keep things interesting. :Emoticons04263: I ordered the Sexpionage and OCCO Slf. My question is can I use both together? Also, I did not order any cover scents. Can I use a perfume I already have? Right now I use Quelques Fleurs (Houbigant). It is a heavy fragrance and very floral.


After reading this forum, I have already put together a list of items for my next order.


Thank you again for this wonderful forum. It is a lot of information but very helpful.


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OCCO SLF is a fragrance besides the copulin content. Did you order Sexpionage unfragranced?


I'd say using them together, well, that's a whole lotta cops and maybe overkill. But you can probably cover the Sexpionage with your existing fragrance as long as you allow for drydown (20-30 minutes) before your quest for intimacy.

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Thank you! Okay, I will try it one at a time. Yes. I ordered the Sexpionage Unscented Phero blend.



I meant to ask...what are the ideal pulse points for both?


I read about the streak from the navel to cleavage. Is that enough?

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I would start out with that, and a scribble on the back of your neck. It may work just as well as a full-on slather, you could always try that later depending on the reaction you get the first time. If you use Sexpionage you must make it perfectly clear you want sex: and not just everyday sex, but hot monkey love sex. That is how it will work best.

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I would start out with that, and a scribble on the back of your neck. It may work just as well as a full-on slather, you could always try that later depending on the reaction you get the first time. If you use Sexpionage you must make it perfectly clear you want sex: and not just everyday sex, but hot monkey love sex. That is how it will work best.

Yea tie him to a tree.. I'm thinking of the True Blood scene last Sunday! Lol

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LOL! I read the reviews before I purchased the product so I know what it does. I hope it works the same way for my husband and I.

I know I want it but just not sure how to ask. So I am hoping LP will do the job. My husband and I are soul mates. We finish each other's sentences and are great friends. But he has been busy with a new job lately. Also, we were co-sleeping with our first baby until 2 months ago. We finally have the bedroom to ourselves. So I am trying to put the spark back in our sex life as things have been a little dull and mundane. I am hoping this will spice things up and turn him into a bitey energizer bunny (from what I read here) He does not know that I have been lurking and doing research on pheromones...I am not planning on telling him either. :) I placed the order yesterday and got an email saying it will take two weeks to get here. I hope I get it sooner. Will keep you posted.


Thank you ladies for all the help and great information.

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Nothing kills a sex life like a kid.. sorry to say but true. Don't put too much pressure on yourself.

On your next order you might want to try something sexy and soft like Gotcha ( it's sex and communication). Also, a lot of ladies here use Perfect Match with great success.

You should peruse the review threads..Good luck!

The fun is also in experimenting. :w00t:

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Thank you. I am so glad I found this forum!

I am so hooked to this site and the website. I am already snooping around to place another order for trial scents.

Can you suggest some great cover scents for Sexpionage, that can also be worn alone.


So far I have Cuddle Bunny and Love Potion: Red and De Luscious on my list. Is this a good start?

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LP Red is a good cover for Sexpionage. I also use Sugared Honeycomb, Summer Belle and Shelly B's Bodacious Bomb, (available in the PE section on LP's Artfire page). All 4 of them cover wonderfully well, and all of them smell amazing on their own, too. :)

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LP Red is a good choice for covering just about anything; and probably DeLuscious as well.

Cuddle Bunny is its own scent/phero combo, unless you're ordering the unscented version.

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I just ordered trial versions of


- Cuddle Bunny

- De Luscious

- Love Potion Red


- Sugared Honeycomb


I think I have a new addiction. :) I cannot stop reading, browsing and shopping on LPMP website. It is sooooo tempting. This is baaad (in a good way I hope) :)


Thank you so much. I will keep you posted.

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We always tuck in a few itty bitty samples with every order. Especially if someone only orders unscented pheros, we want them to have something to combine it with. So you should find a few little goodies to try your new pheros with. Hope you have fun with them, and WELCOME to the forum! :)

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Nothing kills a sex life like a kid.. sorry to say but true. Don't put too much pressure on yourself.

On your next order you might want to try something sexy and soft like Gotcha ( it's sex and communication). Also, a lot of ladies here use Perfect Match with great success.

You should peruse the review threads..Good luck!

The fun is also in experimenting. :w00t:

I love Gotcha, its really great for everything... Its both a social and sexy hero when I use it... Good Luck and keep us posted.

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Thanks everyone! Mara - Yes, from what I read in the other posts, I noticed you are generous with sample goodies. I am so excited! :cat690:

I just got an email that my order shipped today. Yayy! I can't wait to try it out! I just read about the sale in August. I have started to compile my new list already. :D

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So I have been trying out LP's for the past two days. So far I have not seen anything different. I tried Sexpionage (60/40 spray). I sprayed a couple of times on my torso and behind the kness. I waited for about 20 minutes to let it dry out. I topped it with 'Spark in the Dark' - a sample Mara included in the order. I did not notice any difference in my husband. I even tried getting close to him (hugs, kisses etc) but nothing. What am I doing wrong? Should I use more? Is the Oil more effective? Almost all reviews I have read on this forum, it sounded like S'nage has a great success rate.


