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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Label by Starlitegirl! Label by Starlitegirl! Label by Danna! And more simmer pots!
  2. Label by Starlitegirl! Label by Starlitegirl!
  3. In fact, it was requested by an extraordinary someone...author Sharon Rose Washington. I have her book "How to Walk the Earth as a Goddess". She's a spiritual teacher and healer. A truly beautiful soul, inside and out. Here's a few links to her work: HER WEBSITE BARNES & NOBLE AMAZON
  4. It's actually LP Red with a ton more amber, well, LP Red mixed with Sugared Amber - and it's still available at Magical Omaha.
  5. Reminder: Copulins will smell rank for the first 10 mins after you put them on...then they meld with your chemistry and calm down. This is the case no matter what blend you put them in, so don;t make a judgment on a copulin-laced perfume until like 20 mins have gone by.
  6. Nope, there was only brew of this one, they would have been exactly the same - everything is mixed in the master bottle and decanted from same. Perhaps the difference lies in the aging...an older brew has months for the ingredients to meld in the bottle. The other thing is, did you smell it more than once? You know our sense of smell can change, even within the span of one day, depending on your cycle, what you've been eating (ie., eating garlic or onions dulls your sense of smell), and also how many perfumes you have sniffing in one session. After just a 2 or 3, you really aren't smelling the true scent anymore. You need to give your nose like a 2 hour rest between sniffy sessions.
  7. Welcome, Yummy! We just started offering the OCCOs in sampler packs, so you can try the whole lot of them in one go. The trial vials are definitely the way for you to go so you can try a bunch of new things at once. The oil based scents last longest, but alcohol gives a greater dispersion area. If you're looking for specific sorts of scents, our new Perfumerie area allows you to search by type of scent, ie., foody, sweet, musky, green, etc. Have fun! Thanks for joining us! Mara
  8. Hi May, As you surmised.... 60/40 = 60% alcohol to 40% oil ratio. (Which is spelled out on the product label). This makes not only for an international-safe-shipping mix in our metal 1oz bottles, but also for a lovely silky oil spray feel, with alcohol dispersion benefits + long-lasting oil benefits. This is a most popular combo, for US buyers as well as international, regardless of shipping concerns. Yes ~ 1 fl.oz.=30ml
  9. Actually, you DID! Yes, we are including the full size bottle of Captivation in with the full-sized monthly bottle special. This special always includes the 10 bottles of women's scents, not the one for men. So yes, when you ordered a bottle separately, you ended up ordering two of Captivation. Do you want us to send a refund, or would you like to have the Pendragon for Men bottle swapped with the one in the set? I'll email you this too... xoxoxoxox M
  10. DING! DING! DING! WE HAVE A WINNER I was hoping to surprise her and make her laugh. Ok, just got the Sugar Scrubs loaded into the B&B page: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Bat..._Body_Care.html And the new Home Fragrance Simmer Oils are located here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Inc..._Fragrance.html I've been so happy selfishly using both of these new products for months...but now I shall share...hope you like as much as we do!
  11. Rosebud got hers in just under the wire! And the PEs are now up! Thank you for your patience everyone!
  12. haven't finished programming the PEs yet, will be finished today, sorry! Thanks for heads up re programming errors on sample page - will fix now - sorry! DONE! Thank you!
  13. There will be 11 vials in this month's sampler pack. One of them, Captivation Equation, will be in a 4ml glass spray vial. (Full size = 1 oz glass spray bottle) Wanted to give everyone a chance to try a perfume spray without taking a big financial plunge - thus.... Captivation Equation. I hope you all likeeee! Remember, it's got COPULINS in it, so give a few minutes for the cops to calm on your skin, and don't spray it in your hair! Note to Invidiana - our alcohol base is waaaaaaay cleaner than the stuff you get in the dept stores. It's just alcohol and emollient, and that's it. Nothing toxic. I bet you'll have a much easier time with this than with commercial products, but not knowing what you are actually allergic to, try a tiny spot test so you don't harm yourself, k? Let us know how it goes!
  14. Thanks to Ail for helping me with the Captivation recipe... I'd been wanting to do a Sweet Potato concoction, and she suggested adding Marshmallow and Butterscotch. Mmmm, I am loving this on meself. Right arm Captivation Equation, left arm Fade to Black...6 hours later, both still smell awesome. Maybe too much Magnet huffing.....
  15. Luna and Starlite have done an AMAZING job, as always! I really love Luna's "lyrics" for With Every Breath, and wait til you see what she wrote for Bayou Musk (located on the full perfumerie page). Starlitegirl worked some serious photoshop mojo on the Preditated Passion pic - great job on that, and the rest! She's really got a knack for finding the perfect shots. SWBookworm is uploading the pages to the website as I type...I know she's got the first 5 up and running, (you can access them via the 'more info' links in the shopping cart) and I just sent her another bunch.... So grateful to all these ladies for their assistance. Thank you, mega smooches!!!!! Still have a few to go...and the PEs to load, and the pheros....thanks for your patience everyone. xoxoxoxox
  16. Teddy Man. Most of us really like that one for it's cozying aspects. It's relaxing and makes you feel safe, like you've got a big strong man around even if there isn't one for miles. A lot of gals reported positive anti-PMS effects too. Works great to lessen my anxiety level.
  17. You ABSOLUTELY can OD with oil! What gave you the impression you couldn't? That's another good reason to blend your perfumes and pheros...you have a scent indicator to tell you how much you are wearing. Too much perfume = too much phero.
  18. The ingredients are pretty much the same as the original formulas (which are listed on the site), it's just that the levels are a little different. We had the list of ingredients, but not their measure, so Diane and I played around with levels of each ingredient until we got it where we liked. I have to say, Diane nailed the G2 on the first try. IMO, this is even more special than the original.
  19. The original Girl/Girl formula *feels* a bit different to me than the new "G2" version that we worked up with Diane. The original worked very well (for me) when dealing with other women and coming off as likable...giving off a sense of camaraderie...(and yeah, girls occasionally trying to stick their tongues down my throat, but...moving on...) it very much felt like a female bonding formula, but personally gave me no self-effects. The new G2 version, however, does. I haven't had a chance to wear this one around town yet, but every time I smell it, I get a little jolt of...ahem...horny-ness.
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