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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I agree with Rosebud's suggestions, as well as a light amt of cops...not alone, but as an ingredient in a phero blend....this from responses from gay female friends. Girl/Girl absolutely. And as I said, the reformulation I think is even better for that purpose than the original. Uniquely female pheros and hormones such as Est and Cops, DHEA, I would probably go in that direction. I have had quite extensive conversations on this subject with one formulator, but usually in the context of males becoming females, and wishing to date men. It always came back around to "changing" one's pheromone signature convincingly, so as to be subconsciously perceived as a female and not just look like one.
  2. Welcome, RoguerySaint! Thanks for joining us! You're also getting Tabby (with Dominance pheros), Nymph, and Eye of the Storm, since you said you like clean/watery scents. If you want to try something for school, Focus Pocus has our Focus Potion pheromone blend in it, which was developed by a world famed chemist, and we're doing the first market tests on it for them. Welcome to all our new Squibs! So happy to have you here!
  3. We think so! Carnation is a very peppery flower, so it doesn't come off as exclusively a girly scent. Get a trial vial as a test and let us know what you think.
  4. We've got a ton of orders going out today, loved ones. But naturally, we are having ISSUES with the stamps.com program at the moment....they made us download new software due to the price increases and it's working fitfully. So some of these might have to be done "manually", which means you might not get a stamps.com notice. We'll let you know as things progress....
  5. Every ingredient in it needs to be reordered, and some of the ingredients were seasonal. We could try ordering all the ingredients again, might be possible, but by the time we got out a rebrew, everyone would probably be into wearing Spring scents! Think you guys would still want it in March? Or is it more likely you'd be into something new and Spring-like by then?
  6. You'll have to shake it because it won't blend permanently, and yeah, it will dilute it a bit which is not a bad thing, but might change the character of which notes come out the strongest on your skin (that's what I noticed when I diluted RED...different things came to the top on my skin than normal). If you let it sit a few days, it will become richer smelling after the scent molecules blend in with the silicone, but you can still wear it right away.
  7. Awwwww, honey. Virtual hugs to you!!!! We're working on reformulating the pheromone blend that went into Teddy Man. And I have the fragrance rebrewed except for one ingredient that I am awaiting from the supplier. We should have it back within 4-6 weeks.
  8. I think Boy/Boy is (was) perfect for quelling the internal anxiety kind of neediness. It makes you feel more secure in situations like if you are sleeping in an empty house, and you're used to having a man around...it tricks your senses into feeling like you do have your man there, and it's calming. However, if it's the man himself who is making you feel insecure and therefore needy, then I would trust my gut instinct and ask myself why.
  9. ok, a better pic of the little Moon Pie. Didn't she do a great job of growing that tail? She was a thin-tailed scrawny thing when I got her. I'm so proud. I knew she could do it. Soooo... Big D wants me to tell you the Big Nuge story from Precious Metal days... When we were recording, I think our second album, the Damn Yankee guys came over to our studio to check us out. We didn't know them, they just heard we were recording and wanted to check out the chicks. Bands often drop in on each other like that, uninvited. So it was all three of them, Jack Blades from Night Ranger, Tommy Shaw from Styx, and Ted Nugent. We were recording in a studio in a residential neighborhood. A converted private home...I think it was owned by Chuck Norris. So Jack and Tommy come in, and I'm talking to them, and then Ted Nugent follows them in a couple of minutes later, saying, 'damn, wish I brought my crossbow, there's lotsa squirrels in the back yard.' My jaw dropped. Tommy rolls his eyes, and Jack SNAPS at him, "You are NOT shooting at squirrels! Cut it OUT!" and Nugent replies, "What? They're good eatin'." It was so clear they could barely stand each other. To use Danna's term, what a goober.
  10. Yeah! Whiskers of Luna! LOL! I love you girls. You did get close, Katz!!! Her full name is: Princess Luna Fae Puffy Willow aka Moon Pie And I am to be addressed from now on as Moon Pie Mama. This is Danna's boy, in his intrepid mountain man outfit... Buster Flyboy Parfait Furrypants - it's Buster that wears the pants in the family.
