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Potion Master

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  1. Hi Mademoiselle! Hi Carrie! Not entirely. This is such a hot topic lately, it's great to be able to discuss this. That's assuming that the ONLY effect is one of scent/sense memory, which does not appear to be the case. The chemical makeup of copulins also have a biological trigger effect. There are a number of things, while not PHEROMONES in the strictest sense, still induce pheromonal effects. Popularly used ones in the phero industry, which have no perceivable odor, include DHEA, equilin and other estrogen derivatives, as well as many hormones and steroids...we could list them later if anyone is interested... Popularly used ones in the perfume industry include notes like civit and other animal musks, honey, and even vanilla and certain spices. There are obviously no pheromones in vanilla or cinnamon, but you can still elicit a pheromonal effect - a biological trigger, if used in a particular manner, (which is what my entire biz is based upon). But anyway, back on topic... The chemical makeup of Jutte's formula is not 100% biologically identical to a human female. There were certain ingredients chosen because of their "stinky-ness" factor, to amp the scent part of the equation, but the chemical makeup of female vaginal fluid is still present, and that combination of molecules causes an unconscious, almost mechanical, response in people. Both men and women. Whether you can smell them or not. I told the following story to Lor privately, I'm a tad hesitant to post it because I do not want to embarrass the person this story is about...but, what the hell, I don't think he ever reads the boards, and this is a really good illustration of my point... I have a young friend, a teenage male. He's captivated by our perfumes. (He spends hours going through them all and smelling them - he has a really really good nose. He can identify the notes in a perfume like you wouldn't believe. Amazing.) I have never told him anything about pheromones or copulins because he is so young. But every time he's going thru them, what does he pick as his favorites? The ones with copulins in them. I never told him, because I don't want to embarrass him. His response to them is through the roof. He's over-effusively over the moon about them. He buries his nose in the aroma, and says stuff like, "I'm IN LOVE with this one!" "If I ever get a girlfriend, I want her to smell just like THIS." Or, "I'd make her wear this.", etc. Now, he's a virgin; he's never even had a girlfriend. So he has NO sense memory of what "sex" smells like. This is 100% a biological trigger, even without a target female involved. I have to say, that whenever he does this, I just shake my head and try not to crack up laughing - it's adorable and really funny. But it's blatant evidence that the cops are mentally and physically having an effect on him, without him having the "experience" to subconsciously equate the "smell" of the copulins to. And also, in my opinion, I don't think that the batch of oil-based cops that Phil made for us are all that stinky either. Certainly, I can absolutely tell the difference between the batch that we have now, and the indole-laced bottles we used to buy from Love Scent two and a half years ago. Not as stinky, but they totally totally work.
  2. There's been rumors flying around the net for a few months about the "strength" of the latest batch of EoW, (Essence of Woman by Stone Labs), the alcohol based one that Love Scent sells. Now, even though we do not sell this product, I thought I would share with you some info since it doesn't seem to be available anywhere else on the net. The formula is not weaker, it's that the indole has been taken out. Indole is (sorry for being blunt) the smell of poop. Astrid Jutte included indole in her original recipe because it is part of the natural range of smells that emanate from that region of the body. Phil Stone's original batch of EoW used her written recipe exactly. After it was produced and on the market, JV Koles informed Phil that while Astrid's recipe did indeed list indole, she never actually added the ingredient when she formulated it herself. (And by the way, as a matter of general interest - her testosterone reaction tests were conducted using ONE DROP of copulins diluted in ONE GALLON of water.) So, anyway, when Phil brewed up the next batch, he did not include the indole. It's truly not that the latest batch is weaker. It still contains the exact amount of (for lack of a better word) pheromone solution as it did before. What has changed is the scent indicator everyone has been relying on to gauge how much they were wearing. Understand? There's a couple of other stinky molecules in there, that if you put enough of it on (too much of it on) you can probably get an indole-similar smell to come up, but the point is, if you are used to gauging the strength by your nose, you really can no longer do so. You'll perhaps have to trust your previous experience. If your previous experience told you that 3 drops gave you the reaction you were wishing for, then please, continue to use 3 drops. The copulin strength is every bit as concentrated as it always was. You should get the same reactions as before, you just won't smell it as much. If we equate the indole note to perfume...it's not that the phero strength has decreased, it's that the perfume strength has decreased. It is falsely giving some people the impression that the product is not as concentrated as it was before, which is not the case. I also checked with the lab this morning regarding the lots/batches that have been brewed since the product was put on the market. I think people are under the impression that there have been more batches than there really are. There have only been three. Total. Period. From posts I've read around the net here and there, it seems that long-time EoW users assume there have been waaaay more than three batches because of scent variation. But remember, we LP Perfume users all know, that AGE has a lot to do with how perfumes smell over time...so does storage method...light, heat, cold, etc. So the perceived differences in the smell of EoW of the same batch may actually be attributed to any of these factors. It does not mean that there is less or more copulin formula in the bottles. Hope this info helps clear up some questions or concerns.
  3. You ALL get gold stars for those answers! All of them correct. xoxoxox M
  4. Potion Master

    Mother Ship

    INTENT is like our Pied Piper, but the scent is different. There's a fun citrus *twang* to this one, like sour powder candy. Makes my mouth water just smelling it!
  5. Catching up from the depths of 'new-release-update-land'.... Just wanted to send you a belated hug and a huge WELCOME Trinity! Thank you for joining us!
  6. Potion Master