I took a shower and then tried OCCO SLF - He defnitely noticed SLF because he said I smell like incense. Not sure if that was good or bad for him. Then again, no other reaction. If anyone can give me any advice, I would really appreciate it.


I have to say, I love love love 'Spark in Dark'. Are there other LP Fragrances that are similar to this one. I noticed that Spark in the Dark is a Limited Edition. I hope they make it permanant. I seriously cannot stop sniffing the bottle.


Did you experience hits after the first use of phero blends? Or did it take a couple of uses to get your SO to notice.

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I guess my context is different; usually when I wear things like this I am naked and therefore there is no question as to the sequence of events to follow. I've done a few experiments, but again, it's usually a given anyway. But I'm not using them as attention getters so much as enhancements for the attention which will be given.


It might be helpful to - if you think you're in a deep rut - to try and get him to climb out of it first before using them. Because if it's the furthest thing from his mind in the first place, I don't know how well pheros would help. What they do best is take the idea which is always there, somewhere, and move it to the front of the line.


Remember, I said you must make it clear - by whatever means - that you desire intimacy.

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So are you just putting it (say Sexpinoage) on and waiting to see his reaction?

I've done that when I've had no expectations , you know in the name of science. You have stated you have a clear goal so you're let down when he does not drop everything he's doing and mad crazy sex ensues.. probably not.. new baby.. he's working hard.. this is all so common and I'm sure there are a lot of us who can relate.. if only from the past.

I think Luna and Halo have a point, it's got to be clear. If your not comfortable saying hey let's go now! or maybe you both need to warm up to that point.

This is of course all IMO.. you need to access your situation then consider the right approach to reach the ultimate goal. Believe me the hard sex Pheros work great, but as the other gals said nothing can do it all. .. first and foremost don't stress about it. My advice, to work with what you have so far ( phero wise) is to say "hey.. I really need a date-night, lets set sometime up to go out for an evening" . This is not the standard 2hr escape escape plan. dress up a bit (or whatever you guys are into). Let him admire you having a nice evening and huffing those Pheros. .. if other men happen to admire you too, well all the better ;)

Go out, somewhere fun or romantic ( like a date) be sexy, alluring but enjoy yourself thats the most attractive quality.

Go to more than one place dinner at one place, drinks or shoot a game of pool at another. Its not about how expensive a place is. Don't go to a movie.. just say you'd like a date night.. to go out , dinner drinks..ect.. he'll get it at some point.



OH Where is Dolly!! she'd be so helpful here!!!


Yes.. I love Spark In The Dark too!! Get it while you can.


Most of the fragrances are Limited Editions with the exception of the main LP Line and the scented Occos & LAM/BAM line. (FYI LAM/Bam Buttercream Peach IS a special limited Ed too)

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Okay. So I guess I was too quick to judge the reaction of pheros. It totally worked last night... :perfume: We had a busy Friday and Saturday with friends and family but last night, it worked like a charm. :say59:


I sprayed Sexpionage on my torso and behind the knees. I waited for it to dry down and topped it with' De Luscious and little bit of 'Spark in the Dark around the ear and neck.


I am going to try it again tonight. But so far..so good.

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Luna, Halo and Stacy - Yes, when I used it on Friday, it was more out of excitement of receiving my first order. And I wanted to see if the pheros would cause a change in DH's behavior. Saturday, we were busy with other social commitments. I guess as Stacy put it, I was looking at it as an experiment since I am still new to the world of pheros.

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Yay!! Glad it worked! Again though, like the ladies have said, you have to take it part of the way too. I think of pheros as power steering. You still have to do the turning; they just make it easier. But see, now you know that this one does work for him so it will be up to you to ensure that they continue to do so.

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And I was wanted to see if the pheros would cause a change in DH's behavior.

Yeah see, they don't usually work that way, not out of context.

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Luna, Halo and Stacy - Yes, when I used it on Friday, it was more out of excitement of receiving my first order. And I was wanted to see if the pheros would cause a change in DH's behavior. Saturday, we were busy with other social commitments. I guess as Stacy put it, I was looking at it as an experiment since I am still new to the world of pheros.

YEA!! so glad it worked. I'm not sure but I'd be willing to bet that it may have been a build up.. don't totally dismiss your first couple of trials. ;)

Your DH may come to like being your Guinea Pig.

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Welcome to the boards! You've received excellent advice. I'll just add that it took me literally two years (which means I'm just now getting it through my fat head) that the phero's enhance and not change. Also your intent and mood when wearing a particular scent or phero has a lot of bearing too. Yes, sometimes I'll spray on something with A-nol to give my mood a "lift" but if I'm waaay in the depths of a PMS jag or really depressed, then it only serves to make me antsy and irritable.

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