  11. Invidiana ~ Batwing Berries are another name for Holly Berries. It's their witchy name. Shelly - read up a few posts, I already answered that!
  12. LOL! That was fast! Actually, Danna wrote, "Fruits of Luna", (fruits that are sacred to the Moon Goddesses), but I changed it to to whiskers, (my cat is named Luna), to see if anyone was paying attention.
  13. Lookee here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfume-SpellKit2010.html
  14. Oooh, thanks for the typo heads-up Pixie! The expanded description page will be up in a little while. (It's looong.) Yes, Rosegirl, we really did intend this set for women, so the blends are predominantly feminine smelling. There's a few that are omni-sexed, and younger fellas these days seem not to be so bound by the shtuff re "what a man is supposed to smell like", so it's possible he'd find a few he'd like to wear, (Mojo, Road Opener), but we did craft them to be on the delicate side. So many of the old fashioned spell oils are heavy handed and really not appropriate for everyday wear. We wanted this set to be truly wearable and usable in today's world, by today's standards. Hi KrazyKat! - I'd use them one at a time, progressively. (Love Draw for a few days, then switch to Desire Me.) And you could use any number of our aphrodisiac oils for the same purpose, as they are all brewed with this intent, but what works best on one guy, may not work on another. You'll need to experiment to find out which love attracting notes strike a chord with him and get you the response you are wishing for. Adding your own personal powers to that of the oils is a good step to take - envisioning the outcome of your encounter as you apply it. And also, it's really really really important not to overdue the application of aphrodisiacs. Do not apply tooo heavily. Roll a little stripe on your chest/torso, back of neck, wrists, and rub it all in - but do not slather at the beginning of the relationship. Reason being, the point is for him to get a tantalizing little whiff and want to move closer to you to smell more. If he can smell you across the room, he will not come closer. Teasing with scent is an art. You want to lure him closer to you until he can't stand it anymore and wants to devour you. Many of our aphrodisiacs are designed to create that effect - stimulating oral/sexual fixation, and whittling away at a person's inhibitions.... heh. Good Luck! HAVE A WONDERFUL HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! STAY SAFE! xoxoxoxoxox M
  15. Awww, thank you for the kind words SWB! HUGZ to you, Baby! Glad everyone is excited. This has been a lot of fun. Decorating the bottles is a hoot.
  16. That's hysterical! Baha! Wiping tea off my monitor now.... Here's a quick run down of the intent for each potion: Love Drawing ~ Draws affection your way. Romantic, familial, friendship, puppies, kitties, and helps build self-love and confidence. Mood elevation ingredients too. Road Opener ~ Removes blockages, smooths your path, whatever your goal. Can be used for career goals, romantic goals, etc. Helps you get out of your own way, and helps you bust through barriers erected by others. Lady Luck ~ We combined recipes for luck and money oils. Draws cash your way. Increases luck in games of chance. This potion is a quick fix type of thing, not to be relied upon as a permanent source of income as one's life retains balance by earning one's income. Return to Me ~ This was crafted for romantic use, for effecting the affections of people. The scent inspires warmth towards the wearer, and re-awakens romantic feelings. Can be used within an existing relationship where one party has become somewhat 'vacant' in their emotions. Can bring them back to you spiritually, emotionally, physically. There's a really strong dose of persuasive personal power in this blend. Can help open the other person up to be receptive to you once more. Jinx No More ~ Hex remover. Trick remover. Bogie banisher. Gossip stopper. Return to sender. Some people cast ill magic without even knowing they are doing it. This potion puts an end to it. Wall of Protection ~ Helps the wearer build a psychic barrier against harm. Protects travellers too, (thank you, Odin! And St Christopher, too!) Goddess Oil ~ For the building of female personal power, confidence and self-love. Persuasion Potion ~ Opens people up to be receptive to your words. Excellent for sales people and other career work. Desire Me ~ Lust baby, pure lust. Peaceful Home ~ Just as the title implies. Can be worn on self, or used around the home in your oil burner, as a floor wash, etc. Blessing Oil ~ A religious-based oil for the protection of loved ones, is cleansing and purifying, and is calming on strong emotions. General annointing oil, can be used in combination with other spell oils. Mojo Oil ~ This is a wishing oil. Acts as an amplifier for your personal energy and charisma.
