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La Femme Noire

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Hi everyone,


I was thinking of which scent to have this blend added to and then I realized that maybe I should get an unscented bottle and just try with different stuff.


What do you guys think is the best scent for this blend?

That mostly depends on YOU and the kinds of scents you like to rock. For me, I love what I consider thick gooey scents, or sultry thick heavy scents, so for LFN I layer it with things like Sugared Amber, Sugared Moon Dust, Spontaneous Combustion or Gianduga. But it goes wonderfully with florals too - Elixir of Worldly Delights, An Act of Violets, Pethivier, Bridezilla...the uns will really pair with whatever you like. Where whatever scent you think is conducive to the mood you wish to create ^_~

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Getting the Un Phero is definitely the cost effective way to go. Of course if i could afford it I'd have Mara dose all the bottles i wanted for me. Just make sure you have some fragrances to cover it. LFN is a great phero. This one I find just a little stinky it has some cops but to me it's the "none" phero in the blend that I like to cover. That being said.. the cops and none can make some scents even sexier. I do recommend the roll on oil as opposed to spray.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

^^LFN has a lot of cops in it. It's LFM with 'none & cops added. It's a really great blend IMO.

Cops are stinky and the basic rule of thumb is keep your sexy Pheros close on your skin.

I have it in oil in addition to a couple of scent/phero blends. All that said I do plan to get an Un Spray in the 60/40 oil for specific occasions. That would not be for everyday, anywhere use though. Its a potent feminine, sexual blend. If you do get an Un just note you need a cover scent and don't get the spray in your face/hair.

Edited by StacyK
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^^LFN has a lot of cops in it. It's LFM with 'none & cops added. It's a really great blend IMO.

Cops are stinky and the basic rule of thumb is keep your sexy Pheros close on your skin.

I have it in oil in addition to a couple of scent/phero blends. All that said I do plan to get an Un Spray in the 60/40 oil for specific occasions. That would not be for everyday, anywhere use though. Its a potent feminine, sexual blend. If you do get an Un just note you need a cover scent and don't get the spray in your face/hair.



Thanks StacyK :)


I'm torn between this one and LFM. From what yous said I understand that LFM would be ok in alcohol/spray 60/40, but this one in oil.


So all the hits I'm reading here are from this one in oil form? WOW, is it that strong?

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^^LFN has a lot of cops in it. It's LFM with 'none & cops added. It's a really great blend IMO.

Cops are stinky and the basic rule of thumb is keep your sexy Pheros close on your skin.

I have it in oil in addition to a couple of scent/phero blends. All that said I do plan to get an Un Spray in the 60/40 oil for specific occasions. That would not be for everyday, anywhere use though. Its a potent feminine, sexual blend. If you do get an Un tjust note you need a cover scent and don't get the spray in your face/hair.

I have this one in Oil because as others have said its got cops in it and you want to be able to control application

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I wonder why this isn't as popular if not more than LFM. I absolutely LOVE Lfn. Possibly more than Blatant Invitation (which is prob my fav sex pot blend). It's still sexy...but also classy.


Also..this seems to be gay guy nip. Like, in a ridiculous way. Gay men get all googly eyed at me and fawn over me. Definitely makes me feel like a Queen Bee



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I wonder why this isn't as popular if not more than LFM. I absolutely LOVE Lfn. Possibly more than Blatant Invitation (which is prob my fav sex pot blend). It's still sexy...but also classy.


Also..this seems to be gay guy nip. Like, in a ridiculous way. Gay men get all googly eyed at me and fawn over me. Definitely makes me feel like a Queen Bee






Because LFN essentially the "bedtime" version of LFM. LFM is a sexy/social, apropos for all occasions. LFN contains cops and 'none.

Androstenone aka "'none" is known for it's sexually aggressive Phero signature.


Ephoebe.. for more on LFN you could look up review threads for the phero/scents like "...Because The Night" & "Unbridled"

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LFM is more popular because its use is all purpose. It's comfortable for use in Social, Work or private situations. LFN is used primarily for sexy situations, though some LP'ers will find it useful at other times.