    Glad to meet you, Geena! From your posts and emails, you sound like a gal who KNOWS what she wants! And that's fab by us. The better you can describe what you are desiring, the closer we can get to making your desires a reality. Let's have some fun, baby! And WELCOME to our world! xoxoxo Mara
  7. Welcome, Rosegirl! Thanks for joining us! Just you wait! Lotsa Pumpkin-y goodness coming out in September, in time for all your haunting needs...
  8. Did they? I don't think I saw that post. Someone asked on the phone for an apple scent yesterday too, but our apple perfumes don't seem to move as fast...hmmm... Pear is too light of a note, alone, but could definitely be a part of a fruit salad. I was thinking of maybe trying for my old Ambrosia recipe, or Cucumber/Melon, or.....? Also maybe a musk variety?
  9. Potion Master

    Lava Rain

    Oh, goody. Was getting worried about that!
  10. Oooh, great notes, Djac - thank you! Rosebud: Ouch! The concentrated oils alone...but the cinnamon too? OUCH! I hope the discomfort didn't last too long! I've been experimenting with some more possible varieties. I'm thinking there is a distinct lack of FRUIT in the collection... Any suggestions on this, or on other varieties we might enjoy?
  11. BI works FAB on me - it was my total favorite until Like a Magnet...which was my total favorite until OCCO...
  12. I tried to express in the description that this is really not a strong "PERFUME". The aroma of the perfume doesn't last more than a few hours on me either, I can smell the pheros outlasting the scent every time. It's more an herbal/EO/aromatherapy+phero union. Personally, I have really nice results rubbing it on my temples.
  13. Potion Master

    Lava Rain

    Yeah, definite watery notes in there! I was going for a volcanic explosion of molten resins, fire and ash - then drenched and cooled with rain. Hey Pony, what did the DH think of the custom????
  14. Was that the scented version of Sexology? That would totally make sense, because it's loaded with Civit.
  15. Hmm, ok, not. Just invested in, and already received, a few hundred pounds of new bottles and bases to fulfill variations of our strengths and base mediums. Yes, you can ask for double strength very soon. But if your preferred medium is alcohol, you've been granted it, so you'd need not amplify the oil base if you don't want to. You'll soon be able to choose between oil, silicone, and alcohol bases. And also the concentration for the alcohol at least. Full explanation to follow. And, btw, I STILL like DPG best.
  16. No way. None of the JALN's are anything like OCCO Blue. Jeannie (owner of JALN) has a very distinct style. She prefers non-foody, understated, smooth - a bit powdery, classy. That's what we make for her. Our usual "subtle as a wrecking ball" approach is the opposite of what she goes for. I've got a handle on her style and can now anticipate if something is up her alley or not. Trust me....OCCO Blue? No. The "richest" of the bunch is Provocative Paradise. That one was "almost" too heavy and sweet for her taste, but I told her to trust me - wait and see, and it's been the most popular seller of the lot. The only thing I can think of that may be somewhat relatable... You might find some resemblance to OCCO Purple, or Anita's Purple Puddle to JALN's Romance in Bloom. But again, Jeannie's perfume is waaaay more sleek and subtle...more whispery and refined. ------------------------------------------- P.S. Beautiful description, Djac!!!!! That's exactly what Cindy was going for.
  17. Doesn't everyone get an increase in breast size before their periods?
  18. That's another on my 6 month old list. He's just soooo busy. And I'm really glad that he is so busy - in this corp environment, it shows how good he truly is, to have so many people clamoring for his talents. And I adore the guy, he's blazingly smart and really funny, truly good hearted and honest - his wife is awesome, his tech is awesome. They need more employees (just like we do) but sometimes it's not easy to find people in your locale with specific expertise, and they're kinda out in the middle of nowhere too, so it makes it even harder. So I be patient. kinda.
  19. This is a case of finding a NEW dentist - not trying to transform an old one. xxooxoxox
  20. Wow. Excellent observations, Beccah! As far as the RAVENOUSLY sexual phase of a relationship, it's biologically wired into our "purpose" of perpetuating the species. I'll have to go into this further later, in another post, but this is a phenom I have studied for decades. I have answers for this part of the discussion, but not time to have fun with the discussion now - give me a few days and we'll get back to it. xoxoxoxoxox
  21. I am sure that I have become Phil Stone's worst nightmare. I have items ordered 6 months ago that he has not had time to formulate for me yet, and I bug him and his darling labbie tech multiple times per week... arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? I DO actually have in hand the MALE version, only. But I didn't want to release it without the female version, and it won't do us girls any good, and our clients are 80% female...so.... arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? arewethereyet? Trust me, I'm as impatient as you are.
  22. BAHA! Except this is what Beccah looks like NOW, and the pic she chose of me is from when I was 20 - and I'm 44 now!
  23. aww, smooch! That's Beccah1 on my avatar! Isn't she a stunner?! (She's using my pic - I'm using hers...just to confuse everyone, )
  24. It's funny - the vanilla (WHITE) is not STRONG smelling, but it lasts forever. I put it on last night, on my HAND just to smell it while discussing it, and even after sleeping in it and washing my hands multiple times, I can still smell it - like a beautiful warm cakey skin musk. Lovely.
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