  17. Excellent, Bookworm, thank you! Yup, that's how to use them. They are charged with intent when brewed, with extra talismanic charms and ingredients to boot. (Some of the full sized bottles are decorated with charms - will list in the expanded description which I hope/plan to have up today.) When using them, visualize and concentrate very hard on your goal/wish/prayer before and while you apply the potion. Consider that the electricity generated by your brain is diffuse, normally, but when you concentrate, you are honing your energy like a laser point, and sending out a much more concentrated burst of energy into the universe. (Think of a bright halogen spotlight, vs a low watt soft bulb. Which one casts it's energy the furthest? Or radio signals....the more powerful the broadcast, the further away it is heard.) The spell oils serve several purposes: Via the ingredients, they are vibrationally tuned to resonate with the type of energy each potion is designed to attract. The scent can attract (or repel) people, according to their purpose. The scent acts as a gift/offering to the Gods or helpful spirits, who may bestow their assistance when properly asked. And, to amplify and help you focus and hone your personal power and energy. To use SWB's example, when I am feeling emotionally battered or ill, I use a Wall of Protection oil...I envision that I have a bright yellow sun inside me, located at my solar plexus. The energy is mine, it's inside me, I just need to activate it. I envision that the sun is growing larger, the heat is cleansing my body, burning up whatever is wrong with me. Then I make the sun grow larger and larger until it is a fiery circle around me. It protects me within, while warding off anything uninvited or with ill intent towards me. Whenever I do this little ritual, I always feel much stronger for several days after. You might remember another potion created by Ajia earlier this year called Castle Walls? She described how she envisioned the timeless strength of an ancient stone keep, and how those walls, still standing after many hundreds of years, were circled around her and protecting her. So you see, you need not envision your wall of protection in any specific way. It can be light, it can be stone, it can be anything meaningful to you. There's no right or wrong way to activate your spell oils. You just need to THINK about what it is you are trying to accomplish, and understand that the harder you think about it, the more honed your beam of energy will become. A spell, a wish, a prayer. They are different words for the same thing. Just like you are making a wish on your birthday candles or a star, concentrating on what you desire sends your energy into the universe, and the universe answers. Action inspires reaction. That's magic. And just a note - we've ALWAYS crafted our perfumes with intent. This is the whole basis for this company, and has been for going on 25 years. The difference with this month's offerings, is that we crafted them in a specifically traditional way, using a mixture of African, European and Native American lore.
  18. Absolutely! Protection puts a circle of light around you, deflects negativity away from you, and if you use it with the intent of doing so, can reflect energy back on the person directing it your way. Desire Me is a lust potion, but Love Drawing Potion is for all types of loving affection, and certainly for drawing friends your way.
  19. They're up and orderable! Expanded descripts later....must celebrate tonight... Happy Happy, Loved Ones!!!!! xoxoxoxox
  20. Yup, it's just those two molecules. Should be easy to blend yerself. It's just at a pretty strong level, is all.
  21. Proud to present our collection for the New Year! 12 essential, authentic potions, LP style, for your every need. Deluxe Edition, extremely limited, in a lovery metal case you can carry around in your purse, (picture on top). If you've got a yearly subscription, you get the Deluxe Edition. (Can also be purchased for $44.95.) All 12 potions without case, regular monthly price of $29.95, vial size= 1.5 ml each. More info later...Happy Christmas ~ from my undisclosed location by the North Pole... PEs Artwork by Starlitegirl!
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