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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. It's only $20 for the phero-add, ALONG WITH the Beta Perfume Spray you have to purchase as well. Hmmm, maybe I should try to reprogram that. It seemed too many things at once, but will go in again and look when I can. Thanks for pointing out the confusing issue. xoxoxox
  2. Now where's the fun in that? Ha! Yes, Ladies I made almost 8 oz of the "Domino" blend (thus named for the black and white contrasts of ingredients), so 20 or so bottles to share. As far as alcohol dilution changing the quality of the perfume, yeah, that's why I finally settled on the 1/3rd ratio. I noticed that using less than that - 5mls for instance, will make entirely different parts of the perfume come to the fore or settle in back. It was a bit surprising. I experimented most using RED, since I have over 20 years with the character of that one, and was surprised that at certain ratios it really didn't smell like the same perfume...didn't smell like "mine". So getting it up to that 1/3rd to 2/3rds level really makes the perfume sprays smell much closer to the perfume oils. Will it effect how it responds to your skin chemistry? It really shouldn't, because we are still not using any chemical stabilizers. So if you have an issue with something "turning" on your skin - it probably still will. But with the spray you have the option of spraying it on your clothes instead, and thus avoiding the interaction with your chemistry for the most part. At a 1/3rd ratio of oil to alcohol, and a micro fine mist, I think fabric staining should not be a worry, but one should always test.
  3. I think the alcohol itself - along with the spray mechanism, making the drops so micro fine, will make anything with cops smell a lil more "coppy". It gets in the air, your hairs, your clothes - all of that will preserve the cops smell a little longer. It always settles down on your skin after awhile. No matter the strength of the cops, after about 20 mins of melding with your skin chemistry, the smell pretty much goes away. But it's the stuff that gets on hair and fabric that I think is the issue with the spray. Dolly? What do you think?
  4. I made one for myself. Actually - the perfume part at least will be offered as a PE for the next release set. I made a variation on Sogni Incantati for myself called Domino, a little heavier on the anise than in the original, and a little more bottom end with some sweet sandalwood and resins, with the mellow marshmallow in the middle, which is a pretty modest, close-to-the-skin kind of scent, (ref: EGG and Sogni Incantati). Anyway, the perfume is on the light side, and I added 2x BI, 1/3 oz perfume, and the rest alcohol. I can smell the BI in the bottle, and I can still smell the cops a little bit after dry down. It doesn't strike ME as offensive, but I haven't worn it outside yet. heh. It's really funny, because the alcohol spray mist makes the cops so diffuse, that the tiny tiny droplets, I think, stick to the fine little hairs on your skin. That's what I think I am smelling - the cops, after drydown, dusted on my arm hairs and still retaining a little of that "new" cops smell - but actually I like it. It smells pretty darn sexy. I am going to try it out on the KSBF.
  5. I am so totally in love with Robert. :J001: Robert, you are just soooooo funny and adorable! So glad you are here.
  6. If you get a perfume spray made, (or a phero amped perfume spray made), you're adding 33% oil to alcohol already. Same thing with the Magnets and BAMs. We can add 7% more oil if you wish. No, I didn't know anything about you having troubles with my email. Is the problem on my side or on yours? Anyone else having similar issues with our email? I haven't even gotten any emails from you lately. Unless Danna is answering them before I see them? xoxox M
  7. Everything ordered before last Friday is out, or going out tomorrow. Even if there are multiple orders about. Everything from Friday on has yet to be processed. We don't automatically hold stuff...we just group things when there are multiple orders from the same person stacked up. This last batch - no Stamps.com. It went out the old fashioned way and I will be emailing your delivery confirm #s tomorrow. Sorry for the waits!
