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Potion Master

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  1. Potion Master

    Egg 2011

    2009 had a touch of cocoa in it that the original and this year's model does not have. Marshmallow, as a rule, wears very sheer and close to the skin. The ingredient has to be weighted heavily to compete with anything else it is used with.
  2. You know how weird this is - like 24 hours before LadyV said anything about the Miss USA pageant, I said to a friend that "Lady V could be Miss America".
  3. Yeah, it all has copulins in it. Technically, copulins fall under the category of fragrance rather than pheromones, so do not even have to be listed as anything other than fragrance according to the FDA. I didn't realize it wasn't mentioned on the label, it is mentioned on the listing for it, though.
  4. Well, you can always just assume that you each received something different...heheheheh.
  5. Private Editions. Sometimes we share out the extra in Itty Bitties, if there's not enough to sell additional bottles.
  6. Ok, I expanded my testers to 12 people, since there was so much kind interest in testing - thank you so much, Ladies! I really appreciate the enthusiasm and generous offers of your time! I hope you understand - I am going to limit the test subjects to the lower 48 in this instance, since I am planning on releasing this in just a few weeks, so I would like the testing and reporting to commence as soon as possible. The amount supplied should last you between 4 and 7 days, depending upon how liberally you apply it. Let me give you a LITTLE bit of needed information.... * This is NOT exclusively a sex blend - there's no copulins in it, however, it is designed for females to wear. * The testing should be done both at work/school and at home...I am especially interested in how it may effect the dynamic of between two or more people, and how it may effect the feelings of the wearer as well as the person you are interfacing with. * There's no place really inappropriate for it. * Although I am supplying this in a 2x spray, wide social dispersal is your option...so you may spritz one or two sprays on your body under your clothes, or spray it outside your clothes if you wish to see what it does in a wider range. 1-2 spritzes per application should be sufficient, but feel free to experiment with varying degrees of how much you are using to see if the effect changes. * PLEASE use this along with a pleasant fragrance of your choice. * As with ANY product, if you experience any irritation or ill effects, discontinue use immediately. I am not anticipating such, I am just giving the usual FDA disclaimer. Here are my choices for test subjects: 1) Beccah 2) Therapy Girl 3) Isa 4) Tyvey 5) Katz 6) Shelly B 7) Lady Victoria 8) KBlazin 9) Icing 10) Halo 11) Raq On 12) Rosegirl I will send out the test tubes tomorrow (Tuesday) and would appreciate responses being posted as soon as you're able....even effects that you may deem as "not relevant", because I think the responses may be a little off the beaten path, so ALL observances will be appreciated. Thank you so much! Let the testing begin!
  7. We could re-release "Get Stuffed"!
  8. Yay! I'm so happy it really smells like the cookies! That's what I was going for, but have never tasted those cookies. I do get a lot inspiration from dessert recipes. Slurp.
  9. Moved our side discussion over to my Journal, under The Boob Discussion. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5652
  10. Awww, katz. :hugz!: ETA: AND TYVEY! LOL! Hugz to you too! Let's give it the weekend, and see who all volunteers. I will pick people and ship the tester bottles on Monday. k? Thank you for stepping forward, ladies!
  11. You know what...I misspoke. I am interested with self effects with this blend, but what I meant was, I want the testing to be with the tester in a situation around other people, not just the tester alone.
  12. Hmmm, well...I can tell you that there are a few gals here who have situations that I am aware of, and I would like to hear how the blend works for them in those situations. I am less interested in self-effects for this particular test. I'm afraid to say too much. If I say what circumstances I want to test this under, I'm pretty much telling you what to expect, aren't I? Perhaps I should just choose 6 from those who volunteer, whom I think this could benefit?
  13. Ok, I need 6 females to test a new blend... Volunteers will get a 4ml unscented spray bottle in 2x strength....enough for perhaps 4-7 days of testing. Volunteers should be prepared to review it - share their feelings and opinions and experiences with the blend on this thread. Good or bad, honest evaluation. We have purchased a limited amount of this, we'll be launching it next month, and you guys can help us decide if we want to carry it regularly or just sell what we have as a limited edition. Should I tell people what is in it and what the expectation of it should be, or should the test be entirely blind? I ask, because I am looking for testers that have a particular set of situations in their lives.
  14. Hi Countess, I sent your package with everything except 2 of the 4 trial vials you ordered. Enclosed a note to that effect...sorry for the delay on the last 2. You ordered the last of what we had in stock. I apologize for not realizing we were that low.
  15. Nope, just the perfume. I have plenty of the phero blend.
  16. On my skin, it smells like warm fluffy licorice. Kind of like the powdered sugar smell from a marshmallow, dusted with licorice powder. I think the Saffron makes it smell "warm", but other than that it doesn't really pop out on me.
  17. That must be the saffron! bwaha!
  18. Mixing cops INTO the perfumes makes them behave a heck of a lot better, odor-wise. Personally, I am not brave enough to wear straight EoW and try to cover it, but I do mix it into many of my perfumes to great effect.
  19. Fortunately, it's a pretty easy blend to make, but I did have a bit of a panic when I realized that I was out of two of the ingredients. Happily, the supplier still has them and they are on their way, but I did stock up to make sure I am well stocked for a while. This is the same supplier that discontinued my favorite oak oil, a key ingredient in Bosom Bows and the reason I can't make that again - and that was quite the shock. So, nothing is certain!
  20. Yes, the cops smell settles into your chemistry (and your cover scent) after about 20 minutes. You shouldn't really be able to smell them overtly after half an hour...they should work on a subliminal level. If you feel that your skin is eating scent of any kind, moisturize before you apply.
  21. If you ordered Cuddle Bunny perfume and your order hasn't shipped yet, so sorry about the delay. We've had so many orders for it over the past month that we have run out, and I had to order the ingredients to make more. That means that it will probably take at least another week or even two for the ingredients to get here, for me to brew, for us to bottle and label and get your packages out the door. I will likely send out the rest of your order if you've ordered several items so you do not have to wait for the whole thing. Sorry for the wait, and thanks for your understanding!
  22. Very good advice from Silly Kitty. Keep in mind, the entire point of Popularity Potion is to buffer the effects of straight Alpha-Nol. Yes, Alpha-Nol is a great molecule for putting the spotlight on the wearer and attracting friendliness and chattiness, but too much of it, alone, can also cause onlookers to be a little jealous of said attention. Popularity Potion was designed to assuage the feelings of envy others might have if you are in the spotlight. Understand what I mean? Adding extra Alpha-Nol may just make the Popularity Potion unbalanced and less effective.
  23. Thank you, Lady V! Just a note for those that might be expecting a rose/icing type of scent, like the sold out perfumes La Fleur Cremeuse, Scandalous Intentions or Rosebud Cupcake - this is NOT similar. This is a spicy crispy cookie scent, with an aura of sheer rose water wafting over the top. I'm really loving this one, been wearing it a lot!
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