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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. It's not as complex as Lilac Wench. It's very smooth and appealing in a comfortable way.
  2. Thanks for the review, Gaia! I agree. This scent hits you like a surprise, amazingly delicious, with unexpected spiciness.
  3. HUGE differences between the two... in both scent and intent. Lolita's Kiss has a syrupy 'butterscotch' quality to it. It's personality is BRATTY...blatantly teasing. 'I'm sucking on this lollipop in just this particular kind of seductive way because I KNOW it is driving you crazy. And this is what my kisses will taste like if you manage to jump through all of my hoops and finally win a kiss from me'. On the other hand, Vampire Bait is guileless. This is the scent of blossoming womanhood. THIS girl has no idea that she is sexy. She doesn't realize that the wind whipping through her hair leaves a distracting scent of wild flowers and greenery, captured, and wafting as she moves. She doesn't realize that when she speaks, when she breathes, you can smell the sugared fruit on her lips. She doesn't know that her burgeoning, undiscovered sexuality emanates from her in the form of innocent white musk and sweet spring honey. Truly - these 'girls' might be in the same age group, but they couldn't be more different.
  4. Do you gals think I should add a little more of the perfume concentrate to the Sandalwood & Resins BAMs & LAMs? I think I added the least amt of perfume to these because the heavier scents seem to be more tenacious - louder and longer lasting, so I was pretty light-handed with my mixing, 'cause I thought the point for these was to have a *barely there* cover which can mix with a lot of different things, and resins can get pretty loud, pretty fast. But perhaps I went too light and should boost the fragrance? What think you?
  5. Yes, Miss Pixie! It is the same phero! The scent is entirely different tho. This is a refreshing, uplifting Green Tea based blend, wonderful for summer, and in the tradition of our Benzaiten's Good Fortune Potion and Prosperity Potion, both of which FLEW out the door. Whenever we do this type of mix, it sells out very fast. And this time it has pheros too, so zooooooooooommmm! Look out! And thank you for the kind words, adored one! xoxoxoxox
  6. There's a cute story with this too, as to why it is named what it is - and it will be posted in the PE section of the shop when it's up, but since you only asked was what's in it.... It's a LOVELY Sugared Lilac, rich and flowery with a white musky powdered sugar. For those of you who were disappointed not to be able to grab a bottle of Marcy's Lilac Wench PE, here's your chance to snap up a rarity. For some reason, this is an ingredient that doesn't get used very often around here.
  7. Sweet milky, creamy, vanilla buttercream, with EoW!! Bwahah! The blush is for the EoW.
  8. Dolly is correct (thanks Dolly!), the only reason it's listed as a product for women is because the scent is somewhat feminine, but the phero and effects of the potion can be enjoyed by all.
  9. The creator told me to be verrry silly - so I used Blue Footed Boobies on the label. Those are real birds! Ever seen them before? They totally crack me up---very silly. (Can you read the little rhyme on the label?)
  10. Hey CC! I think you will like these too. JALN Jeanne's taste tends towards the more delicate, as your does, rather than the bombastic...like me.... And Cindy's (Magical Omaha) new scent is on the dainty side too. She designed a delicate white floral with this one, it's lovely!
  11. Remind Me Again 5 ml bottles Phero Enhanced w/ our Soulmate Phero Blend
  12. NEW PRIVATE EDITIONS TO SHARE! All the pretty girls in this month's collection are by artist Coles Phillips.
  13. NEW RETAIL EXCLUSIVES COMING SOON - NOT SHIPPED YET! Romance in Bloom Pheromone Enhanced with our Sexology Phero Blend Available Exclusively through JustALittleNaughty.com Provocative Paradise Pheromone Enhanced with EoW Copulins Available Exclusively through JustALittleNaughty.com The Promise Pheromone Enhanced with our Soulmate Phero Blend Available Exclusively through MagicalOmaha.com
  14. Naughty on the Nile Elevation Potion Phero enhanced with Alpha-Androstenol Banishing Moon Love Salad Evil in Carnation
  15. Neanderlicious Pheromone Enhanced with EoW Copulins & TAH from Androtics Artwork by famed comic artist Tone Rodriguez - www.ToneRod.com! Dark Seductions II: Black Rose Variant Mr. Right....now Pheromone Enhanced Fragrance for Women Miss Right....now Pheromone Enhanced Fragrance for Men Drac's Pink Pumpkin Witch Oooh! Baby Drac's got hisself a KSGF - let's see what she's cookin' up in her cauldron! Part 3 of Danna's Pumpkin Trilogy Love PotionĀ®: Summer Solstice 2009 Completed and blessed on the Solstice - today! This is the LP "Purple" you've been asking for!
  16. Good points from Lor, thank you, Lor! One of my friends is a waitress - she says that in her experience the tipsier the customer is, the more they tip. Is that an unusual occurrence? I can certainly remember times when I left ridiculous tips because I was ridiculously tipsy myself. Yes, Isa - it's Alpha-Androstenol (aka Alpha-nol) in Woozy Floozy - in oil roll-on form. And we also have a straight Alpha-nol spray available too. Both are UNscented products. re: the Alpha and Beta names of the molecules, that doesn't have anything to do with the effects of the molecules or on whether you should wear them if you are an "alpha" female or not. If you wanted to try for an alpha-female vibe as Lor suggests and see how that works for you, you might want to give our Dominance for women UNscented phero blend a whirl.
  17. Absolutely, something containing Alpha-Adrostenol. Alpha-nol is a mood elevating phero that seems to improve people's demeanors, put them in a party vibe, encourage them to like you and see you as the center of attention. Large doses make people feel tipsy (including the wearer, so be careful). Look into our "Swimming with Sharks" phero blend too - it was crafted for financial/work purposes. Just about to be released, this month: Elevation Potion. It's amped with Alpha-nol only, and the ingredients are both for mood and financial stimulation. P.S. WELCOME! And thanks for joining us here!
  18. No roses. Heather and daffodils, over earth, fresh picked greens and a drop of hay. It's very 'fresh' smelling. I adore it. I'd say that if you like our Betrothal Potion you'd like this one as well.
  19. ohhh, I am so sorry to hear that. Yeah, that sounds like a genuine leak. The bottles cannot be filled allll the way up to the tippy top because there is a point at which they simply do not accept any more fluid - the air will not displace at the top. There's a stopping point and then anything extra just spills over the sides. But all were filled up to above the first star, I think. I'm sorry sweets. I'm sending you an email...
  20. Correct - tonka and tonquin are two different things. Tonka is a vanilla-like bean, while tonqion is an animal musk.
  21. Maybe something in the scent makes him scent-memory think of the honey/sugar glazing on hams?
  22. I automatically smell bottles before I add a new ingredient to a blend, and the last time I added EoW I did the same thing - took a big sniff without thinking - and YOW! I felt like I burned all of my nose hairs off.
  23. On me, the True Confessions works waaay too well as a truth serum. I didn't use all that much - rolled a little on my cleavage and tops of hands. I suppose it would depend whether you wanted that tempered with a happy social effect, or keep it more serious (with straight beta-nol)?
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