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Everything posted by therapygirl

  1. FIRST FREAKING DRAFT!!!!! I've been in such a funk about the ex that I have been completely shut down! It's looking good tho. Kick my ass off if you see me on again!!!
  2. .a..y / ...c. / .o./ ..e / .o...n.. ACK! I am writing my Master's thesis due Wednesday! Someone help! The clue was it is similar to the title of a self help book which some rate and others slate. Fill in the above!!!
  3. NO FAIR!!!!! I went back a year and can't find the thread!!!!!!! Luna, when is your birthday????
  4. You know, Ail, it would probably be better for your health if you just spilled your secret and got back in bed. Keeping secrets is very bad for you. We are VERY worried about you dear. SO SPILL IT!!!!!!! (JK, I love you and want you to take care of yourself and get better, but can't you do that AND tell us the surprise??)
  5. So not fair to tease! Especially when you're sick and we feel to sorry for you to get revenge!!
  6. Oh boy! You're gonna love this one! It is super sexy! I was going to buy a bottle for my ex before he became my ex. I hope I get the chance to have a guy that loves LPs again, because that sure was fun! All the LP men's scents are delish, this is one of my faves.
  7. So glad you're here Lobo, you "get" us!!! Hugs!!
  8. Doesn't the divorce budget suck??? I am getting ready to lose child support on one child and in October, alimony. UGH!!!
  9. Seriously! My daughter really doesn't NEED that cap and gown for graduation, in light of the current LP shortage, does she??
  10. Let's see...they don't censor, they tell the truth, they care about women, they create a safe loving atmosphere and their perfumes and pheromones are the best. Why would we be anywhere else?? Welcome!!
  11. Phew!!! I came, I saw, I purchased!! I feel better.
  12. therapygirl

    Sand Witch

    Just revisited this one. When I first got it there was a metallic kind of note that disagreed with me, but I tried it again and it is gone, just pure vanilla, coconut and sandalwood.MMMMMMmmmmmmm
  13. I have OCCO Blue and Red with 2x cops and LOVE them both! They dry down fine.
  14. I'd be curious to know what M&D's favorites of the bunch are?
  15. therapygirl

    Bayou Musk

    I knew you would like this and Pitter Patter too!! I thought of you when I smelled both of them!
  16. Since you haven't tried it already I would just go with the oil. You don't want to get let down if you overdilute or if it acts differently on your skin. Have fun, Tee!!
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