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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Yuppers! Order it from this page: http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/Elevation/
  2. @ da bukkit! Which pretty much sums up the difference between John and I right there. LOL!
  3. Sexology 2 is SOLD OUT! I have just brewed a new edition and made a new label for it. As usual, a couple of the ingredients used last time needed to be replaced so this will smell a little different than the last brew, yet just as scrumptious! Sexology 3 is what will ship from this moment on....
  4. I think the blackberry is the strongest note, but mixes well with the black and red cherry juices.
  5. It would be the musk that has the soapy quality to it. :sock puppet shaking no ha:
  6. I haz a magic wand. :sock puppet shaking no ha:
  7. I had to do a bit of research on legalities... from what I understand, you can discuss anything you want on the message boards. Anyone can say that they were inspired by the work of another artist to create something of their own, and name the other artist or work. What you CAN'T do, is imply that the other party is endorsing your work or product, is in away way associated with it, or infringe on the other party's right to publicity - that is, to exploit their own famousness in any way that THEY choose. So, we can allude, but we cannot put the name of the artist on the label or in the description. We cannot quote lyrics unless they are in the public domain. Song titles are not copyrightable or trademarkable unless they are coined by the artist, such as "Margaritaville". So using a title is fine. Fine and subtle lines, but I believe that we did it properly and respectfully.
  8. Was typing the same time as Tyvey so I didn't see her post til after. I could not agree more with her.
  9. Wow, if I were you I wouldn't show up for his shower. At least tell people that bringing a card and a dish to the pot luck is all they should do....just wishing the couple well, y'know...and that's it. What a prick. Nice results tho!
  10. You're allowed to say PINK FLOYD on the message boards!
  11. Just a few drops! And citrus is the first thing to *burn off* as a blend morphs throughout the day.
  12. Welcome, Sylah! Love your designs! Hope you get your shop up and running again soon! IMO, delicious smelling scents make people orally fixated, get their mouths watering and make them want to get their lips on you. Some people do not like to be slobbered on, but I love being treated like dessert.
  13. True resins and attars age extremely well - some have survived thousands of years, discovered by archeologists intact and gorgeous. As we make and sell perfumes *fresh* these days, often they need time for the ingredients to properly meld, which can take days weeks, or months, and resins seem to improve with age a good deal of the time.
  14. That would be certain kinds (not all) of honey, and anything described as an animalic musk. On some people they are crazy sexy, and on some people they just come off as unclean. Personal taste and body chemistry.
  15. I've brewed a second edition of this one since it FLEW out the door so fast. Available again, everything ordered after this date is brew edition II.
  16. I agree with above advice, but find myself hungry for more details. heh. GOOD LUCK, TYVEY!!!!
  17. Surely you are not speaking of LPMP, as you have never paid any shipping costs on perfume buying from us.
  18. I think Sean was just showing off his recently acquired epiphany about diffusion and body heat that I am always trying to convey to people. It makes a big difference if you wear them "properly". He's been wearing LPs daily for about a year now and is very amused and is very naughty with them. Says he feels like he has his own personal alchemist. But anyway, our potion oils always work best when applied to the spots on your body that heat up the most. If you wish to use it in a spot that does not generate much heat, it's probably better to get the spray.
  19. Ok, I finished filling all the orders, and what I have left is 3 bottles worth. Three of you asked...so I'm going to offer one bottle to each of you. Gaia JOC Tyvey If anyone doesn't want one, let me know. I am NOT putting it into the cart, because I don't want you ladies to lose your spot on the list. So if you want one just buy a PE because it's the same price and write in TMI...if you want an oil. If you want a spray, order via the Beta-Test page. OK?
  20. I was basking in Sugared Resins last night meself. I loved it so much, may do it again tonight! These are so decadent, I just LUV them!
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