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Everything posted by Honeycake

  1. Hi Hearts, I see you like Audacious...and SS4W. I have a sample of the SS4W that I will get around to soon. Hi Halo! I see LFM is quite popular. I haven't tried DHEAS yet on their own. What does that (DHEAS) do for you?
  2. Hi Luna! I don't think I have heard of Intellectual Woman. What is that one like? Hi BlueBear, I was afraid of Bang, but now I am curious about it and Audacious as well. What is Bang like for you? I don't think there are any samples for that, but there is a sample for the Audacious.
  3. What is the difference between this blend and Audacious? I think they are both alpha-social- sexual mixes...what are their differences?
  4. I saw that there was a thread about what fragrance notes are you, but I am wondering if there are some pheros that you are naturally congruent with? For example I could probably not get away with Dominance because that it so outside of who I was and no matter how hard I tried to be congruent. Unless I was highly upset, then maybe. For example I am learning that est really works well for me in a natural effortless way. Do any of you feel/experience anything similar?
  5. Thanks StacyK and NuTrix. I am just wondering about congruence.
  6. Would any of you ladies who have tested/worn this say that it is an 'alpha' mix?
  7. Here is another thread with more info: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7820&hl= And here is another: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7470&hl=
  8. Hi Octave, Try this thread: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8073&hl=
  9. Heather, Is this in your mom's head or has your mom's hubby actually said or done something to indicate an attraction to this woman?
  10. Hi Heather, I am curious to see what the responses are. I am sure that pheros can give some type of result. On the other hand I wonder. If your mom's hubby is so infatuated with someone else, so much so that your mom knows about it- is he worth trying to keep around? I will go back to lurking now. This sounds like a grown folks who have been married before convo. Wishing you and moms luck.
  11. Welcome Fleur! I am glad you decided to come on over!
  12. Hi dolphins2dolls! Apparently you are doing it well as people may get immune to the siggy if you wear the same phero all the time. That's what I gather from above.
  13. Hi Missdarlyncherie! That's not the whole story! That is the condensed version! I posted the full story on another forum and it is a real book. I will move it over here at some point, but I had major hit after major hit from the time I stepped out of the house, throughout the event and so forth! It was ridiculous! Well in a good way. Hi Beccah, I think you are right. I think I had a preconceived idea about sexual and or social/sexual mones - only. Then I tested this social and was blown away in a good way.
  14. Hi Luna, I think I held some assumptions (now proven false) about sexual vs social mones. So his was a nice surprise. Hi QG, It did work very well. It was totally unexpected. I know that you mentioned that on the other thread, but I had no idea that Anol causes others to babble. I thought it gave the wearer a halo of attractiveness or something similar. The thing is that I have worn other Anol blends including this one and it never makes me babble (thank goodness-which I like) but PP did seem to loosen up others verbally. I might test something with Bnol again out of curiosity, but I have a feeling that Bnol may take some skill for me to wear so that I don't babble or overshare.
  15. LOL thank you! I really appreciate your input! I find a lot of your feedback and suggestions fascinating. I can tell that you are really into this subject.
  16. Thank you StacyK and BlueBear! Bluebear that was an awesome story re the doc.
  17. Hi Luna, I don't think so. It was Popularity Potion. I decided to go with that one for the networking event. I was just shocked. Now it did affect women today, but I was in really close proximity to them and had been around them for a while. They gave me compliments as well. But last night it was all about the men. I was just shocked. I would have expected for men to respond in this way to cops blends. Not a non copped social. And I couldn't beat them off with a stick. I literally had to plan an escape from one man.
  18. You're welcome. I really appreciate your feedback. Ok so I get that. They have one image/impression of me and it will take a while for the pheros to have an effect. Wow. NuTrix told me to use my new found powers for good and not evil. I am taking that oath now.
  19. I was just wondering can a social mone play off of the wearer as sexual? I wore a purely social mone with no cops and I was called beautiful about 1.2 million times from about 1.2 million men. I was also fawned over, but mostly almost exclusively by men both straight and gay. I literally had a fanboy/base creation moment with this phero that blew me away. It literally sucked the men into my orbit. I was just standing there. Now with cops blend LP's and otherwise it is rare to get a guy to say something to me no matter how little. They will look and notice, but the social/nonsexual mone really magnetized them and they would not stop talking to me. Women would give me DIHLs, but the men really seemed to be affected.
  20. Thanks StacyK for sharing your experience! I will say that in testing some LPs though it does feel like casting a spell! Good questions Missdarlyncherie! For me it seems people who see me all the time don't really notice anything. Except for this morning which I have yet to post about. But even with cops no one does anything different. Good tip re: someone you see infrequently.
  21. Wow Quietguy! You have given me a lot of food for thought. I kind of felt like I wanted to find a signature phero, but after reading your post I can now see the benefit of having multiple pheros- even those that may be similar in function. I guess I need a LPMP line of credit. Or to sell my kidney one. I am floored by the fact that you said that people started to remember all of the phero signatures that you have given off in the past. That is cool beans. Ok, I am a little scared of Bnols. I wore that once and it made me talk. I am typically an introvert and it is painful for me to interact with other sometimes, but I force myself to do it. But when I wore Bnols (I can't remember which product - it made me feel compelled to talk. I do not want to be a blabber mouth. But I do see your point about getting others to share and also bonding with others. This is my year to social climb. "we all know a genuine "How is your wife/child/parent? I hope they are doing better" means A LOT to people. And people function much better as a team if they feel connected to and appreciated by the people around them." I agree with the above. I am a serious greeting card/gift basket/thank you note sender, I try to be cordial, respectful.. unfortunately for a long time I never met many people who were similar. Quiet guy you are so awesome! Thank you so much for your thoughtful response! I am bookmarking this!
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