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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Please Note: If there is a limited number of items, you MUST order it through the cart. If you order an amped perfume, and simply WRITE-IN the name of the perfume you want, it is not being removed from the cart. That means you have left it available for someone else to purchase and the cart orders take precedence over write-in orders. We simply can't keep track of numbers elsewise - it would mean physically monitoring the orders coming in all day long and constantly adjusting the cart inventory. Also, if something comes up as ZERO being available in the cart, please do not then do a write-in order for it, because there's nothing left to provide you. It just makes extra work for us to refund orders and contact regarding switching things around, etc. Please be kind to us! Thanks so much! xoxoxoxoxox M
  2. re: 7 Minutes to Midnight Just added 14 bottles and 7 samples to the cart. Constant Craving Just added 2 bottles and 13 samples. LP Pink has been rebrewed and is back in stock. Looks like we'll be making that one permanent, as long as demand remains high.
  3. Fascinating. Yes, I've read for many years that women who live with men generally have a longer reproductive lifespan in general, too. Scourger dug up some research recently which said something like the presence of competition, (an OTHER male person's pheromones), might make a male's sperm more viable. Now there's a dangerous playpen to muck around in.
  4. Here's the page - it has not been changed just yet, but will be in a few days if there's anything left: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfume-Naughty.html
  5. Also being added to the PE section this month is our 3 perfume pheromone enhanced collection we had been selling in cooperation with Just a Little Naughty. The rest of the existing stock we have is going to be sold directly from us with new labels and names. (We still have enough stock for perfume sprays and B&B items.) Just a Little Naughty has been renamed Naughty but Nice Provocative Paradise has been renamed Naughty in Paradise Romance in Bloom has been renamed Bloomin' Naughty
  6. I use this all the time. My (our) favorite is Marshmallow. It has a lovely light scent. Not sticky because there's no sugar. The oils are the same in both versions (scented or flavored). The oils are completely tongue-safe and luxurious, just scenting with flavors rather than perfume. The scent is a little lighter and not as long-lasting when using flavors, and I'm using the finest baker's flavors on the market. It's a fabulous combination - this oil combo with flavor - and as a massage product, this is my favorite I have ever tried. Perfumed, I use the same oil combination as both a bath oil and an after shower/shave smoother.
  7. I'm pretty certain we have more of 7 Minutes. We just have to get through the current orders and see what's left, then I will re-stock the cart.
  8. The look now was meant to be like a fairy tale. That's what I was going for really. A sense of MAGIC from how we thought of it as kids. The excitement and wonder of magic from that perspective. Imagining what the world is like if you step through that archway... The bricks are a castle wall. This is the, I think, 3rd go round of what the site looks like - going on #4. The last time had a black background and Wicca /Goddess /Gypsy figures, so it was more Magic as a New Age concept. (And totally had a hippie aspect for real - the buttons were designed to look like a 1960's San Francisco psychedelic concert poster). But the web eventually became overrun with that black Wiccan kind of look, so...onward... This next is Magical too, still in keeping with my holistic view of what magic is...but the look is...historical, I will say. And although colorful, it's not colorful in a strictly feminine way.
  9. Actually, it's Scourger and her man who have done the redesign. All I know is feeble html, so they are bringing us up into the new century and making it so it doesn't take me 2 weeks out of every month to update the site. It will function more easily, be more easily sorted and searched so that people can find what they are looking for with less confusion. We've got a whole new look going, too. I wanted something that was still colorful and pretty, but wouldn't chase the boys away. heh. Let's leave the look description as a surprise. Maybe Scourger will turn on the new message board skin for a sneak peek at the style, but I'll leave that to her.
  10. It smells like a meat FEAST! Steak, potatoes, turkey, stuffing, ham, sausage, garlic, corn... Truly a novelty. Shockingly disgusting in the bottle at first sniff, but if you're brave enough to actually put it on your skin, it starts to expand into a warm kitchen full of holiday cooking smells.
  11. Ok, I was waiting because I don't have all of the PE labels done yet, so there is more to come over the next 2 days, but here's the October for Novembers...... And BTW, the expanded perfumerie pages - sorry they didn't make it up last month, hopefully they will this month. We're programming an entire new SITE, so have been putting our time towards that, and programming the new pages in that format rather than the old. Not ready to launch yet, but hopefully sooooon!!! (Special thanks to Starlitegirl for helping me with labels the past 2 months. She's responsible for half of them, the past 2 months in a row!) Enhanced with DOMINANCE pheros! My personal PE:
  12. Potion Master

    Buns of Cinn

    Yummeeee!!!!! FYI - not a PE, this is a monthly coming out in a few days. Thank you, Isa for the inspiration, and Starlitegirl for the label!
  13. 60% alcohol, 40% oil (dpg).
  14. An alcohol base can make a perfume "louder" in the short term - as it gets more of it up in the air. As far as hair and clothes - they will hold scent for a very long time, no matter the base. An alcohol spray will allow you to lightly mist your hair and clothes, so that can work nicely for things that aren't cooperating with your skin chemistry. When I apply my oils, I apply them on purpose to get a little onto my shirt/bra, and hair. I put some under my hair at the back of my neck, and when I apply to my torso, I put on my clothes when the oils are still wet. That way, I get all-day scent no matter what. And you can still even smell a little it on your clothes on laundry day.
  15. Did a rebrew of LP Pink last week. Check the store - it should be orderable now.
  16. 1 ml = 1/10th of a roll-on bottle. The itty bitties I give away are in 1 ml vials. The Phero Perfume vials are 1.5 ml, and our regular tall vials are 2 ml. We have our concentrates designed to be carried in 1 ml of alcohol. They are then either added to a perfume base or an unscented base. As Beccah describes, the UNscented phero roll-ons have already been diluted on a 1/10 basis....so if you add 1 ml of one of our unscented roll-on blends to your own 1/3 oz perfume roll-on, you are adding 1/10th the strength we are adding over here.
  17. The phero adds are 1 ml in volume. Sometimes I grab whatever vial size is closest to hand to decant and make room for your phero-amp, but it's always 1 ml of phero concentrate that's going IN to the bottles. You won't always get a companion vial, btw. If I am pouring from scratch, rather than adapting an already poured bottle, you'll get the amped bottle without the extra.
  18. Thanks for the kind words, Ladies! The entire lot is already decanted. I made it as a Halloween gift for everyone, and I can't brew it again because the pumpkin I used exists no more. Some will be going into each box this month. If there is any left over after the month is over, I will offer it to those who want more. Someone asked what was in it in another thread, I believe. Here's the ingredients: Pumpkin, Vanilla, Maple, Caramel, Brown Sugar, Patchouli, Spice.
  19. I was told that you had instructed us to wait everything upon completion of your customs. I was actually planning on emailing you about that last night, since it makes little sense to me. I want to start moving out your items that are ready, and I have already started separating them out for shipping.
  20. No, it's there already! Woozy Floozy is straight Alpha Nol - a concentrated dose. (3,000 mcg in each 1/3rd oz bottle). So look at the Alpha-Nol spray option. The original bottle was 4,500 mcg per ounce, and now you have the option of adding a dose of Woozy Floozy in there for an additional 3,000 mcg, making for 7,500 mcg per ounce. That's MORE than 2x of Woozy Floozy per bottle.
  21. If you're mixing alcohol with a silicone-based product, you may have to shake it every time before you use it. Alcohol and oil will blend permanently. Shake it good and thoroughly once, and you should be good for the duration.
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