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Jennifer's Black Cat Mojo

Black Cat

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Yeah now that I've worn this a few times it is primarily leather and coffee, which is a great combo; that's why it reminds me primarily of Voracious, I suppose. A guy could definitely wear this, it has a bit of a sweet quality but not overly so. And it wears really smooth too, it stays consistent throughout. The only thing is the woodsmoke accord is hiding beneath everything else for me; I actually asked M to boost one of my bottles of Coffee & a Cigarette with "extra smoke" because I really wanted it to stand out a bit.

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Yeah now that I've worn this a few times it is primarily leather and coffee, which is a great combo; that's why it reminds me primarily of Voracious, I suppose. A guy could definitely wear this, it has a bit of a sweet quality but not overly so. And it wears really smooth too, it stays consistent throughout. The only thing is the woodsmoke accord is hiding beneath everything else for me; I actually asked M to boost one of my bottles of Coffee & a Cigarette with "extra smoke" because I really wanted it to stand out a bit.

That's really interesting, because while I love this completely as is, I confess I don't really get the smoke -- it's more as if it's providing some of that airy texture rather than coming through as an identifiable scent.


I am of course already thinking of the sad day when my (mumbles behind hand) bottles of this version are used up and there has to be a Black Cat Mojo v. 2! I might ask to try for stronger smoke note in that case.


In the meantime, though, this continues to wow me.


And to all the other ladies, I am so glad you are enjoying! All credit goes to the brilliant Mara, of course. I kind of vomit all my thoughts and feelings about what I want and somehow she translates it into this gorgeousness!

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In the meantime, though, this continues to wow me.

And that's what matters most of all, of course, is that you are happy with it. That's why I don't share my PEs anymore, I want it all for me! :D

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DD - weren't you a fan of Titillating Temptress? You're going to like this one :)

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This came today with previous orders I had pending.

On wet I get the coffee. Similar to the coffee in TT but less creamy. The Black Musk becomes more pronounced as it dries down. IMO the black musk is very reminiscent of NOCO Black on me (a pinch of cops in this would be interesting because this is a feminine/masculine scent in a way). The leather becomes very pronounced at dry down.

I'm this sexy woman driving my exotic Black Super Car with it's supple tan leather seats, the interior of the car smells like this, all dark perfume, leather and of course my latte. The scents all infusing & permeating the air around me. I'm a bad mother fucker!!!

What's the name of that song? ..."a black cat crossed my path".. that's playing.

Edited by StacyK
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I ain't superstitious

but a black cat just crossed my trail.

Who sang that Luna?

I think I remember a Hendrix version but I don't know if that's the original.

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It was written by Willie Dixon, without whom most of late-60s/early-70s blues rock would not exist.

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It was written by Willie Dixon, without whom most of late-60s/early-70s blues rock would not exist.

That's right!! that's the original 'old blues dude'. I have a CD somewhere with a set of his classics that inspired the Stones ect..The stones have said they wouldn't exist without him.

But it's the Jeff Beck version that was playing in my head. That waar waaar on his guitar. :lol:

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This came today with previous orders I had pending.

On wet I get the coffee. Similar to the coffee in TT but less creamy. The Black Musk becomes more pronounced as it dries down. IMO the black musk is very reminiscent of NOCO Black on me (a pinch of cops in this would be interesting because this is a feminine/masculine scent in a way). The leather becomes very pronounced at dry down.

I'm this sexy woman driving my exotic Black Super Car with it's supple tan leather seats, the interior of the car smells like this, all dark perfume, leather and of course my latte. The scents all infusing & permeating the air around me. I'm a bad mother fucker!!!

What's the name of that song? ..."a black cat crossed my path".. that's playing.

What an awesome review, Stacy! I have some of my bottles with cops and I think it does tip it more to the feminine energy side of things... though a pretty prowly and badass feminine energy... :-)


So far I've paired my spray with Lumina and with Cuddle Bunny, both of which have worked well with it, but I confess I'm dying to try it some time with LFN. Next order!


Also: just listened to the Willie Dixon song (both versions).... beyond awesome. Thanks for the reference, Luna!

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But it's the Jeff Beck version that was playing in my head. That waar waaar on his guitar. :lol:

Yes that was the popular one, Rod Stewart on lead vocal.

