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Potion Master

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  1. We've been on the same BI batch for around 6 months. Actually, BI doesn't have that great a concentration of Cops, I think it's just that with an unscented backdrop it may smell stronger, and also some people are just more sensitive to the smell than others. Occo has...I dunno, I don't have the math in front of me, but at LEAST 10 times the amount of copulins. So if you're only smelling a "little" copulin smell with OCCO, it doesn't surprise me that you're not smelling it in the BI. We've discussed this before on the boards, may want to do a search, about the 3 different kinds of sniffer configurations humans have, which shows in how we perceive the smell of pheros: 1) Pleasant 2) Unpleasant 3) No perceptible smell at all I asked Danna to smell straight Est for me today and tell me what it smells like to her. She said it smelled like sour body fluids. To me, it smells like a light sweet floral musk, like a white amber/musk. Trippy.
  2. I'd try mixing it up with a perfume oil in a new separate bottle. It works best on me like that too. LP RED is indeed a really good cover for BI. Since this comes off really strong on you, how about trying a few mls of RED, maybe 2 mls, to a ratio of like 6 drops of BI. (We sell empty 5 and 10 ml bottles in the shop, and measured pipettes as well. Oh, and extra DPG or silicone if you want to cut it further.) Good luck!
  3. It probably doesn't matter, as you would likely be using them on different parts of the body, no? Your oils are best applied to the hottest parts of your body, your torso and back of neck. Your sprays works to best effect on the hair, on clothes, on hands and arms, etc.
  4. I've been involved with this process myself, and it usually works like this: A company seeks out the celeb to promote their perfume. Either the perfume is already finished and the celeb has no input, or the celeb is allowed to choose from a small number of finished perfumes - which is most often the case. (Cher said that's how her perfumes were presented to her - pick one you'd be comfortable putting your name on.) Very rarely if ever does the celeb get to name notes and pick ingredients and have something created to their specs. However, it is ALWAYS promoted as such, but it's a common and accepted industry fib. Frankly, most of the celebs are being humored by the companies. They let the celebs think they are having more input than they are. I was witness to one executive snickering about how this one not-very-bright celeb they had contracted thought she had input, and they promoted the hell out of that scenario, but it just wasn't true. I've also been told that the art of formulating from scratch is becoming more and more rare. The big houses are releasing "types" with new names, combining a few perhaps. We want our own "Cool Water"...or make us something like Givency. Give us a combination of this and that Back on topic - I am stunned to hear that anyone would find Thane sweet or womanly. It's sooo wet fur, sweat, steel and stone...It makes me wonder if you got a mislabeled vial, QG. I must remember to check the others here and see if there was a mixup. Other than that, it would have to be a personal chemistry issue as the other ladies have discussed. Since we do not use chemical stabilizers, the scents will indeed smell a little different on everyone who wears them. Thank you for your report!
  5. No, but I will share the secret with you, and show you some artwork. Can't wait to meet you in person!!!!!!
  6. Wore my LACE spiked Domino yesterday...toooo funny. Me = in sweats, no makeup, dark glasses, hair looks like a bird's nest. Big delivery came to the studio, freight truck, 2 delivery men...I went outside to accept delivery. At first, they don't even make eye contact with me - "where do you want this" with clipboard in hand, looking down, the other shifting boxes in the truck. Then as the minutes tick by, they get interested, start chatting, deliver the boxes to the door, then (and this is unheard of) insist on unloading the boxes for me. The want me to make sure there's no damage and everything is in good order. And I shouldn't have to lift things that are so heavy, etc... I say, "Do I LOOK like a helpless female?" It was the strangest thing. I couldn't get rid of them. Finally, one goes back to the truck and the other says to me in a confidential intimate way, "I hope you order more stuff so I can come see you again". LOL! I walk back inside and Danna and John have heard a little of it, and go "What the hell was that?!" I have NO idea. Oh, then I realize...but I'm wearing LACE, LOL! That HAD to be it.
  7. Potion Master

