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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Chris said that feeling is produced by DHEAs. Must do more experimenting with that ingredient!
  2. I wore it yesterday - both of them. I squeezed out the last few drops of my old bottle from last year then finished spritzing with the new bottle, and while they smell largely the same, the new bottle smelled "fresher" somehow. Not ingredient-wise, but newer, if that makes any sense.
  3. No prob! We should be able to get it into tomorrow's mail.
  4. DOH! I forgot to mention, I saved aside three bottles worth without any pheros in it. If anyone is interested in one of the Virgin bottles, please let me know. email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  5. Should ship in the next couple of days, so you should be fine then. 12 days is good for how far away you are! Your country's postal system sounds pretty efficient. Hope you have a lovely trip!
  6. You mean the order you placed yesterday? I do not think that one shipped yet, so you still have time to add International Express if you do it right away. What date are you leaving?
  7. So sorry, Snowflake, emailing you now. I always fix my mistakes!
  8. I can hold paid orders and ship on a specific date, no problem!
  9. LOL! I'm glad they arrived!!! Hope you enjoy them! xoxoxox
  10. Hi Snowflake...I'm sorry customs is making you wait again. Yes, I think we still have all the November trials in stock so no worries there, but I think it's too soon to worry about this package being lost. I promise to hold another aside for you, but please be patient a little while longer and I bet they'll get that package to you. ok? Email me if you want to discuss further. Thanks.
  11. Mulberry is the main note, with strawberry present just a touch in the background, if you can smell it at all. It's one of the berries that makes sugar smell pink, but not the only one. My feel for this one was to be all about the smoke. I used like half a dozen smoke varieties, and it served to make what might be a "typical" sweet pink scent more sophisticated, dusty, and seasonal.
  12. The character of this one reminds me a little bit of Cherry Nipples. They don't smell the same, but the TANG that's a part of each scent is particularly appealing to me. No mint, Halo? I get it right away. Look for it as part of the grapefruit - I blended the grapefruit, sugar and mint and let it meld a while as one, then used that blend like a single ingredient, so that mix comes across to me like one unified note...but that could totally just be my imagination since I know how I brewed it. LOL!
  13. No. Those are just ones that I haven't gotten to yet, or do not have enough info to post yet. I was just leaving those there to remind myself to get to them...more I need to add to that list too. If anyone has a good list of single molecules, please post!
  14. I remember that. She must have been what is known as a "super-sniffer" to be so severely effected by a spritz of Est, or else it was psychosomatic - which I tend to suspect. It was a woman with porous grey hair, and she claimed that how ever many times she washed her hair, she thought she could still smell "urine" in the spot she sprayed it, so she cut that area of her hair off. I spray EST (in the form of Lace) in my hair all the time with no issues.
  15. Do you think I should? Maybe on another page? I didn't intend this particular page to be a sales tool for LP products. I've wanted to make an unbiased phero wiki for YEARS and have discussed it with everyone I know in the industry as a group project. The info on that page came a little from each of the knowledgeable people I spoke with about it...I was wanting it to be more of a public domain tool we could all use, but while everyone was willing to discuss it and thinks it's a great idea, no one thus far has contributed to it other than chat. (One vendor said she would only contribute to it if we sold it and she got a piece of the pie....ummm, NO!) I'd be very happy if other suppliers and scientists and those who have good data from experimentation would contribute what they know, and build a database we can all share with the public, because there isn't anything comprehensive on the web or in print.
  16. I have a Phero Wiki started HERE: http://lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/PheroWiki If anyone has anything they think should be added to it, or removed from it, PLEASE chime in. Might have some notes of interest for you, Raq.
  17. Cops in the hair can make one smell unwashed, rather than sexy. I love Dolly's term for it: Coochiehead! Bwaha! You are correct, cops in hair or on clothes kinda stops them from evolving like they should. They need to meld with your skin chemistry to calm down, or they just stay loud and stinky. Not to mention, the gals say it requires several shampooings to get the stuff out of your hair.
  18. Hmmm, other things with apple.... Brigid's Amber, Nibble Me This, All Hallow's Eve 2011, Marigold & Amaranth, Return to Me, Sassy Sibylia...
  19. No, no, that wasn't it. It's more common for "overly masculine" men to prefer exaggeratedly feminine women, and that type usually respond extremely well to EST. Bad EST reactions are actually extremely rare. What we've seen is with guys who prefer strong independent women, they sometimes get impatient when their women wear EST because it gives off an air of vulnerability...like they need taking care of. Guys who do not like to be in a position of being gentle or taking care of women don't seem to like it. The other trigger seems to be the pregnancy issue. Only pregnant women naturally produce EST, so when you wear it, you are giving off a chemical message that you are pregnant. In high doses, it can scare the hell out of guys without them even knowing why. Younger guys, or ones not seeking that kind of commitment can get pretty panicky and feel like heading for the hills when they are exposed to a high dose of EST. Oh, and the "bad" EST reactions are more often experienced when the EST is worn solo, untempered by other pheros.
  20. We've been selling LP Original since 1989, and LP9 since 1994-ish...(the latest version since 1997). We own the rights to the names in this country, but there's another owner of the name in Australia with their own scent, and another company in the UK...I think Ireland. I hope you enjoy your fragrances in any case!
  21. Tyvey, I think the alpha-male juice in Dominance (which is there in half dose in Leather) absolutely brings out rage in some women. I would use it lightly just because of that. It makes ladies feel confident enough to take control, but can also make us irritable and want to fight if we use too much. Audacious is skewed in quite a different direction....happy, fem, bold and fun.
  22. LOL! I love that! I can make a simple B-Nol/Est combo for you. We talked about a B-Nol/Est blend for years, and what we came up with was Empathy Potion. Cuz that's really the kind of effect you end up with, with those two molecules. You can turn people to puddles with it, that's why we tempered it with a few more ingredients, like Alpha-Nol for mood elevation.
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