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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. That's an easy one.... Mosses, Frankincense and Sandalwood can all smell powdery - especially the first 2.
  2. Funny enuf, this WAS done with LP original. This is what it smells like mixed with the coffee butter and the cocoa butter. (Beccah made the suggestion, and I thought it was good idea.) Naturally, would smell very different without the heavily scented butters.
  3. I can make more, in other scents, but it's too difficult to scent-on-demand with this stuff, I need to make it in larger quantities. Anyone have suggestions about scents? The Coffee and Cocoa Butters narrowed the scope of how I could scent this experiment, but as I said, there are a million gorgeous butters out there to choose from these days, and most of them are more or less scent-free. I find this a very "winter" type of product too - anyone think this will be something they'd want in the warmer months, or should I just make them during chapped weather?
  4. Exact same recipe Liz, if there's any differences, it's not on purpose. We just sold out of the first brew so fast that I made more. Fabulous report Gaia! So glad you had some FUN! I can't believe you are 35 - didn't we first meet online when you were 23? My how time flies!
  5. Oh, goody! It makes me happy when people like the results of the ideas they came up with. Glad you approve, Isa!!!!
  6. Well, everything is wrapped and protected, so if he doesn't want to carry the boxes, he could bag the items in bunches and stick them in the middle of his suitcase? Good luck!
  7. JOC, we split it into two boxes, and the weight was almost 11 pounds. It's supposed to get to your friend by Tuesday. Thanks, Honey!
  8. This is Catherine's favorite scent. She was filling bottles yesterday and demanded I make her a collection of creams & lotions to go along with her perfume. She says she ALWAYS gets compliments on it when she wears it. It's so strange how different our chemistries react and how different our tastes all are. She kept saying, "This is the BEST scent you've got right now," and couldn't comprehend that most of our group like the "foodies" best. She kept saying, "but EVERYONE compliments me on this one! So it's not just ME!" LOL!
  9. Est can definitely soften up cranky women. I used Lace a few weeks ago to deal with an extremely hostile gov't worker, whom after 20 minutes of inhaling my fumes, she was my bestest buddy. Rosebud, you are a STUNNING woman. I can imagine that Ms Macho might be annoyed by a beauty who always has an entourage of men in tow. And then when she got you to herself, she finally realized you are a real and kind person, not an arrogant supermodel, and I'm sure the pheros helped pry open her eyes a little too. If I were you, I'd try keeping her on my side with a few kind greetings from time to time. Congrats on the success!
  10. Nobody's getting the Clove? I smell it quite, well - not strongly, but right alongside the ginger. Luna, is that how the dog gets his mail? I haven't seen that many episodes, but it reminds me of all the mail I get addressed to Tim E. Square.
  11. Hey, no fair guilting someone out of their beloveds! Joc, if you like that one, you might want to try Purple Pitch!
  12. Haven't offered it for sale yet, was just trying out the recipe. Wanted to see what everyone thought. I think if I offer it for sale, I might remove the shea butter and sub it out for a different kind of butter that doesn't crystallize, so the experience is smoother all-around. I love the mango butter, very soft. Might try some avocado butter or something - there's SO MANY gorgeous butters out there these days to play with, I lubs them!
  13. Oh! Even the luggage compartments of airplanes are pressurized, so no worries about that. I asked a pilot about that once, and he told me that the whole plane is pressurized, because it would be more difficult and more expensive to build an airtight barrier that only allowed the passenger compartment to be pressurized. A common misconception, apparently. I do not believe the baggage compartment gets down to freezing temps either - they have animals in there sometimes. I wouldn't worry. Just enjoy your trip!
  14. It's the Oak. Which is really one of the signature notes of this blend. I do not have even a drop of it left. I wish they would warn me when this happens!!!
  15. It's funny, it doesn't have ANY chocolately chocolate in it, just the cocoa butter, but of course that is a big component of regular cocoa/chocolate.
  16. I got bad news this morning, one of the core ingredients of this potion will never be available again. I'll never be able to make anything close to this again. I begged, but no dice. waaah!
  17. I think this is my favorite of the month. Unbelievably yummy.
  18. Good advice from Dolly! Dr Stone recommends 10 drops per bottle on the average. We usually add up to 24 drops per bottle, which equals 1ml. Sugared Honeycomb acts as one of the best covers for EoW. You could probably add 10 drops and barely even detect it. If you are recycling old bottles, soak first in hot water, then rinse it out with alcohol - that will get out the old perfume.
  19. A quick note so people don't get confused..the last two posts appear to be referring to *Compromising Positions* perfume, which has the Sexpionage phero blend in it.
  20. It's not that they DON'T mix ok, it's just that the entire balance of the intent of the mixes would be changed. Neither would be what they were designed to be. You'd be turning Sexology, which is supposed to be a more intimate mix, into a social mix. And maybe that's exactly what you need! As far as Canadian men go...I know what you mean, Indigo, and that's exactly why Canadian men are my FAVORITES on the whole planet. Canadian men, in my experience at least, are raised to believe, and I mean REALLY believe, that men and women are equal partners in life. They don't treat you like you couldn't possibly know what you are talking about because you are a woman - like sooooooooooooooooooooooo many American men do. They don't patronize. And when they do come to treat you like a lady, rather than like a hockey buddy, there are none more chivalrous. and sincerely so. It's definitely a cultural divide. What you see as aloof, I see as respectful. What you crave, would make me want to smack a guy upside the head. Good luck, Honey!!!!!
  21. We have to send the internationals manually. They don;t go through Stamps.com. Sorry! You should get your customs form number tomorrow or monday at the latest.
  22. Yeah, True Confessions is in my NEVER AGAIN file. If I ever hear that much waaaayyyy personal STUFF from people again, it will be too soon. I wore it to a party, thought I'd never be invited back to that house again. I sent my bottle to Ail.
  23. True Confessions is for getting people to open up and likely tell you EVERYTHING. Not necessarily for deeper communication, but it, at least for me, inspired a flood of communication.
  24. What Dr Stone told me was: They had their pheros tested at the three year mark, and there was zero % degradation. That would imply that they will last for a very long time. He also told me that the enemy of pheros is heat and light, which is the same for perfume, so if you store your products in a cool dark place (like a closet, not the fridge), you will ensure the longest life of both your pheros and your perfumes.
  25. Here ya go! It smells amazing. mmmm. Coffee Oil, which is rich in natural anti-oxidants, is blended with soy butter, which has high levels of lecithin and vitamin E. This wonderful formula will soften and hydrate your skin. It has a rich caramel color and a strong coffee aroma.
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