    Buns of Cinn

    Oh no! No yeast. A different kind of cinnamon than we usually use though..maybe it's lighter and got up into the air more? You didn't spray it, did you? I can't think of anything else in there that would be a bronchial irritant. Careful, honey!
  8. Alpha-Nol seems to amplify the effects of alcohol in many people.
  9. Thanks so much for the warm welcomes everyone! Yeah, I did have a most excellent time. Still purring.... :mail: Nope, just Lace straight. I wanted to try it out pure without the added sexual element. Add that to Luna's advice to me before I left - that some men respond better and even more sexually to Est than to the blatancy of cops. That said, I also wear Blatant Invitation with extra cops and that works really well too with my chemistry and personality (it's very me) and on my boy, but having done very little experiementation with Est before, I was truly, pleasantly, surprised by the different personality traits that the Est seems to have brought forward, which was really interesting, because the KSBF and I have known each other for 25 YEARS, so seeing a different side of him was most fun. I'm gonna play around some more with straight Est to see how much difference the Alpha-Nol makes, but the Lace combo is a total winner for me.
  10. Hello! You guys are getting so good at your detectiving! Yup, I am finishing and charging the LP Winter aka Silver on the 21st on December. We are releasing it with the January for February Valentine's collection though, because we has something special and very "traditional" planned for the New Year's collection - and I do mean collection. This is a special magical set we hope you'll really like! End hint. :mail:
  11. It DID! Unintended effect of the Lace on ME however.... I have a nigh superhuman sense of direction...normally. Seriously, everyone depends on my sense of direction. I can "sense" North. It's a weird, creepy little talent. Anyway, Lace had me completely turned around backwards. And I mean COMPLETELY! When we went sightseeing/shopping one day, EVERY SINGLE TIME I walked out of a shop, I walked the wrong way. EVERY SINGLE TIME the boy asked, "which way, baby?" when we were driving, I got it reversed. Unbelievable. He was laughing at least, he said, "this is amazing...I wonder if this is a repeatable phenomenon". I refused to be navigator the rest of the trip - which way? don't ask me, I have no idea. Good combo, btw: OCCO Pink and Cougar perfume. I put it on in a closed bathroom one day, daringly. And then he went in a few minutes later, and I was like, "ummmm, might be phero stinky in there for a few minutes...what's it smell like?" and he leans his head out and says "smells like girl" in this really cute sing-songy voice that just cracked me up. (Oof, that OCCO is strong. It took almost 20 minutes to settle on my skin. I was getting a bit nervous there for a while.) I brought an entire RACK of perfumes with me, and let him paint me every day with his choices. heh. That was fun. (I like being smudged.) Everything was marked phero-wise, so no secrets, but he doesn't know what they're 'supposed' to do unless I tell him anyway. It was interesting to me that he divided them up into 'day time' and 'night time' scents, and wanted to do the little perfuming ritual twice a day. I also brought bath oils and burner oils and several scents for him. We loved Lorien's Forest Floor on him, and Mapacho too. Favorite tub scents were Odin Claus, and Soul Food which also was the fave to burn as well. And then there was the marshamallow flavored massage oil..... heeee....
  12. No, it's actually an earth accord, as in dirt....but more like a rich moist earth after a rain kind of smell. We've put together I think three different earth varieties over the years that each smell a little different from each other. Figs themselves have a tinge of an earth note in the smell of them, so I matched that aroma from the fig to bring it out further and compliment it.
  13. Without the cops (which are optional) they're not smelly at all - to ME. Remember we have different sensitivites, (3 types of sniffer configurations: 1=pheros unpleasant, 2=pheros pleasant, 3=pheros undetectable). Most pheros smell good to me - even the "sweaty" ones. Est and Alpha Nol are not unpleasant to me in the least. Re your other question - the pages weren't finished being uploaded yet at the time you checked. The option you're looking for is in there now.
  14. Ok, whew. Everything is up and orderable in the cart! Yay! HUGE Thanks to Luna and Starlitegirl for their artistic assistance! xoxoxox M
  15. New favorite phero blend. I think I have found the combo that is perfect for me. I was mixing up your special orders with this blend today and everyone in the studio was "high" within minutes. Oooof! This stuff packs a wallop! I could not stop laughing for over an hour...John John said, "I think she's gone to her Happy Place." It just feels GOOD and LOVING and FUN! I am totally bringing a gallon of this on my vacation with the KSBF....he's gonna like this one. (He thinks it's "cute" when I'm "girly".) Bwaha! Heeee!
  16. Thank you, Kimberly! Made my day. You're a talented and clever fragrance designer, my love! I adore everything you come up with! Blessings back atcha - and kisses too. xoxox M
  17. A couple of last minute PEs to share! These were designed by the amazing Kimberly (of Pumpkin Tropique fame, et al) for her friend Chiniqua. I hope this doesn't spoil the surprise...
  18. I LOVE the guessing. That's a very FUN! part for me, when you guys channel the vibes. Commenting on the blood - it's Red Currants. Once believed to have folk 'medicinal' qualities of lessening the discomfort of 'monthly courses' and pains of childbirth. Currants are a magickal representation of blood, femininity, fertility and motherhood. I'm excited about the descriptions too - LUNA is doing them this month....I cannot yell YAY! loud enough! She's AMAZING! Danna and I were howling with laughter when she sent the first bunch to us. I shall have them up in the next day or so. Not only is she BRILLIANT, but prompt! (Thank you, Luna, for busting your butt to help us get everything up and ready before I leave. LOVE YOU MADLY!)
  19. notes.... Per your requests, there is now the option to further Phero Amp already enhanced perfumes, on the phero page. The new Leather & Lace blends have been added to the Phero-Add list, as has the Charisma Blend for Men (aka Actor's Magic). Regarding Charisma - I haven't designed a label for that yet for separate sale because I've been waiting on the lab to make us the female counterpart...grrrr...still waiting....but I think I will have to bend and release the male one on it's own because we have sold out of the majority of our male mixes. Also, take a look in the candle section. We're doing a bunch of new candles (including some yummy xmas blends - one of my faves is called Christmas Woody :insert Beavis and Butthead snigger here: ) which will be up in a few days, but have added some beautiful lanterns and candle holders already. Regarding pending orders, including all the special and Beta orders - we are pretty much up to date, and everything is going out today and tomorrow. I am leaving town from the 20th to the 30th, so we've been rushing to get these up "early" (aka, finally on time). Danna will be here processing orders while I am away, but John is talking a few days off too, so try to go easy on the girl with special requests until I get back!
  20. These are already up in the cart and ready to order! (See the last line of Carrie's post - she a smart cookie) Lace UNscented pheromone blend for women. Contains a "woozy" amount of Alpha-Androstenol (mood elevator, attraction amplifier) plus the precious ultra-feminizing pheromone Estratetraenol. A dose of EoW Copulins may be added per your request for an additional $5.00 fee. Leather UNscented pheromone blend for women. This is a variation of our Dominance Pheromone Blend for Women, made "softer" with the addition of the "ultra-feminizing" pheromone, Estratetraenol. Still clearly "alpha" in signature, but they'll be no mistaking you're all girl underneath the dominant exterior! Contains Estratetraenol, Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone and Alpha-Androstenone. A dose of EoW Copulins may be added per your request for an additional $5.00 fee.
  21. Only enough ingredients on hand to make ONE bottle more than you ordered, and we're saving it for you in case you wanted more.
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