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2nd date (that's really like a 10th)-- What phero?

Frida's Lotus

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Okay ladies and gents here’s the situation— I need your advice! I have a second date with a guy I really like. We have been talking on the phone and texting daily for months now, and really get on like a house on fire in so many ways. BUT, we are not each other’s normal type, so we haven’t had any physicality yet (despite holding hands briefly).


I want to get some steamy chemistry happening, to solidify that part of our connection too— not necessarily all the way, as I'd like to wait a bit longer, but yes, mama needs some sugar! I wore Gotcha and Love Potion (the Citrus scented one) on the first date-- and I made the first move (the hands--) nothing from him yet.
I ordered PM but its not here yet— any other suggestions as far as the phero goes? I have most others and my fave scent is tropique, but I have a lot of samples to wear if I go with an UN.
What’s a great phero to seal the deal with someone who is a bit reluctant to hop in?
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Guest cutie.pie

It think I'd go with Gotcha too. It's like Gotcha's description is your story:

"GOTCHA! is a sensual sexual attractant, but more importantly with a little something extra something to help erode his fears, something to help him let go of his inhibitions and express the intensity of his emotions, something to help nudge him off that cliff of indecision and into your arms. If YOUR story sounds a little something like this, then this potion was made for you! Go get him, girls...chase him until he catches you!" :)

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I think Bang! would be better than LAM but only if you're not feeling like Gotcha! so moving things along as you'd like. If you feel it makes a positive difference bit just isn't fast enough you might stick to it and be patient. Or up the cops a bit -- I think you were already wearing this with some but, as I'm not sure how old you are or your personal chemistry (obviously) it might be that you could increase the cops a smidge to make sure he really gets the message that you are a sexual being who is interested in him in this way.


Now if you really do want to try something different -- do you have Sexology? I love that one and it is obviously sexy but I don't find it to be intimidating or aggressive in how it is perceived. It's not scary-level , masculine "do me now". The description itself explains that it was "designed to encourage a deep lasting emotional bond with a decidedly lustful edge" which sounds right. It has the magic of both EST and b-nol, so you'll come across a feminine and emotionally close/available/safe. I happen to think the scented potion is particularly delightful, too. And I've had great date results with it. There was touching and kissing and whatnot but also a stream of compliments and conversation. Mind and body both get some play.


Good luck!

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You wouldn't think something like LAM or BANG? Which is less "do me now" or are they both that way because of the cops? Any experiences much appreciated and thanks for the advice :)

LAM & Bang are far more " do me now" than Gotcha.


I agree with Hearts & Bella. I'd go with Gotcha or PM.

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Well, I guess it depends on what you want from this. The best advice I got when I started dating my b/f, was to stick with one phero for the first few dates, to keep him from getting confused by my phero signature. I used Gotcha.

From what you're saying in your first post, Gotcha seems made for that situation. Add the cops that are already in Tropique, and I think you're set..

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Yes, exactly what Bella said. Stick with Gotcha now, at least for the next couple times you see him, and if everything is still going good, go to the Perfect Match. Someone gave me that same advice that Bella gave, and it was good. I wore Lace consistently when I saw my guy (about five times over three weeks) and then I used Perfect Match. By that point, we were really ready for the bonding that it inspired.

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Arrgghh another amazing date, feeling giddy (or is that the Gotcha)-- gotta say Tropique and Gotcha layered really nicely and I can't get enough of the Tropique smell!. Still nothing physical beyond casual touching, but perhaps I have a gentleman on my hands ;)


Can any of you point me in the direction of posts talking about keeping the same phero when dating a guy in the early days? Want to read up on that ;)

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