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What an awesome review, Stacy! I have some of my bottles with cops and I think it does tip it more to the feminine energy side of things... though a pretty prowly and badass feminine energy... :-)


So far I've paired my spray with Lumina and with Cuddle Bunny, both of which have worked well with it, but I confess I'm dying to try it some time with LFN. Next order!


Also: just listened to the Willie Dixon song (both versions).... beyond awesome. Thanks for the reference, Luna!


OMG.. LFN That's putting the BAD in Badass :Emoticons0424:

Yes that was the popular one, Rod Stewart on lead vocal.

Oh yes that's right. Luna you're a treasury of music history. :funnyanimation17:

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LFM would be good, especially at work where LFN could be a bit inappropriate :lol:


I love to try this with Audacious. That'd be fun. I wish that was still around. :light-bulb:

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LFM would be good, especially at work where LFN could be a bit inappropriate :lol:


I love to try this with Audacious. That'd be fun. I wish that was still around. :light-bulb:

When I was originally playing around with this idea, I was all set to get it phero'd -- initially I wanted a scent that would be an LFN carrier. Then as it started to evolve and I realized I wanted a more playful aspect, I went around and around.... I thought about Leather but that was a little too dominant a vibe for me personally. If Audacious had still been here, I would definitely have gone with that.


As it is, I like the versatility this has turned out to have in that I'm finding it works well with different pheros (for me). But yeah.... Audacious...

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This played very nicely with Stone Cougar over my weekend...of course now I have hubby's flu and must cease my fun for a bit...but if I was going to have to go out sick, then that is how I would have wanted things to go! With a really great, and worthy of this exhaustion, time! ^_^ Is there an LP to suppress coughing? Thus far my sniffer is still working, at least I have comforting scents!

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When I was originally playing around with this idea, I was all set to get it phero'd -- initially I wanted a scent that would be an LFN carrier. Then as it started to evolve and I realized I wanted a more playful aspect, I went around and around.... I thought about Leather but that was a little too dominant a vibe for me personally. If Audacious had still been here, I would definitely have gone with that.


As it is, I like the versatility this has turned out to have in that I'm finding it works well with different pheros (for me). But yeah.... Audacious...

Leather with some cops would be pretty playful and probably as close to Aud as you could get. (you could get a touch closer by adding just a spritz of DHEAS to the mix). just be moderate.
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You would actually have to add more est as Audacious was pretty Est heavy. At least that's what Mara told me when it came out.

that's an interesting point, and I was wondering if the Leather might have too much EST.. lol. of course it would only be something "approximate" if we're doing it ourselves. No promises.

I always looked at Aud as a "sort of" Dom "party girl" variant in that it lists the Dom ingredients followed by addition of the Est, DHEAS & cops. With all it's giddiness it's still very Alfa but in a have fun way. oh crap I really want to wear it today but I'm going to try to hold off till Friday.

Edited by StacyK
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OMG This is so congruent with Audacious. The whole exotic leather vibe with this phero really puts you in the moment. I want a sexy black car to drive, really fast, right now.

It's not a passive .."ok honey you drive". Fuck that noise.

I want to be in the drivers seat! Very independent and going were I want to go.

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OMG This is so congruent with Audacious. The whole exotic leather vibe with this phero really puts you in the moment. I want a sexy black car to drive, really fast, right now.

It's not a passive .."ok honey you drive". Fuck that noise.

I want to be in the drivers seat! Very independent and going were I want to go.

I could not respond to this before I was so freaking jealous but now it looks like I will have a bottle of Audacious coming soon!!! I can't WAIT to try this combo!



Hooray to the fact that I now have a bit of UN leather to play with. Probably going to try this combo to work tomorrow, unless something else just really strikes me!

If you try this, Amalthea, could you let me know how it goes? I went crazy and am getting more and am giving serious thought to getting one bottle boosted Leather...


I cannot believe how many bottles of this I have ended up buying, but it's actually achieved that mythical "signature scent" status for me. I want to wear this for the rest of my life!

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I could not respond to this before I was so freaking jealous but now it looks like I will have a bottle of Audacious coming soon!!! I can't WAIT to try this combo!


Oh that's great! I think you'll like it. Make sure to come back and report. ;)

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I cannot believe how many bottles of this I have ended up buying, but it's actually achieved that mythical "signature scent" status for me. I want to wear this for the rest of my life!