BI, I don't know if it's more popular. It has been around much longer. Maybe it's a bit more ubiquitous among users. IDK, it took me quite awhile to be able to use it. I used to get headaches from BI.

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I LOVE BI too :heart:


Hmm. I reach for LFM more than LFN too. LFN feels more alpha, but it does make the menfolk melty and fawning. Hmm. This may call for more experimenting....why DO I go for LFM more...I see tonight and tomorrow being LFN test time...

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Test site: last night: in house: only available target: Man beast :D


Yup. He responds well to this one. He was following me around the house as I puttered about with laundry. He even came back and laid on the bed to hang out with me while I folded it. He was crushed (puppy eyes and whimper to boot HAHHHA!) when I told him I was going to need to use the bed for work space (folding sheets and drapes) and asked if he would give me a few minutes and I'd be done shortly and come hang out with him when I finished. We snuggled up together on the couch and watched some tv...and the longer we snuggled....


This doesn't hit him, cop wise, the same way an OCCO does, or the same way Sexpionage does. It IS a very HANDSY phero, he's all touchy feely, hugs, cuddles and gropes :lol:Normally when he comes home from work and (w/o the help of pheromones) he's usually straight to his computer to catch up on email and unwind. LFN made me a fascination and priority. WIN


I think I've just realized something. LFN is completely overshadowed by LFM I my thinking because I ALWAYS go for LFM for work. I think all it is, is that I'd forgotten how that little tweak of mones in LFN makes this one so good for when I'll be with hubby. Must test again on world at large though....this was always a happy social....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, the thread has done it, I ordered a full bottle of this today. I'm still having fun with Cougar and Topper right now, but this sounds like the blend I need, and I have no qualms about wearing it to work either. It's fun to see that some guys get struck hard by the pheros and notice it, too. They stare at you and you can see that thought in their eyes that says: man, I could do her right now. And then there's those who will hide it better but still want to be in my room all the time. Sometimes I wonder if they take that mood home and their spouse benefits. There's this one colleague who I can tell is affected and he'll stand close to me and joke and touch me and he'll get this teenage male high spirits vibe. Last time I got him in that kind of stage, I saw him sitting with some female colleagues later, and he was such an over the top peacock still. Wonder how long it takes before the magic wears off...

Anyway, ordered LFN and Mara's Rochet Fuel. I am really getting addicted to phero fun.

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A Scorpio Full Moon coming soon and the coyotes are howling as I type this. Sounds about right for LFN, eh? Maroon, did you get yours yet and have you tried it?


I have this in Unbridled. Taking me some getting used to, but I like it.

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Since I have this coming my way: anyone tried LFN with Topper yet?

I have not but I am awaiting the delivery of my order that includes Topper and I have Unbridled, so I'll just have to try them for you, won't I? For science, you understand.


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@donsie, I appreciate the effort in the name of science! It's all for the advancement of womankind. For the greater good! Love to hear about the data you collect in the field....

Cause, @ olderbutwiser, no, sadly it's not there yet, but I am patient, and for now CP and Topper keep me amused. Today the new intern all but fell into my cleavage when I explained the ropes to him. Had a dab of Cougar sitting right between the girls and it seems it clawed at him a bit...

Cant wait to see what LFM will do to him... ;-)

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@donsie, I appreciate the effort in the name of science! It's all for the advancement of womankind. For the greater good! Love to hear about the data you collect in the field....

Cause, @ olderbutwiser, no, sadly it's not there yet, but I am patient, and for now CP and Topper keep me amused. Today the new intern all but fell into my cleavage when I explained the ropes to him. Had a dab of Cougar sitting right between the girls and it seems it clawed at him a bit...

Cant wait to see what LFM will do to him... ;-)

And now Topper has arrived along with a naughty little Bat. Testing and report to follow!

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I get both my bottle of Bat and my bottle of Un on Monday.... look out world!

Now promise to use your powers only for good!


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Now promise to use your powers only for good!


I will try, although the Bat makes me feel as if all men should be my minions.... I am curious if LFN has that effect with other scents! ;-)

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Um. Wait. I thought all men should be our minions.... :huh::lol:

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I get both my bottle of Bat and my bottle of Un on Monday.... look out world!

