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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Oh, really? I googled it and they looked like they were all in the Home Counties. I'm in Yorkshire. I'll have to look again. Hope little Rio feels better soon, btw.
  2. Awesome results, NuTrix! Was that LAM you used on the first day?
  3. I also love Verdi, by the same author. It's about a baby python, speaking of misunderstood! Mara, thank you for these. I've had rubbish news and looking forward to these NRs, seeing the sweet labels again, it all brings light into a dark day. You are one of the few with the magical ability to bottle happiness!
  4. Don't think we have that one oop North, but we do have some local traditional sweet shops. I'll have to visit one!
  5. I did not try to kill anyone yesterday and it *did* seem like the world was baiting me. As the day progressed I came to realise that the weekend rage was down to annoying life incidents triggering PMS. I am so glad, because I would hate to give up on LFM. You folks and your amazing reviews/stories (and early experiences of my own) suggest such promise for this one! Vlad, the swan thing,
  6. Right, I'm trying two drops (and some OCCO Blue) today for a work meeting. I just hope I haven't over-done it. I haven't noticed any sure selfies per se but I wore some on Friday and was really snappy and irascible. I think this was unrelated; I've never had that happen before with LFM, but I'm slightly leery of getting grumpy at work. Has anyone else found LFM makes them cranky? I'll pop back later to share the results.
  7. Seaweed could actually be interesting. PM has used it before, no? Seals have a lot of magical stories of shape-shifting about them. Sleek and soft? Yes, it will be interesting to see how these are made manifest. Hardy-har!
  8. Halo, I'm not sure how old your kids are (sorry) and if they'd find it too juvenile for them, but there is children's picture book (really beautiful illustrations) about a flying fox. It's called Stellaluna. I loved it as a child... and I still do!
  9. I've never seen them there... or here in the UK for that matter. Clearly I don't spend enough time in sweet shops. I'll have to try and find some!
  10. These sound like a really nice series of hits! Well done, you! How much have you been wearing? So pleased that your very first UN gave you these effects.
  11. Yessum! Thanks for the suggestion. It gives me a starting point in seeing where my sweet spot is.
  12. Get some goats! I'm so excited to read all about the NRs! Have a very happy Easter, everyone!
  13. Argh, no, of course not. I am so derpy. I was sure I'd remember but pride goeth, etc. Now I'm convinced of the value of keeping a log of application amounts, cover, etc. I wore one drop today to see how it went but did get any obvious hits. I'll try one drop again a few more times in different situations before going to two drops... and I'll keep a record!
  14. I would love an actual Sugared Trees. That is an awfully lovely thing to say, Rose. Thank you. I'm not on FB, but perhaps you'll get to see me on a one of the new labels when this collection returns. I know I"m looking forward to seeing lots of you folks. Totally.
  15. I had one really good experience with this and now I can't find the sweet spot again. I want the magic back. *sob*.
  16. Gosh, thank you so much! You and Halo have been so very kind. I swear I wasn't fishing for compliments, but it couldn't have gone much better if I had been!
  17. Aw, Halo, you have me all verklempt over here. Thank you. I promise there will be at least one silly one, though!
  18. Just so be clear, the photos have to be of us/pets to be legally licensed, but is there a rule about who has taken the photo? Also, I am not a photogenic person but I've decided to take the plunge. I don't know about my photos being "fun" but some should be funny! I don't mind if folks are laughing at and not with me!
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