To me that's the whole reason one would create a PE in the first place...so you can be the only one who smells a certain way. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

YES. I can't believe this one was almost not mine because I blanked out on checking the new PE thread. But it is.

This is a hell of a sexy scent, so if you work somewhere uber-conservative bear in mind that it does fall into that equivalent-of-a-black-lace-teddy category. I lucked out that I don't work in a place like that so I can huff it all day. Initially I get a whiff of coffee, which slides back to reveal this ridiculously amazing black musk that definitely does not go to powder on me like some black musk notes do. In fact, it does the same thing red musk tends to do, which is really warm up the entire blend, except in a more shadowy way than red if that makes any sense at all. The coffee definitely holds its ground though. And the addition of leather and woodsmoke...I have no words. They add a serious depth and edge to the whole thing. Wearing this is like walking outside on an autumn day in a leather jacket, clutching a venti latte and breathing in the smell of woodsmoke. Fanfreakintastic.

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I'm so glad you like it, Invi! Totally agree that workplace appropriate will depend on your workplace.... so cool that you are getting the woodsmoke too!


Black Cat did you test drive this with Audacious?

YES I DID!!! Just once, and I was very sparing with the Audacious so eager to do again... but OMG what a perfect fit!! Powerful and playful altogether. I need to try again ... I have a social thing this weekend and I'm thinking of breaking out this combo because it's a setting where I'm going to be inclined to feel insecure and I don't see how that would be possible wearing these two!

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I just gave a glowing report on the Audacious/Black Cat Mojo combo over in the Audacious thread--- but I had to add that I wore Black Cat Mojo out all day yesterday and it just confirmed that this potion is everything I asked Mara for! I wanted something really versatile, and I was able to go from work to one on one hanging out to a big party and have the scent work beautifully in all settings.


When I walked into work my boss literally sniffed the air and said, "Something smells REALLY good -- is that you?!" (Note: as Invi mentioned in her gorgeous review, it *does* depend a little on your workplace... I find there is more room for flirty/sexy in retail than, um, perhaps some other settings). The scent didn't feel like too much for running around town with my friend, and then it was great for the party, which was a casual summer cookout but with quite a lot of people, including many I didn't know.


I just love this so much. And, StacyK, in case you missed it over in the other thread, this paired with Audacious is just awesome!


If I get an opportunity to do the LFN combo I will report back!

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If you try this, Amalthea, could you let me know how it goes? I went crazy and am getting more and am giving serious thought to getting one bottle boosted Leather...



Sorry, my time here has been limited lately and I've just now seen this post! I did try it with leather, but I'm still trying to find my sweet spot with that phero. And then of course I had new things come in to play with, so it hasn't gotten all of my attention. I'll try this combo again soon.

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I missed out on this PE except for a sniffie that StacyK sent me.....it was wonderful!! Is the NR LP Latte anything like BCM?


Imo, nothing alike.


BCM is rich and chewy and robust. Latte is soft creamy caramel latte. Cinnamon pops out n the beginning but upon slathering, it played VERY nicely with me.


BCM has a noticeable leather note - OHMYWOWLOVE! Nothing like that in the Latte. BCM also has a stronger coffee scent to it. They are both very lovely in VERY different ways :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

I forgot to review this! Well, I almost didn't get a bottle because the black musk scared me. But it turned out to be a good choice getting this. I can't say much different from what everyone else has already said in the other reviews... It's sexy, mysterious and dark. I mostly get rich coffee and a very luxe leather. I feared the coffee would go bitter, and it doesn't! It's very smooth, with a slight sweetness.

Great PE!

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I forgot to review this! Well, I almost didn't get a bottle because the black musk scared me. But it turned out to be a good choice getting this. I can't say much different from what everyone else has already said in the other reviews... It's sexy, mysterious and dark. I mostly get rich coffee and a very luxe leather. I feared the coffee would go bitter, and it doesn't! It's very smooth, with a slight sweetness.

Great PE!

I know, isn't the coffee note great! I can just smell my creamy latte as I sit in my sexy black car..


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  • 2 months later...

Mmm Hmm! Couldn't agree more! I've decanted some of the oil into a 15ml bottle to make a spray and am blowing through it! I ALWAYS get compliments when I wear this - Sure to make 'em purrrrrrrrr every time!!! :purr:

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