I lied! Just waylaid the postal worker and LFN IN THE HOUSE!!!!


Um. Wait. I thought all men should be our minions.... :huh::lol:

So we're good then! ;-)

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I will try, although the Bat makes me feel as if all men should be my minions.... I am curious if LFN has that effect with other scents! ;-)

LFN & LFM can definitely take you to the .. "my little minions" place! Have fun.

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@donsie, I appreciate the effort in the name of science! It's all for the advancement of womankind. For the greater good! Love to hear about the data you collect in the field....

Cause, @ olderbutwiser, no, sadly it's not there yet, but I am patient, and for now CP and Topper keep me amused. Today the new intern all but fell into my cleavage when I explained the ropes to him. Had a dab of Cougar sitting right between the girls and it seems it clawed at him a bit...

Cant wait to see what LFM will do to him... ;-)

I ended up trying Topper over the LFN in Bat instead. I didn't notice any hits. I'm totally going to try again, though, and the next time I'll go for LFN in Unbridled.


I want minions! :smiley-love034:

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Donsie: Unbridled with LFN is something....I'm still learning the ins and outs of LFN tho and I have a bottle of La Sylphide with LFM on the way to compare. Either way, I'm thinking "It's good to be Queen" when ya wear it, lol!


Maroon: Pray tell, have you tried the LFN on that intern yet, or is he still recovering from da Cougar??


Blackcat: How you liking the LFN?

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Blackcat: How you liking the LFN?

So I wore it out and about today with Bat, and it's very interesting! I was not so much getting the sexy vibe as I was the total queen bee thing -- but a very efficient queen bee, as some folks have mentioned -- I had a pile of work to get through at my office and I just sat down and did it. I was mostly around women, and it didn't seem to have any negative effects there -- in fact, one of the women I work for, who is also a personal friend, came out of her office and sat down with me and initiated a fairly lengthy and intimate (in a good way) conversation -- and I know she was having a busy day, so I get the sense the LFN might have pulled her in?!


And in my one close interaction with a male with whom I have a relationship that is professional but also personally close, I needed to ask for something quite big, and I got exactly what I asked for.


It's so interesting because the Bat scent takes it in such an ethereal direction. I'll be very interested to try the Un with my Black Cat Mojo, or maybe Carbon Black, because I feel like a different scent might put a different spin on it.

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Donsie: Unbridled with LFN is something....I'm still learning the ins and outs of LFN tho and I have a bottle of La Sylphide with LFM on the way to compare. Either way, I'm thinking "It's good to be Queen" when ya wear it, lol!


Maroon: Pray tell, have you tried the LFN on that intern yet, or is he still recovering from da Cougar??


Blackcat: How you liking the LFN?

I don't find that I have consistent results with LFM as I'm still trying to get application amounts just right, but I think I've had a pretty darn great hit with LFM UN. So, if LFN works for you then there's a good chance you'll also get a kick out of LFM in La Sylphide. I like Unbridled for the scent but I'm still getting to grips with LFN. I really have high hopes for it, though, because when I finally did manage to get a hit with it's daytime sister (LFM) I was over the moon with the result!

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OK, follow-up: I got distracted and forgot I had planned to shower and change my clothes before going to a workplace related social event this afternoon, where I needed to schmooze people. (So not my best thing!). So I still had on the Bat... and I couldn't figure out why all the men were chatting me up endlessly (not in an overt, hitting on me way, just super friendly and really wanting to keep talking, although one 19 year old boy ended up totally DIHL). Women also seemed to respond very positively and to want to engage me in conversation. I was all confused and then I remembered the LFN....


I didn't feel I'd veered into the inappropriate range, based on people's reactions, but it was quite different from my usual experience at these events. I tend to cling to the edges of conversations that people I already know are engaging in, and I find listening to/attempting to make small talk excruciating. With the Bat, even though I didn't precisely enjoy it, it was far easier for me than usual. Liking the LFN indeed!


And to repeat what I said above: I have the feeling this phero takes its direction from the scent its paired with. Bat is not overtly sexual and I think that helped keep it in the appropriate range.

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