  8. Yay! This is gonna be fun! Can't wait to hear reports from everyone! This is a BETA TEST program. So we need your help to make this work, ok? PLEASE read all the text thoroughly regarding the items you wish to order, and the header on top. Every item is a custom special order so we cannot change things once your order is placed. Make sure you have checked EVERY OPTION and that your order appears correct before checking out. Please do NOT place orders from web-phones! The options do not seem to be coming up properly on web-phones - use a real computer with a real browser - thanks! If an order does not make sense to us, is improperly placed, options don't line up, etc., we're just going to refund it and you'll have to do it over again. So please make sure you spend the time to get it right the first time. Thanks so much everyone, have fun! http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Beta_Testing.html
  9. Thanks for your patience everybody! The order buttons and short descripts are up in the cart now: http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/shoppingdirectory.html It will take a few more days for the long descripts on the perfumerie pages to be up, sorry for the wait. And thanks again for the patience and encouragement. We're busier than EVER at the moment (will explain soon) and appreciate the kindness from everyone here. Kisses! Mara
  10. Pumpkin Shake, Rattle & Roll (because you have to shake it!!!) We're sending this out as a free gift while supplies last. ------------------------------------------------ Private Editions to share: Shelly's B-Gasm (you knew I was gonna get my honey pimp in there somewhere!) Erin's Crystalized Sugar Web Ann's Alaskan Bear Trap Sweet Gaia ETA: D'oh! Forgot one!!!! Lynne's Pearls of the Goddess
  11. The Good Witch Nosfy's Aperitif 7 Minutes to Midnight Nox 2009 On the Boardwalk - Santa Carla 2009
  12. Mercury RetroNaught 2009 Love Potion: Autumnal Equinox 2009 Sassy Sibylia Pomme de Poison Skelly Head Flambe
  13. Luna might be getting a gallon of this as a prezzy. I'm glad at least it's been rich in its entertainment value! BWAHA! Seriously, where's that Vulva link....
  14. I just checked the ingredients, and yup, in the second brew of Blushing Milkmaid (which is the one you would have gotten), there is one ingredient in common with OCCO white. It is one of the Vanillas. About a sour milk smell - the cops do that. Did you allow it to dry down without rubbing it or washing it off? I find when I rub on the cops before they dry, it ends up smelling like burning car tires on me.
  15. Oils and alcohol blend seamlessly. Permanently, no separating. It's silicone in combination with oil that has that "salad dressing" thing - needs to be shaken each time. What they call "neroli" smells unlike any neroli I have ever smelled. Neroli is in fact essence of bitter orange blossoms - it does not smell like cheap men's cologne in real life. However, the good news is, that it can indeed be covered. Any of our resinous scents will work great. Liz's Patchouli & Rose Otto, Turkish Delight, Flower of the Beast, Kapet, Music of the Spheres, etc. UNE also covers it quite well. Miasma should work too - since it's a hugely strong "cloud of scent" type perfume. I use 20% of their phero solutions to 80% of our perfume oils in a 10ml bottle, but if you're playing with it at home, you can probably go as high as 50/50 and still bury that "neroli" smell.
  16. Ail's Open Windows has NO Androsterone. Yes, it's a GREAT holiday stress-time blend. We made Coeur de l'Amore exactly for that purpose. But if this is not the blend you want, send us an email. If you have not gotten your shipping notice yet, you may still have a chance to change your order.
  17. A great deal more! I haven't experienced what Rosebud has, but I find it amazing how our different chemistries, demeanors, and circumstances make our experiences so varied. I JUST finished posting my experiences with Treasured Hearts in Nola's "Friendliness Phero" thread - hope you don't mind if I just paste it over here too...
  18. Hi Nola! I'll put in a vote for Treasured Hearts too. It was designed to make men feel all "nesty" with you, but since I already have a nesty snuggly boy, for me the strength of this blend has been in dealing with other females - especially bristly females. It seems to smooth all the aggravation edges off of women, seems to encourage more comraderie, touching, hugging, empathy. I have this added to my "staple" perfume LP RED, so I wear it often. Works great with squabbly family members too. Everyone seems to be friendlier when I wear this. It's not a popularity magnet kind of thing tho, not "sparkly"; it's more calm and endearing - draws people towards you for that warmth and love feeling, rather than a 'wooohooo fun girl' kinda vibe. Oh, and BTW, OCCO Gold and Sugared Honeycomb are pretty much identical. And you know already, that UNE and Phero Girl are identical, except for the cops. I prefer to wear mine blended, rather than layered, because the perfume gives me a good indicator of how much pheros I am applying. (ie., If it smells too strong, I'm wearing too much.)
  19. Why does it seem like birthdays cluster? It seems like I have a bunch of friends who have birthdays in little clumps together.
  20. He's the 22nd - on the cusp - but I find him far more Sagittarian than Scorp. I wonder how similar is our taste in men, given the rest of our twinocities. heh.
  21. November what? Just curious - my boy is November too.
  22. The scent ratio should be exactly the same. In the BAM there is a little more cops and a little less Beta-Nol than in the Magnets. (Which have Alpha-Nol & Cops). So, a tad more cops in the BAMs than in the Magnets. There's more Alpha-Nol in Magnet, than there is Beta-Nol in BAM. Beta-Nol requires less of a dose for an equivalent effect, and to keep it a sexualized product, I upped the cops in BAM to balance it.
  23. LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, Luna - have you thought about publishing via Cafe Press? Just a print on demand offering for your fans?
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